Hear me out, anons. The most attractive thin white women are roasties and completely self-centered, we know this to be true. We're all looking for wives here so we can accomplish the 14 words, so why not all try heavier women who are still attractive? They are better for bearing children anyway and will be loyal.
Fat girl nationalism
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I want good genes.
Being fat is degenerate.
>heavier women who are still attractive
Put her fat ass on a diet user. you hold the reigns of the household
Pic related is not fat. Thats normal levels of fat + milkies
THAT pic is not fat. She is NORMAL!
Not skinny, not fat. Just right.
Because chads don’t always get Stacey’s. They often fuck fat chicks on the regular but don’t talk about it. Fat chicks are equally as roastie and slutty
fuck off varg
She is definitely overweight.
if you want to chase chubs go for it user no need to try and justify your fetish
Not fat. Would hit...
A woman who is fat is not less self-centered than a skinny woman, but actually much MORE self-centered - she doesn't care about what effect her weight has on her health or the lives around her, she just wants to eat.
Open your eyes
OP and these anons get it. Pic he poasted is a healthy, peak fertile woman able to birth at least 3-5 kids.
Most of us have been brainwashed by TV and moobies and internet videos to prefer disgusting stick-figures who look like trannies. In fact, there's a youtube channel called MrE in which he claims most famous actresses/models/singers are actually transgender males, because they have such wide shoulders, narrow hips, low body fat and masculine jawline.
Girl in OP's photo is ideal and patrician tier.
Fat ≠ Thicc
>will be loyal
how many fat WFs are there that are single with mulattos?
forgot to add, all the kids have different dads as well.
She's not fat m8 she's curvy
tfw no qt thicc nationalist gf
Yeah that's definitely a breeder.
If you think that girl is fat then you're most definitely a virgin neet who probably doesn't have a chance with either dude.
Women are supposed to have curves and a little extra something on them. They're to care for a baby while pregnant and nursing them when they're born.
There is nothing grosser than having sex with some frail, bony, boy-like girl. Those girls age like shit, wear more makeup and and generally fucked in the head.
Real women don't give a shit about that stuff and have confidence because they know they got it going on. They're nicer, fuck better, prettier and generally more wifey material.
Life's too short to end up with some Paris Hilton troll. Do yourself a favor and get a real woman, if you can.
This is why Asian fish ladies are generally off my radar. Male/Female Asian bodies aren't too far apart. Plus nigga, you all look the same.
No such thing as a loyal woman in this day and age. Their social norms don't value loyalty anymore.
But why a Swedish jew user, why?
Operation roast beef... the one nuclear weapon against feminism, flirting
Women are hardwired to bend to flirting, feminism brainwashing is no match.
Operation roast beef should be an attempt to flirt with all women, epic flirting to beat feminism. Open doors, gifts, chocolate for fat girls... open war
If she has a nice face, green or blue eyes, and natural blond hair, she's perfect to me. Some pounds don't hurt me.
Autistic screaming
White women are cancer and only a fool would try to have anything to do with them.
>They are better for bearing children anyway
No, they're not. They're literally more likely to die in childbirth, just because of how difficult surgical intervention is.
I agree. I was watching the handmaid's tale and absolutely was rooting for the antagonists. Like it's a near perfect society.
>ncer and only a fool would try to have anything to do with them.
slavs only?
Faggot alert
>We're all looking for wives here
and you'll never get them. Sup Forums has been swarmed with incels recently
that can cure AIDS to Cancer
I'm married bitch. Exercise and both me and my wife are red pilled on how a normal human body should look.
>Skinny = low biological defence, less resistance to hard times, less powerfull phisically.
>Fat = Biological defences busy keeping you alive, not mobyle enough to hunt or deffend itself, phisical power wasted moving useless fat.
To what standarts? Magazines? Who controlls the magazines again? oh right...
This gentleman is red pilled.
>It's not what you are programed to like (small waste and thin members and so) It's what is usefull for the survival of the race.
Slaves are also white burito.If we want to save our race we must find ways to have white children without women.
No one here will ever pass on their genes. This thread is pointless.
jesus fucking christ do I love chubbies
As if a Dominican would know what a healthy person looks like.
>jesus fucking christ do I love chubbies
i want to marry a horny young chubby and wake up to this every morning!
