How did you first get into anime?

How did you first get into anime?

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by watching it

anime network on demand

elfen lied
girls bravo

For the same reason everyone else does; because they have nothing going on in life.

Also ironically, excel saga and DearS

i was five years old vacationing with family in mexico watching ranma 1/2

I watched Dragon Ball Z Kai on Saturday mornings starting when I was, like, nine and then joined the anime club at my local library since I didn't have internet. I saved up cash in Middle School to buy my own DVDs and manga as well as dvr'ing stuff that aired on Toonami. Once I got into High School I finally got internet and could watch all of the anime I wanted in my free time, and so I have carried on like that for a good five years.

>wanted to fap
>lets try hentai
>start watching something while fapping
>hey this is pretty intresting
it was ikki tousen

>mfw I heard IM YOUR SLAVE the first time
Anime is so degenerate but I don't care

God I loved that era of anime.

Waking up at 5am to catch the ass end of Adult Swim as a youngun.


Glorious Italian dubs with polish voice-over. Most popular shit in eastern bloc.

Localized series, like digimon, pokemon, and shit, when I was a kid. Then Cardcaptor Sakura, then Galaxy Angels, it goes downhill from there.

kissu shite

I was a huge Toonami fan back in 2005. I stopped after a few years because of vidya.

Later on, when Toonami came back in 2013, they were airing Sword Art Online. I watched an episode, couldn't wait for the dub, so I watched the rest of the episodes subbed on Daisuki. After that, I watched Bakemonogatari, and then I guess I just got hooked, and I've been watching subbed ever since

Dubbed Saint Seiya, Captain Tsubasa and Sailor Moon roughly two decades ago.

Through a funny moments video of Sora no Otoshimono on Youtube.


>Dragon Ball Z Kai
>when I was nine
>being literally underage

Yes, pretty much that. Found it on some FTP server during a LAN party. Rips of a VHS fansub group called Slow As Hell Anime. There was also Inuyasha, but Excel Saga was the thing that got me into it.

just checked the American air date, guess I had to be 10
I'm 18 but I did used to use the site as underage b& for years

I used to hang out a lot with one of my older cousins when I was younger and he would watch stuff he got from the video store with me. I remember watching like the Fist of the North Star movie, Vampire Hunter D, Barefoot Gen, Babel II, and more.

then you have ban time to serve, fucker. if only Sup Forums had mods

>All these anons getting into anime through Excel Saga.
How even? That series was so heavy on references one of the features of the dvds was a separate subtitle track explaining them all.
Although who am I to talk, it worked for me as well.

Real talk though, Gundam Wing and the animatrix were my true entry level series. Excel saga was the series that got me into anime more broadly.

Dad got Project A-ko from Blockbuster.
I was 6.
Dad also let me play Duke Nukem 3D (with the babes turned on).
Thanks, Dad.

Don't remember. But what's those shoulders pads. Is she a titan?

TV: Pokemon, Doraemon and the such. I watched pretty much anything on TV from cartoon to anime.

A friend lend me Naruto. I remember season 5 missing but watching season 6 anyway. I watched Bleach after that.

I watched a ton of Saturday morning cartoons (Pokemon, Digimon, Kirby, a lot of Power Rangers, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Monster Rancher) when I was 4 or 5.

When I was 9, my family went to go visit our relatives from back home in southeast asia and they had a legit anime channel. I watched Trigun mostly but also watched Vandread. I probably watched some other stuff but, I don't remember. At that point, I actually knew what I was watching was anime and started to get really into it.

SciFi channel anime nights showing stuff like Galaxy Express 999

renting shit from Blockbuster

There isn't and there wasn't a lot of anime on tv, excel saga happened to be one of the few titles they'd broadcast.

Like most people, 8am dragon ball Z sayian saga. Picked up Jump when it got localized in the states. Learned about anipike. Went on an anime and manga forum. Found a scanning group's forum. Then found this place when it still had a cake and guro board.

>mdickw busted out her giant loli tits in the last episode

Watching Excel Saga on YouTube in 240p was my first non-TV anime experience

>last episode
I don't think SAHA ever subbed that. I was stuck on 14 episodes for months, possibly even years before I found episodes 15-26.

First watched black lagoon when i was fifteen, then helsing's original series and FMA. Got more into manga than anime, but still watch a fair bit.

