Help Sup Forums I need inspirational images to combat the temptations of this world.
Anti-degeneracy thread
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You are basically surpressing yourself.
The Nature of the Shadow
At a young age individuals learn that certain personality traits, impulses, emotions, and behaviours elicit reproach and negative feedback from their family, peers, and society at large. This negative feedback elicits anxiety in the individual, resulting in these “negative” characteristics being relegated to the unconscious. Over the course of development these repressed characteristics of one’s self coalesce to form the shadow – the “dark” side of our being:
“The shadow goes by many familiar names: the disowned self, the lower self, the dark twin or brother in bible and myth, the double, repressed self, alter ego, id. When we come face-to-face with our darker side, we use metaphors to describe these shadow encounters: meeting our demons, wrestling with the devil, descent to the underworld, dark night of the soul, midlife crisis.” (Meeting the Shadow)
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.”
If you’re one of those people who generally loves who they are, you might be wondering whether this is true of you. “I don’t reject myself,” you might be thinking. “I love everything about me.”
However, the problem is that you’re not necessarily aware of those parts of your personality that you reject. According to Jung’s theory, we distance ourselves psychologically from those behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that we find dangerous.
Rather than confront something that we don’t like, our mind pretends it does not exist. Aggressive impulses, taboo mental images, shameful experiences, immoral urges, fears, irrational wishes, unacceptable sexual desires—these are a few examples of shadow aspects, things people contain but do not admit to themselves that they contain.
I'll surpress myself if it means attaining purity.
My favorite
What Is the Shadow?
On your journey to discover your inner secrets and mysteries, you may find it valuable to explore the dark, hidden crevices within your psyche. The renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung called this place the "shadow self." It is also called the lower self, animal nature, the alter ego, or the inner demon -- the place where the unowned side of your personality lives. Your shadow self is the part of you that stays unknown, unexamined, and out of the light of your conscious awareness. It is the part that is denied or suppressed because it makes you uncomfortable or afraid. Whatever doesn't fit your image of your ideal self becomes your shadow.
Nothing wrong with supressing it at all.
Don't supress it too much. Have a balance.
A simple example may be that as a child you were curious about your body and may have been caught exploring yourself. Your mother walked in and immediately shouted at you explaining that you shouldn’t do that because it’s ‘dirty’. You felt ashamed.
She was reacting out of fear and you had no idea what you had done wrong, only that touching your private parts was just not acceptable.
Who was right? Who was wrong?
“…what you judge in another is part of that shadow within your self. The finger-pointing has three fingers pointing back at the pointee!”
We can understand why the mother felt the need to reprimand as this is not something one does in public (not usually) or maybe she felt in order to shame her daughter/son she may avoid the child having ‘loose’ morals. There could be 100 different reasons for the reaction.
The child has actually done something perfectly innocent and now may carry a guilt around sexual promiscuity that could lead to all sorts of complications as an adult.
This is an example of the ‘shadow’. If you don’t learn to control the shadow, the shadow will control you.
How about this one of Herman Goring eating cake? He was obese and diabetic. Was he from HamBURG? Cause he reminds me of typical burgers. Well he died at NuremBURG at least. He was a burger.
He was a junkie too, being on morphine long after his injuries sustained at the beer hall putsch, healed. He lived in french brothels after being relieved of official duty because he mucked up the battle of britain so bad and cost the luftwaffe thousands of planes and pilots so they wouldn't trust him to plan a wedding let alone an air defense strategy. He also raped a little girl but the Nazis covered it up.
And hitler was a meth head.. his doctor kept accurate logs in his diaries and he increased the fuhrer's dosage because he was getting tolerant. Ironic because they also sent meth heads and morphine addicts to death camps yet they were giving it out like candy to the troops. I guess that ironic genocide continues to this very day? Especially considering the marines protecting poppy fields and karzai's brother being a known heroin smuggler... We will look back at the drug war in 20-40 years like it was slavery or the holocaust and the people who supported it will be shamed like racist and neo nazis are today. I don't do drugs though, but it's easy to see how hypocritical, ineffective and unethical the whole prohibition thing is. You'd think after they created the prohibition gangsters they would learn? Oh wait that's their plan. Even Mao empowered the Triads with his attempt at a great leap forward.
