Why are black people so bad at tipping? Is it because their hearts are as black as their skin?
Based white athletes showing respect.
Why are black people so bad at tipping? Is it because their hearts are as black as their skin?
Based white athletes showing respect.
regardless of the culture of tipping among african americans, this story isn't really a good indicator of anything
Michael Jordan is reportedly an infamous scumbag in all aspects of life.
Tipping is a retarded culture you stupid commie.
All rich black atheletes are shit. My sister worked at a club and said Rip Hamilton was the worst tipper ever
Even Lebron is cheap af
you don't tip in communist countries you cuckdog gayonaire
I don't get this tipping culture. Why should you tip? When you paid for the food already. What are you stupid or worse a communist?
what is this stupid shit
why should someone get any money for bringing a fucking beverage to a table
It's partly because they're cheap, but it's also because it's a stupid custom that most of the world rightly looks down on. Only American "white" people seem to allow themselves to be guilt tripped into giving away their money like this.
Lmao what the fuck are you on? Five dollars is completely reasonable when the person just fucking handed you a glass.
because we value good service
White Hockey player tips better than Black basketball player ergo all black people are soulless monsters.
Are you an actual fucking retard or are you reverse trolling POL?
White servers don't deserve tips, for a multitude of reasons.
niggers are right on this issue. wanna tip? get a real job. $100 to hand me a drink?! suck my ass
True, but since he's rich it's expected of him to tip big especially in Las Vegas.
more like white hockey player fucks waitress infront of black basketball player
What about the tip you give at birth?
I gave your ugly mum my tip last night, right into her pussy.
In America tipped jobs are paid and taxed differently with their tips taken into consideration. This is different from Europe or Japan were there is no tipping because said workers would get paid accordingly.
It's a cultural thing. Though to be fair, upper middle class white men were always the best tippers.
if you've been tipped lately, you're soon to be replaced by a robot
> ayo gibsmedat u rich ass mofucka
Communist talk
All white people tip better then black people
Are you fucking retarded?
Subhumans have a lack of empathy.
So charity is what gives you good service? Everybody should be tipped then the Professor, Janitor heck even President right?
What does this even mean? How is this a rebuttal?
because to have money to tip, you must not spend it on grape soda and candy
>give some nigger a glass of water
>make more money than a dentist
no, servers are human for a reason, the cooks are more likely to get replaced.
>servers are human
>In America tipped jobs are paid and taxed differently with their tips taken into consideration.
This is ridiculous. A menial job is a job, taxing it doesn't makes no sense.
If they do tip, it's never a proper amount and this is because they're never taught to tip 15-20%. Seriously, ask a black person what a proper tip is, a percentage of the total won't even come up.
If they don't tip at all, that's because they're not taught that tipping is something that's basically required. If a black person has enough money to cover the meal, but not enough for a tip, that's fine, if a white person has enough money to cover the meal, but not the tip, they just won't eat out that day.
It's more ignorance than anything, I've had this discussion many a time (I live in a pretty dark area) and they're either ignorant of the proper amount to tip if they do tip or they're ignorant of how important tips are to the server if they don't tip at all.
you're just saying words at this point
leafs are truly the worst
all the money i pay for at the restaurant goes to the restaurant, the tip goes directly to the waitress (some places tip share).
you cucks are pathetic with your tipping culture
it wasn't a rebuttal? calm down jose
Cause tipping has been created by the white male to dominate minorities. "Here you go peasant, for your trouble".
My black waiter friend said that niggers are the worst tippers. True story
Blacks need to save that money for the waitresses rape charge.
>servers are human for a reason,
youre right. they dont serve a real function in the restaurant mind you(simply hand shit to you). a waiter is a mild form of prostitute. they get tipped for lowering themselves in front of the costumer and sell their fake kindness and looks
are you an idiot?
A lot of high level restuarants and bars require far more than menial labor. I'm not sure if you're country has upscale dining beyond pizza hut and curry so perhaps you dont understand this.
It's clear that you have no interest in actually having an honest discussion; you just want to feel superior to people who are working in perfectly respectable industries that are not glamorous enough for your low-level materialistic brain.
Fuck off and go piss on a street.
That’s the excuse Jews give for being stingy.
anyone who has ever worked in a service industry knows one thing: black people dont tip.
The fact Michael tipped anything at all shows he was trying to be less of a nigger, but the nigdom is naturally engrained in them.
Ah, so you're just being an actual retard. Got it, tyrone.
I get the arguments on how its a shitty concept to put the paying of employees onto the customer. If you are aware that it's structured that way and don't tip you're just showing your ass like a faggot. It's like talking loudly in a movie, you can, but you're a bitch for doing it.
She shoulda broken his nose again
I know how this works.
But why tip?
2 words
learn to fucking type
mfw sperglords from communist countries can't understand the concept of tipping.
MFW countries that want univeral healthcare don't even have enough income to tip their servers. lol you jewish pricks
That's just ball busting.
Tipping is shit. I never do it and neither should any of you, it's just a way for the owner to stiff his employees and pass the buck for paying them.
Service workers are the best tippers. They know how shitty it can be
Like he said there, tipping is a cultural institution here, but it's also built into the prices. Sure, we could stop tipping, but then we would just raise the prices to compensate anyway. And we like tipping, it's a way for encouraging good service and discouraging bad. It also results in shitty customers getting shit service cause with almost perfect guesswork you can tell who is going to tip you or not.
