Is this the most nu male way of explaining gun control?
Fucking cats?
Is this how they like, brainwash kids these days?
Is this the most nu male way of explaining gun control?
Made it 1:34 seconds. The guy keeps his cute cat (gun) in the window?
>every school shooter was bullied in school
>some kill themselves
>some shoot up the school as an act of revenge
what do?
Oh, i know, let's take the guns away so we can keep bullying others without the fear of the consequence that he might turn up one day with a gun and is blowing our brains out!
how about not bullying others?
i hate this millenial art style a lot.
>there are good guns and bad guns
>how about not bullying others?
How about you quit being a fag? Bullying is important.
bullying is targeted mental and physical harassment over time
making fun of someone once for being fat or stupid is not bullying, it is just being mean.
>Bullying is important.
So are guns.
some banter is okay or normal, bullying is a complete different story
HOW can these people not understand that it's not the guns BUT THE FUCKING PEOPLE WIELDING THE GUNS FUCK
>how about not bullying others?
normies can't comprehend this
no boys theres blame on both sides. That being not being a chad enough to deal with it socially by retaliating back in a comedic fasion or just accept what they say and take it as bants. and the other being unnecessarly bullying people to suscide for no reason without any cop on both sides are equally pathetic at the extremes also the video is extremly homosexual and i wish i could bully the faggot who made it into shooting a school right now
talk to them and you will see...
it's always funny if you talk with them and they are like "so you dont have the urge to kill with that machine when you hold it in your hands?" aka. projecting their own mental fuckups onto others
lib turds are like these autistic children who have all these crazy thoughts like and the urge to act according to them
... what will happen if i hit this other kid with the hammer on the head a few times?
... what will happen if open the emergency exit in an airplane in the middle of the flight?
... what will happen when i will just open the car door on a highway while driving 200km/h and im jumping out?
... what will happen if i put my hand on a hot stove
... what will happen if i stick 2 screwdrivers into this socket?
now they have a gun in their hands and are like "what will happen if i go out and just randomly execute people?" and "how does it feel like to kill people?"
that's why they blame the gun, because in their mind, the gun manipulates their thoughts by telepathy - telling them "kill kill kill"
that's why they blame the gun, not the gunman because "hurr durr, the gun made them doing it!!!"
a good example is that twitter post from that crazy libturd bitch who claimed that she could easily disarm the open carrying guy infront of her in line (take the gun out of his holster) and take him hostage
t. Kike shill
The person who made this is a Jewish shill anyway so what do you expect?
>meme flag
nigger lover
time to blow up the comment section
once they take your gnus they'll start taking away your butter knives and arresting you for telling pajeet to fuck off
t. meme flag coward
Made it 27 secs before the utter retardedness prevented any further watching. Comparing an animate thinking creature to an inanimate too is disengenius at best.
His cat never protected him, he's not using his cat the right way lol
>AR-15s aren't "regular" guns
What a retard.
Stay strong.