Nothing like that, don't worry.
It's just a desire that was born into me, I got somehow sick and tired of sexuality in general, even disgusted I might say.
i like the visuals in this
Suppression just makes you more gay though. Look at how suppression makes catholic school girls a literally slut meme.
Do not pervert Jung's work by posting it in this thread.
He advocated for freedom and experimentation. Not bigotry, suppression, which empower criminals by making things like prostitution illegal.
Been 2 months and I actually feel better, hell I feel superior than people who masturbate as well. My mind is at peace. People who feel sexual abstinence and explode are mentally weak, simple as that.
Bahahaha fucking nofap fags. Enjoy the sperm retention, blue balls, lowered testosterone, and prostate cancer.
If you cant handle jerking off a few minutes every other day then you are a special kind of stupid.. what are you 12?
>Enjoy the sperm retention, blue balls, lowered testosterone, and prostate cancer
>prostate cancer
Yeah sure, have fun being a slave of your sexuality user. There's nothing as beautiful as purity.
I couldn't care less about your petty insults, I swore to myself that I would die free of any kind of sexuality. I'm not asexual, those do not feel sexual urges, I live to fight every day, knowing that I'm better than subhumans like you that act on their animal instincts.
>slave of your sexuality ano
Yeah exactly what i don't want so i drain the poison out of my sack for 5 minutes every other day.
Ironically you are the one more controlled by your sexualitỵ I have almost zero horniness distracting me from my work. If i didn't jerk off when i was as young as you my fucking ball sack would literally swell up painfully.
>I couldn't care less about your petty insults, I swore to myself that I would die free of any kind of sexuality. I'm not asexual, those do not feel sexual urges, I live to fight every day, knowing that I'm better than subhumans like you that act on their animal instincts.
Oh shit, i didn't read this far. HAHAHA you are actually fucking crazy and deluded. Bahaha your life must suck so much that you resort to giving yourself blue balls in order to feel any shred of self esteem.
Pathetic. Absolutely Pathetic. Tbh i feel sorry for you. I'll pray for you user. Hopefully you have a wet dream tonight and an interdimensional succubus drains your sack for you.
>I do not let my sexual urges play with myself
>you are the slave!!!!!
Plus it depends on the individual. I feel like a new person, I feel like I am full of life.
>If i didn't jerk off when i was as young as you my fucking ball sack would literally swell up painfully.
That's because you don't know about auto control obviously.
Purity is such a rare sight on this pathetic society and rotten world.
>when you are this degenerate that you feel insulted by someone pure
It is normal of someone tainted to envy pure people, it happens. Such reaction by itself is proof enough, overall I feel someone happy that a decadent individual like you is angry by the knowledge of purity winning against degeneracy.
Do not be tempted by the degenerate white woman.
Do not be tempted in general, achieve purity with celibacy.
Celibacy is for the sexually numb, the castrated, and the eunuch. For the rest of us, there's marriage.
I respect such decision user, if you feel that marriage is better for you, then go for it.
Isnt that the same thing?
>tainted to envy pure people,
And it's normal for people being mocked and pitied to delude themselves into thinking they are superior.
>an attitude of superiority that conceals actual feelings of inferiority and failure.
>Superiority complex is a psychological defense mechanism that compensates for an inferiority complex.
>"The superiority complex is one of the ways that a person with an inferiority complex may use as a method of escape from his difficulties. He assumes that he is superior when he is not, and this false success compensates him for the state of inferiority which he cannot bear.
Sound familiar?.. I sure it does :^)
Celibacy is absolute rejection of everything, companionship and sexuality. user probably wants a woman worthy of his attention so he can have a family.
>i sure id does :^)
Fuck.. I obviously meant "I'm sure it does." Fucking low blood sugar right now. I need to eat something.