I dunno about the other anons but as a kid watching it I didn't even realize it was referencing anything, I just thought it was lolrandom wacky Japan humor

When Cosette I meant to say

>tfw my first waifu was Hyatt

Subbed My Neighbor Totoro on VHS
Speed Racer reruns on Cartoon Network

Truly the height of modern culture. DearS defined me as much as it defiled me.

I entered the TV

Turns out it was only 11 months between episodes 14 and 26. And she actually had nipples. Which probably aren't covered by the "from a non-hentai anime series" rule because episode 26 never aired on TV? So have her floor dragging instead. And no ants jokes please, this resolution was super high quality back in 2002.

DearS was the first show I actively dropped instead of just letting the delay between episodes increase towards infinity.

DearS had a good premise just terrible execution
Well it was a good premise to my horny 12 year old self and my horny current self

It wasn't a good show by any means, but it's still something special.

inazuma eleven war mein ding heilige scheiße

I knew about anime ever since I was a kid. I grew up watching shit like DBZ and Naruto on TV. I had seen clips and AMVs of stuff like Rozen Maiden, Haruhi, and Hetalia on Youtube long before I actually started watching anime. The first anime I actually watched from beginning to end was Death Note, dubbed. I think it must've been because of some dude's recommendation, but I can't remember where was it. I remember I watched it on Youtube. The second one was Cowboy Bebop, which, as far as I remember, I watched it because it was mentioned by Avatar: The Last Airbender's creators as one of their inspirations. Ever since then, I've gone from watching just about anything to almost exclusively watching SOL moe anime.

Fox Kids and WB Kids in the morning, Toonami in the afternoon, then Adult Swim at night once I was able to stay up that late.

Ace tier taste, user. Alternatively:

>Started with Saturday morning cartoons, learned of Toonami from waking up earlier and earlier.
>Catch an episode of Gundam Seed without knowing what it actually was.
>See asian friends get hooked on stuff like DB, OP, Naruto, Bleach, and get a little interested, but not enough to check it out myself.
>Get into that weird pseudo-science magic stuff phase and happen across FMA.
>Loved the shit out of it, but not enough to buy the merch (pride myself in not going full weeb ever)

I eventually did find out that it was Gundam Seed and finished both Seed and Destiny, which I still regret to this day.

Aside from Toonami my first real anime was Puni Puni Poemy. Never heard of Excel Saga before watching, never experienced any anime outside of mainstream shows. I don't know why I didn't just stop right there.

I'm southamerican, anime is in our genes.

fucking underage

Toonami, Adult Swim, and Anime Network. Anime Network heavily reinforced my interests in the culture

yamato(starblazers) and macross(robotech) broadcasts on UHF channels early in the morning.

Digimon, Pokemon and Sailor moon were the first anime I ever saw.

I grew up watching anime with my parents. Mostly my dad though.

The Sci-Fi Channel had a block called Saturday Anime back in the 90s that showed lots of OVAs and films. That was the first I watched anime and knew it as anything different from just cartoons.

I grew up with anime, growing up in gookland.
Shin-chan, Doraemon, Card Captor Sakura, Astro-boy, and Anpanman.

When I moved to the States, I couldn't find any shows that were on TV until I discovered Adult Swim.

I miss being an innocent kid watching cartoons with not a single worry in the world.

I would usually download whatever my internet provider uploaded on their server since I wasn't really allowed to use much traffic at all. At some point they uploaded a folder called "anime" with the first season of Utawarerumono (fandubs all the way because that's how we roll in my shihole of a country) inside and it all sort of went downhill afterwards

Pokemon, DBZ, then Magic Knight Rayearth and Evangelion

Forgot to add that excel saga was the second thing I watched and it got me really into it. Also I remember ah megami sama~ and GTO that I binge watched over night from those times. Man those were some good fucking days
- boi

Club Dorothée
Excel Saga was god tier, it aired on tv just about when i came back from school and made my days back then, one of my all time favorites.

Character development

Eariest memory is when I was 4 and saw KiKi's and Sirited away at my aunts house. Then Pokemon and toonami shows when I was 8-11 as well as Zoids which was on early in the morning like 6 AM. Stopped watching anime in middle school and high school because drugs. Watched steins;gate in 2013 and realized its not all shounen shit and haven't looked back sense.

Yuo actually posted it, OP. I found the first two volumes of the manga in the local library, bought the first dvd dubbed, realized my mistake and pirated the rest of the series with subs.

