What's the best kind of build to completely defeat the cock ?
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Can't beat the cock.
Everyone knows it starts with the personality, but I've also learned that ~95% traps look like lolis, so if you don't want to bump uglies with another dude, avoid twigs and kids (which you should be doing anyway, you sick pedo-fucks out there)
Personally, I prefer a little T&A. Not to mention some smooth thigh action. Nothing cartoonish, mind you. Yanderes and Tsunderes need not apply, as well as people with unnatural hair colors (seen it irl and it is not nearly as nice as the 2D), large tattoos, or excessive piercings. A tasteful earring or two is fine, but even the smallest ear gauge is a turn off for me.
Set CHA to 3. The best way is to just avoid it.
Only cock can defeat cock
I felt my virginity level increase just by reading this.
Prepare a self-destruct sequence and end it in a draw.
a bigger cock is the only thing that can defeat a cock
50% EVA
50% INT
Thine dick is henceforth slain.
100% mental Strength
Summon a truck. Japanese trucks can cockblock anything.
But what if, now listen to this, what if the OPPOSITE is true?
Iron loli crit build, OP.
It took a while but the series in the OP finally defeated the Japanese truck in the end.
Both is correct. No fat chicks and homo pls.
What is CHA?
here's a handy guide
voman has no penish vatever and sho on *sniffs*
18 cha makes you Griffith?
Obviously - he charmed whole bunch of people.
any instances where the girl just chomps the guy's dingaling
Not the cock.
CHA is not physical appearance. Someone can be the ugliest motherfucker in the world and have massive CHA if they know how to act and what to say to make people ignore how they look and do what they want. That said, it doesn't hurt to be pretty.
I wouldn't doubt it. Hence why I haven't fapped in almost a year. I can't stand to even look at my penis anymore.
50% intelligence, rest points to tits.
Pure AGI build
They can't beat you if they can't catch you
what if you lose to pussy?
came here expecting this
If you can't bear them, join them?
Case in point, Hitler would be an IRL example of somebody with 18+ CHA
Attractiveness can be seen as a buff/debuff to overall CHA. Obviously the more attractive you are the higher your baseline charisma is.
schrodinger's trap
>that moment the rapists try to go anal and she kicks him in the balls & fucks him up
No, you fool, it only makes cock stronger!
They successfully did anal sex and cummed inside user, you are delusional
pic unrelated
I'm a healthy boy so my dick gets off to anything, it depends on how horny I am.
But lets say I can choose how I want my girl.
She will either be a girl at least as fit as I am, with a bit of abs and muscles, strong personality that would go into full dom state once in a while.
Or a small loli half my size, be she shy or perverted, who I could completely ravage with my dick and she would still come back for more.
Totally opposites I guess, but its what I like.
Hellhound build.
Stealth archer.
so build mkb to destroy eva and max attk speed
Cat is so perfect
>they lost super hard & beyond any possible measure
I don't really understand. How can you win in this.
Hanekawa is the best
It's literally impossible.
Thick lower body
This desu. Charisma is "strength of personality" and represents your ability to influence others.
Only the mom. They got pregnant and had to find some trusted clinic to abort. Now, if you're talking about Musa by Mashiraga Aki on the other hand, that's the real mental strength.
Mom's birth canal got split into a thousand pieces user
>that face
>edited panel
Well, fuck. I need my regular amount of josou seme stuff.
Pussy/Asshole/Mouth always defeats the cock everytime
stop it
catfags go away
t. 4" dicklet
I always makes them cum at least 5 times before releasing my load in her womb
The cock can't be bested, but the man attached may. The cock is never at fault, for the cock is a pure tool of subjugation. Those who put their faith in the cock and wield it as a natural extension of themselves will always find victory. Always remember that, friend. Also I've read that doujin. 10/10 transfag btfo.
Sauce of said doujin?
>He thinks the tachibanas beat the cock
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Muscley girls
Succubus, their existence is to beat cocks.
And now I have to fap again. Thanks.
No one can defeat the cock. Not even us. Why do you think we jerk off so much? We too are slaves to cock.
Cat has a lewd body
I don't remember this happening. Then again, this shit has so many sequels and side-stories I probably haven't even read it yet.
For Araragi
I want to smash this pussy
Unironically, Sakura. not only she defeated the cock, she tamed it like a champ
Jesus Christ, this post reeks of newfaggotry. Go back to where you came from.
Shaoran is an eunuch tho.
I know it's a joke question, but I can't think of even a single hentai or doujin where the cock is actually beaten.
The mouth.
The hot girl that's one in many thousands will always control and own your dick if she cares to. As much as wanking to hentai makes you think otherwise.
The other day I read a thing with 2 little girls that were twins and they both defeated the cock with their extreme lust.
So that, twin lewd lolis can beat the cock.
>When she throws down the "american" that's been giving her the business and gets revenge on her
Pure kino.
The mom is the one that actually went through with the kid and continued fucking.
lolis are the weakest though
only the young daughter resisted
Fucking delet this
Loli sorceress.
holy shit source
Sup Forums1041830/3d157734ed/
>he doesn’t recognize this pasta
Jesus Christ everyone from post 2007 needs to be banned