Are there any good shota scales?
please refer upon making threads, OP
Is there a way to just freeze myself or something until December? I need it to be here.
Sure - just throw yourself into a freezer and tell someone to take you out in december.
But you might be dead by then
Ah shit you're right. I'll remember next time, senpai.
>Fate/Stay is getting a Netflix series
Hang on to your Saber figures. Her value is about to skyrocket
What is the best way to ultimately kill a franchise?
>implying anything can stop the Netflix train
Jeanne alter figure when
Mods delete threads that refer to the guide though, even when done stealthily.
Nice bait. Live action Fate Stay Night would look ridiculous
I just get the feeling, that whatever Netflix is doing for anime might strongly differ from what we are used to.
They will drop many anime typical stereotypes just because they doesn't fit with their morale as a prudish burger company
She is preparing her shelter for winter
It'll probably still be better than the anime.
>netflix doing more anime
>no end in sight
I always thought CR and all those shitty anime companies would end my anime enjoyment, but it appears Netflix was the final boss all along.
over 95% of the trash, who claim to be anime fans, think Little Witch Academia was a fucking masterpiece, netflix is simply going to make more trash like that and all those "anime fans" will eat right up, netflix will make millions.
Christ the nips are fast.
>their morals as a prudish burger company
I'm more worried about that than muh tropes. I don't really care if i don't get gratuitous panty shots or people running with toast in their mouth but having SJW themes shoved into one of my last avenues of escape would kill me. More on topic though, what's going to happen to these shows in terms of merch? Would we get western style figures too?
>think Little Witch Academia was a fucking masterpiece
That's what happens when you pander hard to westerners and they eat it all up.
Well now the companies know they can milk them, so there will be no stopping this train now.
It's a shit series for sure, but it has high-tier designs. I'd probably buy a lot from that artist if I didn't only buy figures from shows I liked.
It's not like there aren't hundreds of shows like it already being made for Japanese viewers who eat it up.
[citation needed]
This might be a dumb question, but where can I buy anime posters?
I have a bunch of figures already but I want some posters on the wall of my room to really complete the aesthetic.
Any recommendations of what to buy from Amico to get this month's card?
>Would we get western style figures too?
female characters must be depicted as strong and independent. Depicting them in any suggestive manner(or even partially nude) would be inacceptable sexism
Looking forward to that time?
They went with the wrong artist.
I see amiami's marketing working well.
Let's be honest. There are plenty of anime stereotypes that are making the genre pretty stale. We may not see funding for more for shows that cater more strongly to a Japanese audience like Keijo, Eromanga, Maid Dragon, Oshiete Galko, or most of the SoL stuff, but shows like Abyss, Izetta, Saga of Tanya, PriPri, Magnus Bride, etc. all fit a western aesthetic already.
And on an overall positive note, we'd at least get more than one season of shows since they'll actually get funded for a change.
Don't actually do that, unless you want your thread deleted.
Have any of you ever been hit by customs for buying loli stuff?
>loli hitler
>western aesthetic
so I was thinking of moving my boxes into the storage downstairs
the concern I have is that it's also an underground parking with roughly 130 cars and it can get up to 30C (86F)
could that damage my plastic?
Who is the artist on picture???
Is it?
>Would we get western style figures too?
They wouldn't be as detailed, wouldn't cost as much, and there would be more "empowered women doing empowered women things" than "cute girls being cute".
And Trigger is kind of alone in the western-pandering, nips don't even like them as much as Sup Forums and reddit do.
I want to believe that even if Netflix try to infect the anime industry, nips will be stubborn and continue doing their stuff. Kadokawa is kind of a big deal too, and they won't stop making stuff aimed at the japanese market.
That's not the point. LWA is the kind of show that brought a lot of westerners to anime, and now they know they can be milked, all while not even needing to put much effort because the people watching don't know any better. I don't really mind anime for western viewers, but when people think LWA was a masterpiece or whatever, it worries me about the future.
not Ban
It wouldn't be as bad as that. Western designs aren't devoid of sex appeal after all, they just handle it differently than the Japs. That aside, I do welcome more "badass" female characters and figures. If this netflix thing does go big it's going to be a mixed bag, I just hope they don't fuck up the faces and hair for any figures made.
Very few, you posted probably the best one.
How was Kill la Kill pandering to the west? Honest question.
>tfw you little sister knows you're a buyfag and buys you adorable little ghibli figures.
By no means a masterpiece, but I still thought it was pretty good.
I was thinking more of LWA.
>tfw no sister gf
They went with the official artist
They've only made like 5 originals, 1 of them being LWA, so it seems like a stretch to call it "pandering".
Are you gonna have sex with her, user?
It was fine, and I wouldn't rate it any higher than "good". A lot of westerners think it's an amazing 9/10 or more though, and that's the audience they were going for. You didn't even need to go out of Sup Forums to see plenty of examples of that when it was airing.