I probably missed 95% of the references.

Speak for yourself

>I don't know why I didn't just stop right there.
I'm assuming you're saying this because Puni Puni Poemy is the pinnacle of anime and all other series are just disappointing in comparison, right?

Seed wasn't completely awful, but the only advantage to finishing Destiny is that you can watch Stargazer, which is possibly my favourite Gundam animation (also, being able to complain at length and in detail required to be allowed to post on /m/).

I didn't keep going after Destiny. Figured I'd quit while I was behind.

Remember when you could marathon a whole anime series on YouTube? I do.

I found DVD volumes of Excel Saga at a resale store. The phrase "dangle their derrières" really got me.

Is that like a Gunbuster spinoff?



Remember when they divided the episodes into thirds?

The first thing I ever watched was Evangelion when I was like 8, on a VHS with yellow subs and all. Needless to say I had NO IDEA what the fuck was happening.
Then Cowboy Bebop and Escaflowne.

Blame my older brother.

Wasn't a great start and I still have brain damage.
But it could be worse.

Nigga really?

When stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho, Hamtaro, Kenshin and Shin Chan was around. Pretty young during that time and I still have an old DBZ shirt (might have given away).

I don't know WHY in the FUCK, but Excel Saga got a fucking portuguese dub and was broadcasted on Brazillian television. I know quite a few people that remember it but are still utterly baffled by it. Go figure.

Oh shit, I thought that was the coolest shit when I was a teen

God damn it

since i learned that i could watch Naruto on the internet a whole world opened for me

Saturday afternoons on Cartoon Network were a wonderful time for a kid my age in America. They were filled with these very stylized cartoons with super cool action scenes. I loved these shows, they kept me from sleeping in on weekends and from playing video games. I learned years later that the shows I watched were called anime. I thought that since I liked those shows, I should find some more of this anime stuff. I've been living in this shit-heap called anime ever since.

I was a freshman and my dorm roommate was drawing a lot and generally into everything artsy and it's how eventually I got "Cat Soup" video on my fb page. It was early 2008.

i was watching hentai when i realized that the story was actually not bad and decided to look for more shows with story and less nudity.

I saw people posting Horo pictures on /tg/ in mid-2009 and decided to check out Spice & Wolf. I livewatched S2 with Sup Forums.

I wonder, how many people got into anime late in life? I was 26 in 2009 so I completely skipped the phase of watching licensed kid's shows or stuff on Toonami/Adult Swim.

Watched a bit of Dragonball as a kid on CN, got introduce to Vampire Hunter D by my uncle and then years of my friends being anti-anime made me actually try it and enjoy it.

Megaman NT Warrior

felt nostalgic and watched samurai pizza cats

then found out the stories were different in japanese so then watched the subbed version

>2005 or 2006 at this point i don't remember
>the dawn of youtube
>think avenue q is hilarious
>find an amv of the internet is for porn for chobits
>learn what anime is
>watch chobits
>realize stuff like dbz and naruto are also anime
>start watching everything i come across that's anime

Grew up with it, never grew out of it, kept watching more of it. Once it merged with the internet there was no going back.

I was in elementary school and my older sister (Who's actually my older cousin) was trying to watch shitty laggy subs on YouTube on the family computer. This was like in 2004. The first time I actually watched anime myself was Cardcaptor Sakura, I don't count Pokemon.

I was at the dentist and they were playing a cartoon on the TV there, the publishing company or whatever also had released Cardcaptor Sakura VHSs and they were being advertised there. That was the first time I deliberately looked to watch an anime, and it was some shitty Cardcaptor Sakura dub.

Ranma 1/2

>I wonder, how many people got into anime late in life?
Growing up watching just "cartoons" on TV but never having heard the word "anime" was pretty standard before the web existed. Skipping the TV part might happen depending on your countries TV stations and what your parents allow you to watch. Not sure how to completely avoid simply knowing about the very concept these days.

I had interest in it because of how early chans were, but I never actually properly got into it until I was bullied into watching kill la kill.

sophmore year in college I got hammered with a friend and somehow we ended up watching naruto on netflix and it was down hill since

that was last year

care to stop posting and return after lurking for a few years? you make me sick to my stomach


started to watch naruto before i got out of school for summer break this year, now i’m straight addicted to anime, worth it

4 years old

Speed Racer

got joked on