If your wife cant military press her own bodyweight she will breed you weak heirs
>Hear me out
Looks like she pissed on the sheets
You fucking retards...want to be happy?....go for a 6-8 conservative white girl.you will actually be much happier....9-10 are useless besides looks or fucking narcistic ...they can never be pleased...you all have unrealistic expectations do to tv/media consumption
>tfw no far right thicc gf
>so why not all try heavier women who are still attractive? They are better for bearing children anyway and will be loyal.
Fat fucks who los a little bit of weight, think they are gods gift t men, and act like hyper cunts.
eg. Ana Kasparian
They are even worse than self centered hot women.
>le generalizing stupid american that thinks that being is a good thing
Really activates me ol' almonds
>Fat fucks who los a little bit of weight, think they are gods gift t men, and act like hyper cunts.
>implying that will happen
Fuck off fat enabler
Feeders are ultra niche
and ultyra pig disgusting!
Is that a bacon made from his previous girlfriend on the plate?
>broadcasting his virginity to pol
You must have alot of exp. with women.....never heard a more untrue statement....medium to fat chicks who get skinny are always way cooler do to personality developement before they were more attractive...skinny minny attractive women don't have to develope humor, personality, inteligence because men give them everything in hopes of sticking their dick in them
I just noticed
holy fuck....
This right here
For every Stacy Roastie there are 100 Fattie roasties.
We're reaching HNNNG levels not thought to be possible.
Trust my posts they start in 88
>medium to fat chicks who get skinny are always way cooler do to personality developement before they were more attractive
No faggot, you were just friend zoned by fuglies, or they're your fag hag BFF's
THICC is cool
Fat biomass blob from Resident Evil is not cool
So how long will it take the janitors to finally delete this thread? 1hour, 2hours?
You're right, being is not a good thing at all. Life is meaningless and full of despair and sadness.
>she is "chubby"
Bet you don't even work out meme flag ...but you expect you girl to workout and diet..just like tv
Being Dominican is worse.
LMAO. Is that what you do? Force your SO on a diet?
Fuck you, Goldstein, you can't make me fuck obese women.
Swol > skele > thicc > normal
This is the true gospel
> You cant let OP be happy for a while .
Let a virgin be happy
How is OP girl fat? Its not even clinically overweight let alone fat. Its like everyone expects a nodel because they watched too much of the electric jew
>try heavier women
nigger tier
majority of the coal burner i see with half niglets are overweight white women
Jesus, the thighs are going HAM.
Man I gave up jerking FUCK
This. This thread is filled with faggots. The kind of faggots who made runway models stick thin.
No. The answer is younger women.
They well better be trained and btw, riddle me this :
What is the difference between a 16 or 15 year old and any olter, when the female mind basicslly stops developing at age 6 ?
Right : they are simply more fertile and better frainable and become happier and better wives.
Woman pictured is hardly fat. That’s fucking choice right there
>If your wife cant military press her own bodyweight she will breed you weak heirs
Strong women and chubbies are both great. Women wrestlers are that combo of toughness and beauty. They would breed you formidable children but probably be terrible mothers.
she's a fucking cow, borderline obesity.
anyone who says she isnt fat is a blind cuck who can't get a normal size women
so soft
Fuckin A pic-related is noice.Would smash.
>this thread
Protip: if you can't see some shape of abdominal muscles or pelvis bone the woman is a fat cow
I really don't care what they look like as long as their heart is pure.
I've been with Staceys, and most of them were the most vile disgusting subhumans you would ever know and if I were an arab I would have strangled them to death, claimed racism, and be livin the good life again.
I'm going to have nightmares about these knees.
It can go either way, so, it's not necessarily an untrue statement.
because they will get fatter
if they are lazy not to work out in the first place, after kids you will be stuck with a whale
Being fat is such a massive character flaw, probably worse than being an alcoholic or compulsive liar. If you can't even be trusted to maintain a healthy body weight, why would I trust you with anything at all? If you're fat it tells me you have no willpower and fall victim to instant gratification. I would never trust a fat coworker with an important task/goal at work.
>after kids you will be stuck with a whale
that bitch is going to turn into a huge freak
not to mention her kids will all have weight problems
> hear me out I don't get attractive girls
> Continues to rant about coping movement for inferior betas...
No, maybe you should date someone unattractive or a third world bride like a good beta and tell yourself this with other losers.
But this is not the place for such inferiority worship