What happened to our military?
Anti Gun Army General does not know how to shoot a Rifle
Other urls found in this thread:
>have a bachelors in art history
>join army when their desperate as fuck for recruits
>eventually become general
kek us military
He’s Jewish.
You'd think he would have been smart enough to find someone to show him how to hold a rifle before he went on National TV and embarrassed himself.
the general is the guy in the green shirt, the reporter is the one actually shooting in the vid
Christian supposedley but he’s an anti gun democrat with jew face. He gets a big yellow star.
Unless you are in Infantry you probably never touch a rifle again as an officer after 2nd Lt.
He has that typical rat face.
Reminder to all the faggots who keep saying the army won’t ever turn on us, wake up and smell the ashes of our army niggers, we have assholes like this guy in command and many more, not to mention our army is nigger and spic infested, i don’t see the marines or air force ever turning on us, but the army? Fuck man
Qualifying is quarterly. He needs to replace his training NCO.
Big fan of IDF.
nevermind i just watched the whole bideo were fucked
this wtf
This. All volunteer military just means everyone uses it as a last resort and it attracts all the dregs of society.
Much of command is kiked but the real boots on the ground and many many other higgh ranking people in critical positions will defect to the righteous side of the people, most will in my opinion.
No it isnt.
Why would a general need to know how to fire a gun ? You sound like Austrians making fun of Nalopeon sword skills after getting crushed at Austerlitz
Have they recruited nothing but faggots for the last 20 years?
Air Force would sell us out for new office full of comfy chairs fuck you talking about bitches ain’t loyal and marines probably has more spics than army but I do agree marines would most likely be on our side
Is it yearly? I was in a chemical company attached to a support brigade and we hit the range every third Thursday. Thursdays being our sargents time training and qualified every 3 months. This was fort Richardson about 8 years ago though.
It just seems prudent for any soldier regardless of rank to be able to utilize the most basic of military weaponry.
Qualifying is yearly for non line and 6 months for line.
It seems like a waste of time, having him training with guns would just reassurate idiots living in the past like the retard in OP vid.
Generals must learn how modern weapons work and their effects (drones, ballistic missiles, fighter planes,etc...). By the time this guy needs to fire some fin,the war will be long lost.
With the progress of drones and robotics,it's not such a long shot to say 95% of military personnel shouldn't train with guns in 10years
Fucking idiot
I'm sticking to my guns. A soldier that cannot fire a rifle is useless.
It would be nice if the so called gun expert knew how to time a flash hider correctly, Maybe his wife's son plays COD and can give him a few tips before making an ass of himself next time
Auto correct/ Predictive text. I'm glad your contribution and my retort could add so much depth to the thread.
>Officers are soooo useless
Whaleshit detected.
>I'm sticking to my guns. A soldier that cannot fire a rifle is useless.
I'm sticking to my bow. A soldier who cannot string a bow is useless.
Its a basic soldier skill. That man should resign his commission immidiately.
Yeah no you look like a smacked ass on the range or in any other part of your training regardless of rank and it reflects badly on you. There's always someone above you looking down and someone right next to you trying to look better.
Here’s the video of him from CNN
What happened? DIVERSITY! The recruiters get paid more to bring in women and minorities. Instead of the best and brightest
There are over 15,000 Transgenders active in the US military.
is that general one of them?
>doesn't know how frequently Soldiers are required to qualify with their primary weapon
>misspells segeant
Let me guess, honorable discharge following 18 months on AWCP
No idea, but nothing surprises me about what fags do anymore
I'm sticking to my stones. A soldier that cannot throw rocks is useless.
20 plus year Army user here, now retired. Spent two years on the trail at Knox as a Drill Sergeant. This "General" is indicative of the Obama era faggots who got to pin on stars. Pieces of shit who couldn't pour piss out of a boot. I guarantee you as a Lieutenant he was carried by his platoon Sergeant, as a captain by his First Sergeant, and by his Sergeants Major as a field grade all the way to his three stars.
I hate officers as a general rule. I have met two or three that were high speed and worthy of the salute. Men I would follow. Assclowns like this are not on the fuckin list.
>The recruiters get paid more to bring in women and minorities.
No they don't. Special duty pay is based on the job. Do push ups faggot.
>joining the Israeli war orcs in anno dommini 2018
That's the lyingest bunch of bullshit I've heard since CNN's election coverage.
You know it. This was in 2010 so sorry if I'm back to 100% civi. They let me choose from huge list of most and just happened to pick 74D as the outdated video made it look pretty rad. It played out differently. It wasn't bad it just seemed like a huge waste of time and money.
Thing is, drones are completely useless against a peer power, since electronic warfare easily destroys them. Drones are only useful when your bombing sandniggers hiding with families. GTFO with your science fiction fantasies.
I laughed way too hard at this.
>marines probably has more spics than army but I do agree marines would most likely be on our side
The whole reason for the aliens in the military is so they'll kill White civilians, Op.
He's a Lt. General. Have to be a full general to get rifle training, I think.
Go to an office and walk in. Seriously. They have a program for new recruits and they get points for bringing people in. And women are worth more points than men
Guy was an Officer what do you expect? Only thing they are good for is signing paperwork and getting in the way.
-Former NCO.
who is George Patton
That was then this is now.
Retired last year after 22 years of Active Duty. I met very VERY few Officers worth fuck all during that whole time. And most of em were prior Enlisted. Granted after I fucked up my back I got stuck in S shop hell but I still stand by what I said.
I imagine most WW2 era officers were pretty competent "as they were fighting a giant war, most fuck ups would wash out" and this was also before the military was made more inclusive and "democratic"
Everything you guys just said is correct
only relevant posts
the nose knows
Not limited to the chicken-winging faggot general.
Take a look at Major General Darrel Williams and how he grips a Beretta M9. It's a surprise he even can get on paper.
That picture is hilarious, he looks like a Gorilla gripping his gun, and his lips all puckered up lol
Why the racism?
Why GOs have a Security Detail. Keep random strangers from disturbing them while they check their stock portfolios on the NIPR net.
Sidearm is just there so they can get into the DFAC in Kandahar, Ali Al Salem, Arifjan, Manas or whatever rear area they are chilling in.
Why not?
>be me
>be learning to shoot years ago
>have never handled a long gun other than a .22
>be using Dad's almost 50 year old .30-30
>shoot a better grouping than that general
Wasn't his grouping mixed with the CNN reporter's?
Is he one of the Obama-appointed toadies?
I actually knew him believe it or not. I was in the 1AD division hhc, sent there on change of orders at Heidelberg. Fucking hated every second of it. He was a MG than, it was before Obama. He wasn’t a bad guy as I knew him but I was a private and didn’t know shit except that I wanted to be killing and destroying shit.