ITT: characters you identified with

ITT: characters you identified with

I identify with Edward Elric because like him I am also a manlet (5'7)

that's giant-tier in Nipland

You'd be a giant in California

nah, average is 5'8" for japanese men.

kinda strange how most guys in anime are over 6 ft

>tfw 5'10"

Most anime protagonists are 5'6" to 5'11". Goku is 5'9, Ryuu is 5' 9", Naruto is 5' 11", Araragi is 5'5", Shirou is 5'6", Cloud is 5'7" off the top of my head. Maybe the villains are above 6ft on average, Japan really likes the David vs Goliath trope.

181 centimeter,
manlet or not?

Goku is a character from the 80s man most Japs were 5'2 back then

I don't really have a high opinion of myself or my family so yeah.

Tall smug prick who likes to put people he doesn't like down constantly, and who is constantly ribbing his friends about shit.

It's the dick size which counts.

Actually the 80s was when Japanese average height started to plateau. It was 5'7" at the beginning of the decade and 5'8" by the end.

That picture makes it look like his thorax is hollow

All of Sup Forums loses.


Overworking stunting their growth

It runs in the family.


Imagine an American being isekai and towering over the population.

Literally Armstrong

Self insert kids should go back to school

>tfw 5'11'' but say im 6'