Imouto sae Ireba Ii
This show is actually fun.
Why nobody watches it?
I need this fucking ending now a la American Beauty
But we just had a thread about it? You blind?
I missed it.
It has no right to be as good and comfy as it is.
I don't even have enough income to need to do it.
I have an accounting degree so this bitch is like my dream girl
Pictured: Japanese middle aged lady filing taxes.
More like getting costumers.
Best girl.
>sexually harasses her clients
how has she not been arrested yet
Victims not reporting the crime out of shame being subdued by what looks like a little girl.
It's not sexual harassment if he likes it
Calm down buddy.
It's only slightly better then eromanga at best.
The show definitely still has the whole "disguised harem" thing going, where every girl in the show is just wating to fall on the MC-kuns dick for whatever reason and all the things that happen is only because of a direct result of said girls wanting to fall on said dick.
But at least the characters aren't insuffarable like in eromanga and actually know how to have comfy time with beer without the forced drama, so it gets a pass in my book.
Why does this trashy show suddenly have a tax lesson episode?
>she's completely aware of her small stature, and even uses it for her evil seduction schemes
Holy fuck she's perfect.
>all anime is trash hehehe am I funny
Please go back to wherever the fuck you came from.
What is a p***s?
Only losers pay taxes. You never get in trouble if you don't pay because nobody cares unless you're some big shot.
Why did they take so long to introduce best girl? Nayu can't hold a candle to Ashley's perfection.
And I'm not just saying this because she has a petite body.
Because she's actually a very good accountant that gets her clients back a lot on their tax returns
>disguised harem
At most I am seeing a triangle
>all the things that happen is only because of a direct result of said girls wanting to fall on said dick
False. We just fucking watched tax lesson and mc traveling because it was cold or his illustrator dragged him.
Also known as d**k, c**k, w****r, s*****g and benis.
So why do people call her a crab anyway?
>Only losers pay taxes
Mamare is that you? When do we get more Log Horizon seasons?
I want /biz/ to stay.
>Narrator ignores the OP and continue on.
>that summary
My sides.
Cute thief
I don't get it.
I bet you didn't get Aiura too.
Why is a girl as perfect as Tax-chan not married?
No man could handle her.
>At most I am seeing a triangle
So far there is 3 girls lusting after MCs dick
Literally not because he only got that idea because of Nayuta giving it to him.
And she was in his apartment because she wanted dickings just like the other girl who isn't even an author.
Why are people so defensive about shit like this?
I love monogatari and no, it's not acutally haremshit either but atleast aknowlege the fact that most of the shit that happens/makes stuff like this good in the first place is because The Thristâ„¢
she's so tiny though, it'd be easy to manhandle her
She's not even a cake anymore. Anything beyond 30~ should never be consumed.
Former best girl was topped by this tax goddess.
i'd eat the fuck out of that rotting christmas cake
Yeah manhandle her and she goes IRS on your ass.
I hope this character is based on real life experience.
She is still younger than me, she could be my imouto.
Now thats some delicious cake.
>Censoring nipples
>Not censoring armpits
RIP Steve Jobs
American Beauty?
>3 girls
Steve Jobs was a gigantic arsehole yet somehow got a better rep than Bill Gates who does shitloads of good stuff.
Considering the LN references its probably because Rakudai no Kishi, also the background is the same.
Oh right. Same staff too I guess that makes more sense.
Agreed. It's because hipsterfags worship Apple products. Still, Jobs and Gates are saints compared to Mark Zuckerberg with his backstabbing and kikery.
Yea scratch that part, i was lied to internally.
But my point still stands.
She is 32, so that doesn't mean much.
My 25 year old little sister is still acts cute towards me.
>not even a CPA
shit girl
>doesn't hate you and didn't die from drugs or cum overload
You're lucky.
Jesus what a semen demon
I want her to call my taste in eroge shit
She doesn't judge your fetishes, she only wants you to explain them to her.
I want to fuck an old hag accountant.
I was confused by this. She never said whether she dislikes or likes their porn. She seemed neutral to it and only cared about teasing them.
>old hag
Even disgusting used up old hags can be cute.
If I commit tax evasion will a girl as perfect as Ashley show up in front of my doorstep as well?
I really had a little panic then had to stop and figure out day it was.
But Eromanga was garbage.
This is good.
Best girl by far. And loli of the season.
This is literally the only anime I've ever seen that has a REMOTELY realistic view of adult life.
A bunch of young adult, fairly successful novelists in a welfare spend their evenings eating and drinking craft beer? This does not require a huge suspension of disbelief from me at all.
Also, I think this is the only anime I've ever seen which has even alluded to Japan having a vibrant craft beer scene.
I owe that to my mum. She was a very good parent and taught us a lot of family values.
First, Abe wants YOU to inseminate some 3DPD sow, then he wants YOU and URSPAWN to pay taxes.
Devilish and perverted teasing S loli-babas are the best.
It's a silent, implied judgement. The worst of all.
Why is this show so fun?
>Family values
That includes your imouto massaging your dick?
Lookit all them hipster /tg/s
>Mark Zuckerberg with his backstabbing and kikery.
Rude. I love jews and israel. They defend faggotry and fedora tipping from the evil arabs! Zuckerberg married a commie though, and made people homeless with his property buyout, so yeah he's evil.
Is this what LN writers do all day? Get drunk on different alcoholic beverages and find different loopholes on their financial ventures until the tax demons come after them?
>Get drunk on different alcoholic beverages and find different loopholes on their financial ventures until the tax demons come after them?
That's what successful artists do . Yes. Maximise profits. Richfag creators like Bono of U2 care more about tax evasion than creating great works of art that will transcend the ages. True artists die in obscurity and poverty.
When do I have to start paying taxes?
I'm 26 and I have never paid them.
Am I going to jail?
My penis is in love
Will she ever show up again, or is she just a side character?
Just a side character unfortunately. Will show up every now and then.
NEETs don't need to pay taxes, except VAT.
Tax is already cut from your payments, but they usually cut extra that you can take back, so you're actually losing more money by not filing taxes.
The saying "death and taxes" isn't meant as a joke. If you dodge taxes you will get fucked for life, there is no way to ever escape it. Only matters if you've worked or made an income in any way though.
Sounds like a one way ticket to FEMA camp.
I draw anime porn and make almost minimum wage from commissions. Does that still counts?
Why is this comfy show reminding of my taxes? I watch anime to escape that shit for fuck's sake. ;_;
>I draw anime porn and make almost minimum wage from commissions. Does that still counts?
Oh boy you're gonna get robbed. Better stay quiet and pretend you didn't know.
You need to file it maybe, you could file it as a hobby if it's barely any money. Just talk to whatever tax thing you've got and they'll clarify and be very helpful on information.
Thanks for the tip, sending a van over right away.
I've been working under the table construction for years. I just work for a few weeks, get handed a fat wad of cash, tell my boss to fuck off and go NEET for awhile. He pays taxes though, so is that legit or am I a tax evader because I don't personally pay?
In my country, income below a set minimum value is tax free, but go to your tax office.
> The haganai figurines scene
> These lolis are the main heroines? is the author some lolicon
> Without a doubt
Sides: gone.
How does it feel getting fucked in the ass by the IRS?