What does Sup Forums think of Welcome to the NHK?

What does Sup Forums think of Welcome to the NHK?

12 episodes too long.

24 episodes too long.

24 episodes too short.

They should have just fucked in the first episode.

I watched it not too long ago. I liked it. Episode 13 was the best part of the show.

cuts all the fun out of the novel, makes Sato a cuck instead of a drug-addicted, scummy pervert Sup Forumstard and makes Misaki so one dimensional you forget she is actually the antagonist and only wants to nourish her ego because she's a complete borderline personality bitch

Are most hikkis so depressed? I have been one since 2013 and am genuinely pretty happy with life

do you recommend the manga instead of the anime?

dropped it on the first episode

manga is awful, the original source material is a book

Too relatable, almost scary, but that's why I liked it. The book is amazing and also cheap and Misaki is my daughterwife

It made me into the person I am today.

Its not shit I guess

Manga version of Misaki is the best version

Didn't relate to the online gaming arc, yamazaki was the best character

It was good but overrated. 8/10.

Self-deprecating wank

I'm still waiting for my Misaki

shit for retarded virgins just like 99% of 4chins

Agreed desu

Unclear why he became a recluse

Retarded unrelatable shit about childish schizophrenic conspiracy paranoias

Unrealistic female character (Misaki)

Pretty bad over all... people say it's good just because it addresses the topic of hikkikomoris/NEETS, but just addresing an adult theme like that doesn't mean it's good, because it doesn't try to explain it or even give a good representation of it

Spotted the wage slave.

>Unclear why he became a recluse
it's shown throughout the entire series, he is an anxious lazy person with an addictive personality
>Retarded unrelatable shit about childish schizophrenic conspiracy paranoias
maybe to you, I think mental illness is relatable
>Unrealistic female character
explain how

> he is an anxious lazy person with an addictive personality

Not really shown at all, being lazy always has motivations, it's not addressed why he's pathologically lazy

>maybe to you, I think mental illness is relatable

Schizophreniacs are really rare

>Not really shown at all, being lazy always has motivations, it's not addressed why he's pathologically lazy
no not really, freudian excuses are fictional

suicide island was a fucking garbage ark

My god, you think people are lazy just because of it?

Clearly they think about the consequences of their choices and they still go with them, if a person is willing to become an outcast he knows what the consequences will be, they're not 3 years old, get a grip.

A lot of the time there isn't that grand turning point in ones life where he just "becomes" lazy and unmotivated and anxious. There doesn't have to be a reason behind being one of those.

Watched it senior of HS. Thought it was pretty shit. Then watched Tatami Galaxy a year later. Now I know why I hated it in the first place.

>being lazy always has motivations
You are either really optimistic, or really young.

Yes, there has to be one, there's a reason behind even the smallest body movements you make, of course there's a reason for deciding to become a fucking human larva, maybe the author wanted the protagonist to be mentally a 6 year old without the capability for introspection but that's retarded

there are various reasons why people are lazy, in Satou's case it is pretty obvious if you pay attention (he is depressed and feels worthless)

It's never explained why he's depressed

>being lazy always has motivations

Yes people act the way they do because of who they are, and they are themselves because of what kind of genetics/upbringing/experiences they've had.
However in case of no major trauma it's unlikely the person even himself knows why exactly is he acting in a manner that's unsustainable and will lead to consequences later. They're just acting like that because who they are.

You don't have any understanding on depression do you?


Who else gave no shits about anything except for the MC x Misaki shipping?

Thank you so much for your help is what op should say

You are either shitposting or have never developed critical capability, there's a reason behind all the choices you make, like it or not.

Makes no sense. Either he's autistic (he's not) or he's undergone some philosophical journey that needs to nihilism, E.G: he reached ego death someway so he decided to escape society since he doesn't care about humanity

probably the only good show Gonzo ever made

I really really liked it

hit too close to home, so I decided to get my life together stop being neet go to uni and then get a job,
and umm I'm still unhappy

you have a simplistic view of human actions, most of the time there are multiple reasons for our actions and we are not truly conscious of them

personally I am glad Satou didn't have some weird freudian excuse on why he became a recluse, it isn't accurate to my experiences

manga > LN >>> anime

You have a really poor character if you base your life choices on anime

>you have a simplistic view of human actions
its what they call the engineering mindset.

Humans aren't machines

I'm not talking about "weird freudan" excuses, I'm talking about what any person with a brain would think before throwing his life away, he just seems like a 4 year old child eating too much candy unaware of the consequences

We never saw him being bullied, failing to conform to society in school, going through any philosophical epiphany, he's just LAZY, yeah, makes total sense, he's depressed because he's depressed

>We never saw him being bullied, failing to conform to society in school, going through any philosophical epiphany
none of this happened to me and I am a hikki

The manga should be second and the anime first

>he's depressed because he's depressed
This confirms it for me. Not only do you have no understanding on depression, but you most likely also have very little world experience.

