"Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears"
"Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears"
Other urls found in this thread:
And worried about needing to protect the nation from corporatism/tyranny/oligarchy, but yeah that's about it. What's to discuss?
It's to blow to hole in a nigger's head when the time is right...does that do it for you, for it's the truth.
>Jews and academics pathologizing people they disagree with
imagine my shock
Fucking disgusting
That seems perfectly reasonable. The US is heading towards a race war.
we don't like the world you're building.
Based poo of truth.
I wish I could stockpile guns, too bad our gun laws and culture are fucked.
Because we are about to declare civil war and kill Jews, pedos and tyrants.
Not just the US.....muslims are the niggers of Europe, so there's that.(eurocucks don't have guns but then again the higher white IQ and assistance from the US (again, duh) might save them.
>for it's the truth
Art thou a prophet?
Men against time my friend.
Forearms increase in value faster than a traditional low risk investment
I bought a WASR 2 days before sandy hook for $400, sold it last year (with some fairly basic mods) for $1800 and bought a VEPR
Machine guns increase 5-15% a year
A CD gets 2%
OP here. Here's what I don't understand: You have Trump in the White House. The country is led by the conservative Republican party. The Democrats don't have a strong platform to build a campaign on. I thought President Trump said you'd be "winning". So why all the angst?
>try to ban certain types of guuns
>people begin stockpiling them
why would this ever happen, must be raycism
>Why would someone want an effective means of self-defense?
Non-question. This isn't even something to ponder. Self-evident, self-answering question.
>White men are being treated like second class citizens in their own country.
>Are told they are the root of all problems and the country would be better if they were all dead.
Considering how local governments allows antifa and black nationalist groups to act, it's no wonder white men are buying guns.
I live on an island that's almost entirely white. Also there are more Muslims in the US than in England. Lol.
>Forearms increase in value
tfw armlet
Race war soon
>Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?
because we love hardworking mexicans duh we're going to defend them to our deaths fighting russians
They’re fun, you idiot.
Maybe they watched too many riots on tv of blacks burning down businesses and attacking whites the last 5 years
That blog should really be called "Scientific Globalist"
>They tend to be less educated
Coming from an article that claimed to pinpoint the exact profile of the white male gun hoarder, the cannot give us any more information on how they actually obtained these conclusions.
This is improper scientific method, and should be immediately thrown out as anything substantial.
Trump doesn't mean "utopia where nothing bad can ever happen". People still need to defend themselves.
"Based poo of truth" - k, i'll let that pass since containing niggers and Islam is the priority right now.
He's just doing a job we hired him to do.
He's not my dad, or my childhood friend, I don't trust him any more than I trust anybody who isn't a close friend or relative.
Can't fight in the race war without guns.
according to the media, all white guys with guns are...
I like Trump and things are looking good for now.
I think things are bad enough in the united states that we'd need something like 10 Trump presidencies in a row for it to have any chance of existing long term.
OP made a post on a blog to straw man some nonsense post here. I don’t know anyone who’s gone out and panic purchased guns. Bump stocks, but it’s just an investment because the price went from $100 to $400 and it’s still going up.
or brains but don't tell that to liberals and the various assorted blackies........they must be slaughtered given how they're working overtime to destroy civilization as a whole.
Because (((you))) keep trying to take them.
>liberal saber-rattling about removing white people and claiming to come confiscate your guns
leftists are vehemently militant and prone to violence and lashing out when they dont get their way. literally throwing tantrums, but in a violent way as you have seen with the numerous leftist mass murderers and riots. so yeah, theres a legitimate fear to keep firearms for peace and order. have you been asleep the last year? did you miss every single leftist protest or demonstration that devolves into full blown anarchy, arson, and assault with deadly weaponry?
>sold a WASR for $1800
You really jewed some poor sod since they can be had for $700 brand new.
prepping for RaHoWa
>people start preparing to defend themselves when threatened
Imagine that.
he probably sold it in november 2016 when everyone thought hillary was going to win
Self/family defense
Eventual collapse of society (unless we just get nuked)
I almost had to draw on someone last night. Dude was beating this girls ass. I intervened. Gf called cops. Everything was alright in the end though.
But my gf who lives with me who doesn't like guns in the house told me last night she now kinda understands why I carry, and felt safer knowing I had a gun the whole time. Nobody but her and I knew I was armed. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you want to use it on someone. It's worse case scenario.
Im not entirely opposed to making it harder to obtain a weapon, but assholes will still obtain them.
But the liberal globalist narrative about "much gun control" is getting out of hand.
The only thing to discuss is that all of those fears appear to be justified to the white men. If they are reasonable fears then the question is stupid. "Why are white men conforming to reality?"
getting my first shotgun this week. Mossberg or Baretta?
>he doesn’t like OD
Yeah good point. Panic buyers are retards.
A race war is coming, and whoever has the most/best guns and training wins. That would be the White Race. Minorities gtfo or be slaughtered like the animals you are.
>The Democrats don't have a strong platform to build a campaign on.
But they DO have a lot of social engineering platforms, a large part of the establishment, fake republican RINOs doing their bidding, state and local politicians like CA pretty much running the state into the inner circles of hell, and DeepState and Foreign officials and globalists helping a US Spring happen to make sure we get rid of people like Trump and Rand Paul and usher in 1.6 million+ illegals who will continue to support big government. Meanwhile Feminism rages out of control, companies working with the Dems are trying to push out all conservative voices, nationalists in Europe are also counting on us not to crumble, and China looming up economically especially as our debt-based system is getting real shaky.
It's not sunshine and rainbows for US patriots right now.
Unless you are serious shotgunner just get he Mossberg.
Are these articles just written by an AI designed to insult white men as efficiently as possible?
Because they're cool.
