I'm sick and tired of waiting for someone to resume translation of this fucking thing. I'm willing to pay for it. Which translation groups should I contact?
This novel
The translations have actually resumed but from Novel 4. It's been compiled here: drive.google.com
Give it to me bro I'll translate it for ya cuz.
Thanks user. I see there's barely anything in there, how long ago was it resumed? How's the pace?
Just 4 days ago TL user started doing parts of the last Vol, and yesterday he dropped the prologue of the 4 Vol.
Best user of the year.
Who cares about volume 4 ffs? Just translate them in the right order.
The anime left out many things from the LN.
>Who cares about volume 4 ffs?
The majority which is why TL user is starting off that volume.
While I do agree that it'd be best to have a complete translation, it's still better than no translation at all. We know more or less what the anime fucked up/left out.
He asked in what order and the ones being there said it was better that way
user that compiled translations here. Sorry I haven't got around to adding a notice on the translations, Since Volume 1 and part of Volume 2 have already been translated and I need to add a link. As for why TL user decided to go straight to Volume 4 well that's because on the day, the majority wanted TL user to start on new content first before going back to earlier volumes plus from what I've heard another group is translating Volume 3.
But it didn't leave out as much as you think it did.
You're doing god's work. Can you provide a link or the name of the group doing vol 3 or you don't know yet?
I believe the link was provided in one of the previous threads which I'm looking through right now.
I think it's this one:
That's retarded.
Just wait for S2 bro
Yep that's the one.
Volume 1 is already done and part of Volume 2 is translated by one group. Volume 3 is being translated by group, so I wouldn't exactly say its retarded to start at Volume 4.
No, it isn't. Translating new content will make thread more lively and less prone to shitposting since the people will try discuss the new content.
Suzune x Sudo OTP.
I know, I read it up to vol 2. I really wish it was fully translated though.
where is the full translation of volume 2, I could only find it up to halfway of v2
>and part of Volume 2 is translated
Retarded or not, that is the way the TL will go.
my bad sorry I read that wrong
>I really wish it was fully translated though.
It will be you'll just have to wait until the other Volumes are done first or you hope the guy translating Volume 2 comes back to do the rest.
Kill me
If you're an autist like me and want to read the whole fucking thing then you're better off killing yourself.
But I want to read it in the right fucking order just kill me already
Just wait you impatient fuck. You'll stop caring about this after a few months anyway.
Its okay user, kys and revive in a few months.
I sure am an impatient fuck. I guess I'll start learning Japanese in the meantime to keep me occupied.
>You'll stop caring about this after a few months anyway.
I wish
Alright I've added a notice on the masterlink which also has a link to the other translations.
After the vol 7 hype dies down you will already start following another new series you find interesting, get hyped again for its translation and barely follow these older series anymore.
That's not how I work.
I am you, I know how you work.
>get hyped again for its translation and barely follow these older series anymore.
I get what you mean as there are people who do this, but I'm not one of them. There's barely any LN series in which I would give enough of a fuck about to want to read the LN and Youkoso is one of them.
Can you get yourself something to eat then? I'm hungry and too lazy get food.
To be frank I'm more concerned about TL user getting bored of translating and stopping at some point. I hope that doesn't happen.
H-Hey don't say such scary things
By the way user, why volume 4 has chapter 1-2-4 and not the third? Was it skipped?
Neither Chapter 2 or 4 are completed yet hence the (TBC) in the title. As for why Chapter 4 is there and not 3, well that's because another user from a couple of weeks ago decided to specifically translate the scene of Karuizawa getting bullied and Ayanokouji coming in afterwards. I asked TL-user about it and he said it was accurate so I put it in.
Yes, I just noticed after reading chapter 1. I should have checked if those were all completed. Well, thank you for your work anyway user.
kei best girl
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
Literally not (You).
Somebody needs to blow him already.
Kei's for hugs.
I'm really curious how many people who read LN actually like Horikita.
[X] FALCON punch so she can't have children
I agree. I'd falcon punch Ibuki as well.
Apparently she's even worse in the LN and Horikitafag director made her seem nicer than she is.
She was second most popular while slightly ahead of Kei before the anime aired. Ichinose was most popular by a lot compared to those two.
Who told you that? LN version is superior since you understand and sympathize with her more.
>she's even worse in the LN
dont play with my dick user
I actually wait until the vol 2's and vol 3's translations are finished before marathoning reading the TLanon's translation.
Anons from previous threads did. Although I won't believe till I read it for myself.