Then you are literally a manchild if you are throwing your life away without undergoing any thought process

this desu
I was in a similiar situation as Satou without any grand reason
if you'd ask why the closest thing to an answer I could give you would be that because it was possible

yeah and Satou is also a manchild, well done

I work, have friends, live alone and pay my rent, plenty of experience, you seem like a major autist devoid of any critical capability

And you seem like an underaged kid who thinks he has some deep understanding of the human psyche.

They shouldnt have gone for the 'romance ending', otherwise a good show

>coming from the user who thinks NHK is a bad series because the MC wasn't bullied as a child

Anyway there is a reason why you are like this, you are just too autistic to use your brain and figure it out, don't know what exactly I was expecting from a board where people watch cartoons involving little girls drawn to be "appealing" to you autistic pedophilies, furthermore most of you are American, la creme de la creme of the people who don't use their brains, should have known better.

depression is caused by brain chemistry, you're fucking ignorant

>Retarded unrelatable shit about childish schizophrenic conspiracy paranoias
Have you ever been to Sup Forums? It's literally ONLY schizophrenics conspiracy theorists, and it's probably bigger than Sup Forums at this point.

how can you actually be this mad haha

Ah now I see. You got me good Shitposter-kun I will admit.

You can call him manchild but it's unlikely he hasn't given it some thought.
It's entirely possible that after having given it some thought he arrived at the conclusion that trying to stay in the society and be as was expected of him was more trouble and stress than he was willing to deal with for what's there to gain. Just being part of the society doesn't mean you'll find happiness or your dreams (if you even have any) or even content. So if it's a decision whether to suffer alone in his room while indulging in hedonistic pleasures to distract himself from it or trying to live his life "properly" while suffering I can see why'd he pick the former.

>and you seem like an underage kid

Yeah, that coming from the guy who thinks people are depressed cuz they are depressed and lazy cuz they are lazy, use your brain, you manchild

You think like a middleschool kid, you never developed any critical capability.

calm down, Freud

This comment seems like that of a 13 year old who speedread the wikipedia page about depression, grow up and face reality, loser.

Grow up

Hard to watch if you're a NEET

>normalfag can't into depression: the thread
or alternatively it's an above average troll in which case I commend you for your dedication

no they have a clear agenda, they don't for instance entertain conspiracy theories that don't help push that agenda.

Kill yourself, normalfag.

that's still schizophrenic user

I think that every time I see that stupid OP pic it makes me realize how terrible it would be to have two right hands, and how many people must have had to fail to catch that mistake for the image to be released as a main promo image.

I find it funny how you fail to realize just how complex and ingenious this anime is. Satou, a schizo-paranoid conspiracy ridden NEET - holding himself hostage, or being held - hence the two right hands, one of them surely couldn't be his. A very fitting promo image for this mind bending series. I am sorry your IQ is apparently too low to enjoy this show, have you considered watching Rick and Morty instead?

It's kind of a bummer to be honest, the characters are all shitty people, except for Yamazaki who turned out to be the coolest guy ever, at some point the story gets too preachy and cheesy.
I really liked it.

They're robots though.

>It's kind of a bummer to be honest, the characters are all shitty people
Just like real people.

He's an isekai'd J Geil.

Manga is good. But the Novel is even better. You should read all 2 and watch the anime

Molester Man was better.

Actually you should watch it if you're a NEET and then you should realize that there won't be a Misaki for you.

One of my favorites, but nowadays I can't really relate to it anymore


Show could have been 16 episodes instead of 24
Animation was kinda shite even for 2006
Suicide pact arc was the only one worth watching
They really overdue the whole suicide thing, we get it, its a big problem in japan how the fuck are 3 of the main characters suicidal?
Also, the show isn't very funny
not bad/10

novel is god tier.
BTFO's Sup Forums in first paragraph

I liked the manga more.

Loved it.
I can relate to Satou way too much...

I can't see how a NEET wouldn't realise that unless they are very young and naive

Well fuck you too.

You don't belong here

>Unclear why he became a recluse
Isn't that true for all of us though? If you knew why, you could fix yourself.

>We never saw him being bullied, failing to conform to society in school, going through any philosophical epiphany, he's just LAZY, yeah, makes total sense, he's depressed because he's depressed
Hitomi mentions when they meet that he was always a loner. How he would always talk about having friends, but she never saw any. He was always an outcast and had trouble dealing with people. He just didn't want to accept it, it took until the end pf the series toadmit he is lonely and needs human affection just like everyone else.


Is the author still in a cult? Did he get any success with his tulpa?

nope, he's lost for good the updates on his site just get creepier and creepier

He was in a cult?

WAS in a cult