>implying you're mocking me
Even so, it doesn't excuse such interest on me, further proving that you're that bothered for sure.
And hate to break it for you but according to wikipedia I do not count as having such complex, but nice try. According to you I must be a failure in the first place, nice projection.
I still appreciate your posts, they unironically do more good than harm.
There is one of those images like this with a quote by a German composer, from the late 19th century i think it was - anyone remember it? Something about tradition...
Are you ok user?
I literally came here to laugh at you, you deluded blueballed son of a bitch. You have superiority complex like a mother fucker. Anyway i have to eat something now.. go fuck yourself, literally!
Such repressed hated. Thanks for proving me right with each post, hopefully you'll find peace in your life, someday, somewhere.
It won't though - you're literally disabled and often results in soyboyism
A true man knows every aspect of himself and utilities them in a good manner, it would just be too expensive to teach all the normies how so they improvized
Look at the poor guy, he obviously has such a decadent and hedonistic life that he is literally in denial that people who seek purity exist.
Soyboys are just people who seek the destruction of traditional values, it is not suprise that most of them are male feminists or cuckservatives.
I will now watch people post here quotes promoting the temptations of this world, thinking they are not.
Daily reminder that you've been brainwashed by the (((conservationist))) lobby of historical monuments and architecture so you could give jewish overlords owning those same monuments more money by allowing them to monetize on these disgusting fucking old ass buildings.
The future is hi-tech and technological.
>everyone is exactly the same and their mind functions the same
why do i even bother? 99.999999% of the planet are normie trash and absolutely irredeemable, with their shit opinions
I understand what you mean but the first step towards that I believe is removing every degenerate sexual pervesion and every generally speaking porn trash when you do that then you are pretty clean if you want to reach a new level go and learn from books or from the internet or even monasteries ways to become even more pure. After that I don't think it needs any more work.After that search different ways
I believe it is thanks to the normies that values and virtues like family and religion are under attack.
Wow. This is a hell hole for repressed virgins.
Also non degenerate art and architecture is inspiring
There are hardly any real normies most people know what is going on around them but cannot think of ways to change it or even do something about it they just need a leader and somebody that will rally them to something greater than this shitty oligarchical bureocratic system
I absolutely agree with every part of the post my hellenic friend.
You can always count on greekbros, you're mediterranean brothers after all.
You say repressed, but I feel the other way around, it's like getting out from a nightmare to me. And I do agree, catholic catthedrals are artistic beauties.
mine too
I think Greeks have much to do offer to this world but the ZOG has supressed them beyond belief with their stupid goverment ways. Greeks are not build for democracy never were they were built for plutocracy. If I see this in my life time or even you Italians actually bringing back glory to your country or any country in that regard I will die happily.
Get a load of this guy
Sounds like a person you could totally trust. But yes, Galahad is an inspiration to me.
I just came here but fuck me if and aren't right about you fellas.
Fucking retarded virgins thinking they're somehow better or elevated by what they secretely crave but cannot obtain.
>muh sexual degeneracy
I bet you're both frustrated incel idiots thinking that all the evil in the world comes from those having sexual intercourse.
Worry not! The whole world is, and will always be laughing at people like you.
>normies are to blame for the bad state of the world
>baaawaaa normies are degenerate because muh benis in vagina :DDD
Fucking kek.
Those "virgins" have thousands of years of theology and philosophy backing them up. On a similar note, casual sex is dangerous. Both medically and philosophically. STDs and mental corruption
It makes me happy to read that, do not worry, I'm hopeful that something is going to change. Hell, an idea about some kind of Mediterranean Union couldn't be that unrealistic if both of our countries leave the horror that is EU.
Well if that's working for you then know what? No sweat of my balls.
Also I could Google it but talking is better, is rosslyn chapel considered Catholic considering it was built by templars after the beef with the pope. Birth of modern free masonry right there.
Your comment has no logic based to it user remove the swastika if you are that retarded and cannot understand what we said in those 2 comments
>by what they secretely crave but cannot obtain.
Why are you so convinced of that? God forbid there are people who just want to fight that.