You're gonna be waiting a while then, like 4-5 months.
I've seen shiteatersubs (Yes, that's an actual fansub group) pay some guy on Fiverr to translate their shows for them and they just edit and time it themselves. There's a lot of people who will actually translate things if you pay them.
who cares about the side characters, they can do whatever they want
Yeah you understand how selfish she is.
She's usually among the top 3 girls. So, plenty.
It"s the opposite. While the anime focused on her, it only gave us the skinny on her character. Some scenes that would have fleshed her out and add to development between her and MC are skipped. Not to mention adapting the pool scene instead of Horikita's own side story.
Whoa who took this picture of me and my girlfriend without my permission
He looks like he's so dead inside. I hope Kei can bring a smile to his face and make him happy.
Why the nigga posing like that?
What are you talking about that's the MC pose
His resting position when only at 50%
You mean a precious pawn who's treated coldly, Keifag.
Not selfish. Hori is like 50% who doesn't give a fuck unless it's relevant to her interests.
cool bro
So it is selfish.
Because you touch yourself at night.
I doubt 50% is seen as selfish. He doesn't give off that vibe, and the same could said for Hori. If she was truly selfish then she wouldn't spare time and effort with others and being tsun-like to help them.
It's always Ayanokouji using the class A excuse to convince her after she straight out rejected a few times.
That's not true. Horikita has took initiative more than once. In fact, she seek Ayano to get him to assist her.
Right, the first time she heard about class points, she's worried it will affect her reaching class A and started teaching Sudou and co then she decided it's better for them to drop out instead of dragging down the class.
one arm up, one arm down
wasn't this a oregairu rip-off? don't get triggered, I honestly want to know
>wasn't this a oregairu rip-off?
That's what the author wanted you to believe but its bait.
a good one or bad one? will I be disappointed
50%man is just so fucking perfect
I want to fuck sensei in the butt
>critical of the social system
>takes the fall for most problem
>chose to be different
>critical of the school system
>whenever he does something amazing he’s pushes the credit and praise off to someone else
>born to be different
>decided it's better for them to drop out instead of dragging down the class
When did this happen?
not just the MC, I'm not much into self inserting, what about the other characters and their interactions?
>“I don’t mind. I’m already used to it. Also, most of the students with red marks are with Hirata-kun. He’s good at studying, gets along with people, and can teach other people well, unlike me. This time, they should be able to barely clear the borderline. However, I judged it to be a waste of time to help them out myself. Until graduation, they’ll have to repeatedly try to not fail. It’d be really stupid to keep trying to cover for their failing marks every single time.”
>“Sudou and his group took some distance from Hirata. I don’t think they’ll participate in his study group.”
>“That’s what they decided to do; that has nothing to do with me. If they don’t approach Hirata-kun, they’ll just drop out soon enough. Of course, my goal is to get up to class A. However, that’s for my own sake, and not for anyone else. I don’t care what anyone else does. Rather, if cut down on people on this next midterm, only people who are necessary are left. It’ll be easier to get to class A. A win-win situation.”
>Not Falcon Punching thru Kei to hit Ibuki
I want to fuck her in the throat.
Honestly Horikita is actually more bitchy in the LN than in the show. The first 3 volumes especially. She got her comeuppance in v5, but the one that dragged her out of it was Sudo.
I see a lot of people compare horikta and yukino for both being black haired tsunderes
Kushida and Yui are the popular kind girls, Kushida however isn’t as kind as she lets on
Also hachiman tends to express his inner thoughts more while 50% leaves himself a mystery
Haven’t watched the 2 shows in a while and I haven’t finished oregairu so can’t make a lot of comparisons at the moment
Premise is basically there are 4 classes in each high school year and they compete with one another as to who is A B C & D in ranking. The higher your class ranks is when you graduate, the better your job career.
This girl has similarities to Yukino.
Another girl seems like Yui at first but is actually a two-sided bitch who hates previous girl.
There's no dere in Horikita, and Yukino is actually tame and cute if you compare them.
Where's the deciding part? She's just saying and being harsh about the truth. Those idiots did come to the study group and she did teach them. She even lowered her score for them.
Cant wait for kei to stalk mc date with sakura and satou
yeah idunno I guess I meant cold?
I know Yukino warms up to hachiman later on but since I’ve only watched the 1st season she seemed kind of mean from my perspective
Horikta can apply to that too I guess
>Where's the deciding part
Are you serious? And yeah she did teach them, by being a bitch at it.