Why are Western Mental Health services so bad?

Why are Western Mental Health services so bad?

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Socialised healthcare.
They just cant cope with intensive/mental care.
The NHS was meant for you to be looked after for a few days until you can go.
Its not meant for spewing problems to a nurse.

There is a reason in the midlands we call hell 'The NHS psychiatric ward.'

>tries to kill herself 9 times, Fails every time
absolute state of Slags

She has ADHD. I was expecting a German to go full eugenics.

being an angsty attention whore isn't a mental illness and if it were...well you know

Because we pretend that there is nothing wrong with the ones needing those services.

Did she really try to kill herself if she has tried 9 times? I don't believe someone is this bad at suicide.

next time call us before trying it yourself

It's hard without guns.

There is no way hanging isn't an option.