It's like the idea of someone trying to be pure pisses you off, for some reason it hurts, it reminds you that you're slave of your own instincts.
We get it nigger, stop repeating yourself
>muh philosophy muh stoicism muh sexual atonement
l m f a o
Fucking losers.
Keep projecting your retarded phobias and use those excuses to mask it up, user.
See how much you can last.
Protip: you won't.
>Well if that's working for you then know what? No sweat of my balls.
Reminding you that not all people are repressed fat neckbearded virgins. Actually those are the worst, hiding behind a mask of purity when they are as degenerate as hedonists.
Those keks sure do love corrupting beauty and purity don't they
>Arguing with holes
Tits or GTFO
Also you fucking idiot because you had sex does it mean you suddenly know how to handle women wtf are you talking about . IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE
Alright, at this point you're just here like the other meme flag, randomly insulting others for some unknown reason. Have a good one, I'm off to eat some pizza.
It's suprising how people would go as far as to mock a character and make him the opposite of purity.
>tfw you ask people to help you by posting inspirational images and a flame war starts
asains are the elves of the real world.
I am pretty sure you are 15 or something or I cannot explain it any other way I have not seen such an idiot use the swastika to represent himself and speak like a retard of reddit.
also a fave of mine.
Stay degenerate my friends
Ma piantala, coglione rintronato.
Non convinci nessuno con la tua finta santità del cazzo.
Sei uno sfigato di merda come tutti gli altri che frequentano questo sito, non importa come ti dipingi agli occhi degli altri usando platitudini e puttanate varie.
Yes, self sacrifice.
What have YOU done, you goddamn mutt?
Why are you even here?
This thread is full of fucking virtue-signaling hypocrites.
Kill yourselves, all of you.
I'm out of this (poorly) made bait thread.
You are a fucking idiot please stop now. If you are frustrated about something retarded go some place else or if you blackpilled your ass again go and come back when you can actually make an argument
Ahahaha ma guardati, hai bisogno dello specchio caro mio. Un altro incazzato nero dall' idea di una persona che mette virtù e purità al centro della vita. Il solo pensiero di una persona pudica vi fa rosicare, quindi rosica caro mio, rosica e ricordati che ci saranno persone moralmente migliori di te ehehe.
Leave him. He will understand what we are saying after a long time.
>una persona che mette virtù e purità al centro della vita
Sei solo un minorenne in una delle sue tante fasi adolescenziali da sfigato perenne.
Ci vediamo tra un mese e mezzo, quando cadrai nell'ennesima pippa scaturita dalla solita immagine lasciva su retequattro.
Non saresti qui se fossi davvero ciò che sei, quindi prendi la tua merda e sparisci, falso beota che non sei altro.
E portati dietro il tuo degno compare ellenico , altro protomerdaro come te.
Poveri illusi.
Are we the niggers to asians? Imagine if it were white women with a nigger.
Doing my part for anti-degeneracy: It is spelt Honour.
>The future is hi-tech and technological
The future is equally behind us as it is in front. Why not both?...what are they called? Historical District, maybe?
You did not bring an argument to the table so please stop it.You repeated the same thing in english and Italian please just stop you are making me loose more hope in this retarded site. Also you are the issue of this site site go someplace else where sexual pervesion and watching kids is acceptable now fuck off.
>Fascist concept of degeneracy
>No true Scotsman fallacy
Explain the difference.
I'll wait...
> we were the niggers all along
t. boomershit
>Sei solo un minorenne in una delle sue tante fasi adolescenziali da sfigato perenne
>usa memebandiere
>he doesnt know freedom comes from regulating our own behavior
Without self regulation you are a slave to your whims
I don't think any inspirational images are necessary.
The thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow at times is remembering there is a cost to decadence. We will have to atone whether in the present or our descendants, for the degeneracy we commit.
Degeneracy is something that is damaging to the fabric of a nation and/or its people.
It's pitiful of people to go as far as to justify their degenerate behavior while hiding behind memeflags.
Ignore the meme flag degenerates.