Can we stop with the Niggerflix crap and just talk about plastic butts?
>fish out of water story
>basically retelling of european history
>avoids most of the "odd" humor you'd find in most anime
>not western aesthetic
As far as loli hitler, you act like Kick-Ass, Leon The Professional, Old Man Logan, etc. aren't things.
I sure can't speak for everyone, but i'm pretty sure that for many animefans it's part of the "magic" of anime(and manga) that is it NOT catering to a western audience. Anime often involves topics that are simply seem to be taboo for western media. And yes. many of them are just stupid fan service. but it is still part of it and its success.
I rather deal with the 500th "how to fuck your imouto-anime" than giving up on that.
>lewding my imouto
Do you take me for some kind of degenerate, user?
only if you post your entire collection right now user
There is a difference between pandering and having an interest in things outside of your bubble. That's almost implying Teen Titans Go, Boondocks, RWBY, Avatar, and countless other anime-influenced series were pandering to the east.
They weren't.
>you act like Kick-Ass, Leon The Professional, Old Man Logan, etc. aren't things
They aren't things to me because I've never heard of them, I just thought that some westerners would raise an eyebrow at a grown salary man being in a loli body.
Why would the 100% Japanese-focused market ever cease to exist, though?
i'm hopefully just overreacting. But if more western companies like Netflix and the other big players decide to "full force invade" that market it's guaranteed to change a lot, even for the domestic productions.
>pre-ordered for 7.6k
feels good
>They aren't things to me because I've never heard of them
>Proud of being this ignorant
I know we're on Sup Forums and all but jesus man.
That's true too.
Kadokawa has built an empire on manga and anime whose purpose is to get money off the otaku. The same goes to Aniplex, Bandai, etc.
"Root" anime isn't going anywhere. A studio can make like two good shows/year, and there are dozens of animation studios in Japan. I doubt Netflix even wants that much anime.
When you have the option to focus either on your declining small market or basically the entire western world, it's easy to be scared that most of them will choose the second most profitable one.
I'm not proud, I've just genuinely never heard of them.
trick or treat
Don't let him fool you, user. Leon is a french movie about a murderer and his "loli". It's "western" in a sense that it was made in the west, but the french are as degenerate as the japanese in their hearts.
Kick-ass is a dumb movie flick, and old man logan I don't know.
People who think Houseki is good are a much bigger issue to quality anime than people who like LWA. It's silly to act like LWA is some kind of huge new threat.
Tfw your October order will arrive just after the cutoff for the collage and you can't get motivated to take creative pictures for a collage that's a whole month away
I have no idea how popular that series is, but if it is anywhere close to LWA then you have a point.
Of course it does.
Already got a poche this month. Any other one?
Feels like every day of my life is just leading up towards the release of these figures. I wish I could singlehandedly influence the market into making more cute and lewd shota figures.
It's no different than Haruhi, Angel Beats, Neon. All of them have faults yet the people who found that as their entry anime think of it as a masterpiece. Why is it any different this time? As long as it isn't some SJW crap should we really give a crap?
Oh shit I forgot about these sluts. Do you think the manufacturers did too? ;_;
Are they supposed to be shotas? Their proportions are fucked.
>Already got a poche this month.
You can naver have enough poches IMO.
Maybe a nendo?
i wanted to see the collection in your case actually, not by mfc.
>fell for the Super Sonico meme
It was only a matter of time, I suppose.
I still don't know how that helicopter is supposed to be flying with that pig inside.
You are under the believe its flying but its just her massive body pulling the helicopter from the eart's own gravity.
>Literal balloon tits
>Not even castoff
Not everybody is comfortable with sharing their setups user. Especially on Sup Forums. People like you can be gigantic faggots.
i dont blame you, i almost fell for this one. I think the butt is nice on that one though.
Why, are they scared of me? I'm a nice guy.
And poverty is NO meatloaf to chew on.
The lesson here is to impulse buy but always squeeze in a quick wank first for the +WIS bonus.
I'm also a fan of her tummy.
They look like they're just bolted on.
>tfw can't even get a good picture of my set-up.
Really need to set up my new curtains. Also i'm fairly unhappy with the way the second level looks. The top one is set up to where I can see all or most of each figure and they are all looking at me. The second level not so much. I blame Tiamo and her FAT base.
>People who think Houseki is good are a much bigger issue to quality anime
Because of the CG? Not sure what you're getting at since I love the themes of the anime itself.
I don't think you have to worry about that series much anyways, there's still a lot of CG hate backlash and it's not big in the West at all, though it seems really popular in Japan.
Ryuko looks like a giant mutant among the smaller girls.
Yeah, the boobs could use some weight, I give you that.
>Getting your headphones wet
That's why you must separate figures by scale or character.