ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
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who starts?
I got a character who literally didn't do nothing, does he count?
They died for the greater good
He went to the local school to take upskirts of the schoolgirls, that's something.
These threads only work if you post characters who are morally reprehensible, not morally-grey-at-worst characters. It's just not the same.
You already know.
How would cuddling with Tanya feel like ?
Just replying because anyone that watched Etotama is an awesome person.
>Tanya not doing anything wrong
He literally viewed and collected cp.
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This character is trash who did everything wrong.
Even if you think Tanya's intentions were never wrong, she still fuck ups quite a bit.
Is manga okay?
>inb4 "muh westerland"
he did everything wrong.
Fuck off, Guts. You're a cuck.
That blonde chick was way worse t b h
>Civilians are supposed to protect the soldiers and not the other way around
OP didn't specify and manga is on topic with this board, so go for it.
Still the worst.
Degeneracy has to be purged
Protecting lolis is always right
THAT BITCH stole Table-kun's chastity!
Hi there moralfags, don't mind me, just raping Casca real quick.
moralfags get out
Dad of the decade, A+ rod, it was all for science and totally worth it.
Thosr armpits would make one to want to do something wrong.
It was the author's choice to resurrect him and kill the second most popular character. Not his. He was literally dead when it happened, so anyone blaming him and his fags for it are mentally retarded.
Wrong OTP.
God bless CY.
tortured his wife and let the village crazy lady get murdered even when he knew she was right
Score one team traitor monk, team worthless doctor zero
Never forget that it's always right to love loli
I hope a mysterious being that can not DEFINITELY be described as God gives you cancer.
Rerugen + Tanya is the GOAT OTP even if he gets hung for war crimes in the LN
Kawacy. The artist.
Half the time they sign their name 河CY, so I wind up calling them just "CY".
i mean he did do it for science amirite
Please that's just serval trying to recreate kaban
Funky helmet to hide her extra ears
Fluffy arms but not legs
Fluffy tail that has continuity problems
Subarashi/tanoshii pose