You're a fucking nigger.
My sister in law worked as a waitress at a big box restaurant and was redpilled hard on the ways of the negro. Its fun to get her riled up over it and she will go on a tear telling stories of how nobody there would want to serve a table of blacks because it was ALWAYS something with them. It was something wrong with the order, something in the food, something they wanted special. When they were done the tables would always be seemingly unnecessarily filthy and little or no tip left on the table.
>but you're a bitch for doing it.
why because its rude? its a business transaction.
He tipped the appropriate amount for a drink (drink, not food. You don't tip a percentage on drinks).
It incentivizes good service, and doesn't get taxed to shit by the JewRS
Exactly, its a low skill position with low pay, but if you do your job correctly you can make more money.
Because our service industry is more than just chai boipuccy.
They're bad at math
Its not obligatory.
In the golden age of our nation tipping became a popular way of showing your affluence off to friends or women. You flex your income while making the waiter's shit day a little better.
It was just a gesture.
This is the stupidest shit I've ever fucking read. Legit neck yourself
lol what i have i typed wrong?
It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Blacks (or non-whites, really) have a rep for being bad tippers so they get shit service. Since they get shit service, they're probably going to give a shitty tip.
>It incentivizes good service
In reality it doesn't. It causes the waiter to give you service based on what sort of tip they believe they'll get, which causes discrimination based on race and perceived wealth.
>be millionaire for playing a game that takes very little actually skill
>tight with his money
Gretzky made less money and was less tight while being the GOAT at a game that requires more skill to play.
Because most places the waitress gets $3 an hour and the tips ARE there wages. It's built into the system and you go to restaurants with this knowledge in hand.
I agree with you. Tipping is weird.
Why so mad Paquito?
I don't expect much knowledge of world from your flag but yeah we have some of the biggest hotels in wold in India.
Katy Perry came India to get married in one of the good ones.
And we have great Hotel industry with specialised hotel management schools with high paying jobs.
However, the point is what's the need of tip when the service provider is already putting up them on service and quality service is what attracts the customers.
who is that semen demon
>a waiters shit day
you do realize they actually make mad cash for doing it?
they serve several tables at once and if each one gives say a 5-10 dollar tip then they are making around 15 bucks an hour
>He's rich so he should just throw away his money at every chance he gets to show off
This is your reasoning, and it's dumb.
Because they're not people.
human servers are what i hate most about any service. waiters are useless pieces of shit, they're never there when they're supposed to be, they sometimes fuck up, they spill your drink, they get your order wrong, they don't bring the food in the right order, they try to take away the empty dishes too early or too late, they take a long fucking time to bill you, they look at you weird during the entire process if at any point you show any kind of dissatisfaction with what they are doing, and they ruin any sort of enjoyment i might get from being served because i have to be constantly assessing how much the retard's job is worth. I want them to quote me a price in advance for a given service, i'll pay it and if i didn't like it i'll just never come again. ideally though, i'd show up and there would be a fucking camera reading my lips or using whatever AI algorithm to figure out when i want to place an order, it would show up, listen to me, interject if its algorithm is confident that it can suggest something i'll like better than whatever i had in mind, carry its own little fridge around so it can give me the drink i ordered immediately, right on the spot, with no delays, no spilling, no dirty glasses that i have to get them to take back; then i'd get a clock somewhere on my table that tells me how long until my food is ready, then the fucking robot should bring it to my table immediately, in the right order, not letting it get cold, along with another drink if i've finished the one i had already and it thinks i want another one; then i'll eat for as long as i like, then leave, and the meal will be charged to my account automatically without me having to talk to anybody or wonder how much the waiter's job was worth because since it's a fucking robot it will already be included in the price. fuck people
I bet you could get at least 50-100 dollars for all that aluminum if you recycled it.
>american cult celeb got married in my shitty hotel therefore I feel pride
I just explained how and why tipping is a thing in America. If you don't understand that, then you're a monkey.
And employers are forced to make up the difference to the state's minimum wage if they don't make enough tips. This rarely happens, because even if you do get the occasional bad tips you will still make out ahead. This is why you will never see restaurant workers fight to abolish tipping culture.
You're a fucking chump.
Good goy spend extra money
Well, I am a bartender. If you don't tip me, you don't get service. Simple as that. So fuck you lol.
Aluminum is $0.60 right now.
when my sister was a bartender she told me the same thing. Black guys would be demanding and never tip
Thought you'd be used to getting a lot of tips from Muhammed?
do you not have a can room user? non-white detected
A pound.
>hotel management schools
The epitome of Indian success.
that's the problem with the tipping right there
they can do the shittiest job and still expect a fucking tip
>your low-level materialistic brain
Says the pink collar subhuman whining about free gibs lol
Should have stayed in school
idk why you would want a world like that
>Jewish Ballpit
for $100 i'd rather get my own drink. fuck that shit. $100 for a drink? LMAO
shut up jew. Quit being triggered cause white men respect people more than other races
Tipping is gay as fuck
Family gatherings always get lively when we put a glass of wine in her and put her on topic. According to her even the black servers hated waiting on blacks.
met MJ he is a tremendous dick.