If on budget, mossberg is top knotch
Probably written by a projecting white feminist. I'm just guessing, I wouldn't know because I didn't give them a click.
We don't trust the other side. It has repeatedly showed that they are not going to stop at any boundary.
Conservative white men now make only 15% of America so while I hope niggers are sent back to Africa......time is running out to do just that.
"Research says"
"Studies Say"
"Polls show"
"A peer reviewed study conducted by Dr. ____ says in it's conclusion found here (link or attached)"
Which of these means a god damn thing that's valid?
>Im not entirely opposed to making it harder to obtain a weapon
But our laws are already not being enforced. Parkland and Sutherland Church were both done by someone who the system just ignored (Parkland the kid was Promise Program'd out of being arrested despite a ton of calls, Sutherland they fucked up and didn't put his domestic abuse charges in the system). It's fine IMHO to bar criminals from buying a gun, but we don't need more useless barriers now when states are already failing to report and follow our current laws.
OP again. Could one not consider this gun-buying trend as a vote of no confidence in the current administration given the steady rate of purchase? And by extension, would this include Trump as President? Also, after Trump's provocative comments on gun control during his recent open table at the White House, do you feel you can trust him to protect your Second Amendment rights? Granted, this was probably more from his personal opinion than a political device.
Cause niggers and faggots and nigger enablers are trying to take them away.
stockpiling guns is pointless
- You can't carry enough ammo with you to use your guns for more than a day or two in a shtf situation.
-carrying food, water, and gasoline, and other provisions is more important than guns and ammo
- in a shtf situation, fleeing is the most important thing you must do. The ethnic cleansing of the rohingya perfectly illustrates this. The rohingya fled and most survived the military assault.
- you'll be stopped at checkpoints wherever you go and have your guns seized.
- you will die in the first gunfight you get into - gunfights are not like video games - you will run out of ammo or, most likely, will be shot and die before you even know what's happening.
Here's an archive link if you're interested, but it's exactly what you'd expect
Fill some empty milk jugs with water and curl bro. You can drink milk, can't you?
>implying the FBI works for Trump
we've seen the FBI - supposedly our nation's greatest law enforcement agency - fuck up repeatedly, either accidentally or on purpose. they've proven they can't be trusted to protect the public. people need to learn how to look our for themselves.
>not being prepared for that rare occasion when the HAPPENING is real
>racial fears
>not racial disgust
Nigga. Trump is anywhere from being an effective gaurd against gun control for 10 months to seven years at the very best senario. This is literally an equip yourself period, and the actual spirit of anyone to actually do or resist the country becoming AIDSBrazil will be tested shortly. We might be total coward bitches as well.
You have an ID, newfag.
Doesn't matter who is President. Buy a fucking gun. It will change, and no administration is infallible. They are all part of a system that only cares about power, control, money, votes. Sure, some people ARE better, I do have confidence in Trump in general. BUT I don't put my confidence 100% in any politician.
I don't like his recent comments on gun control, I know he sometimes says stuff to throw off the media or 4D chess whatever. He's good but no politician should ever be trusted. Buy a gun and know how to use it.
Well, hoarding resources and staying put with sufficient defense while niggers starve themselves to death does sound a reasonable approach.....although whites in inner cities would be toast.
The largest growing segment of new gun owners is African American women.
Why are you racist?
Mossberg 500 or 590A
Theres no need to spend over 6-700 on a pump shot gun
Semi autos are a waste unless you get a magazine fed one like a VEPR or Saiga
You're so ideological that you no longer understand the basic physical nature of the world around you. What you are implying is that, if a certain person was in office (let's say Bernie Sanders), by sheer force of will, he would have caused all the criminals to turn in their guns, and it would be a utopia.
People aren't buying guns because of a "lack of confidence" in Trump. It's because we understand the physical nature of reality. What about electing Bernie would have made it impossible for a criminal to break into my house?
>Well, hoarding resources and staying put with sufficient defense while niggers starve themselves to death does sound a reasonable approach.....although whites in inner cities would be toast.
not possible. you have to sleep. fleeing to a safe area is the only option.
Lol! This is the funniest thing that I've read in months.
Scientific America is fake news.
cause guns are fun af
>no revolution has ever succeeded
Lol what ?, is that for real ?, militant blood thirsty feminists (aka ugly women) was supposed to be an insult, not indicative of reality :(
>Stockpiling guns is useless because guns get you killed.
Might as well carry nothing, because someone is gonna take it from you anyway
Stockpiling guns in a city is actually useless though.
>shitskins get preferential hiring
>need to protect my senpai
>half the country hates me because I'm white
Makes sense to me.
It’s called suppress and break contact you dumb cunt. A gun is a deterrent. Without that deterrent, you are a victim 100% of the time. Get out of the basement.
I would stockpile on guns if I wasn't a poorfag. I like the aesthetics and large caliber of bolt actions. This youtube channel iraqveteran has these two guys that have the most awesome collection of WW1 and WW2 standard issued infantry rifles.
>This is literally an equip yourself period, and the actual spirit of anyone to actually do or resist the country becoming AIDSBrazil will be tested shortly.
We have been given a chance, and anyone who is not reading up on the Federal Reserve and preparing themselves for some economic hard times up to full-blown fallout is retarded.
And before anyone says hurr durr prepper fag- it makes sense to always have back-up plans and extra supplies, you never know what will happen. Even if you just spend a little time and money you'll have a much greater chance than 90% of the population.
Nothing's more valuable than your life for which your mother went through a huge amount of pain........get a gun asap, as in now, be optimistic.
If you live where the jobs are, you have to live close to the city. The current trend is not to indefinitely jail violent recidivist niggers. local news is a constant stream of criminal niggers.
Why not take responsibility for protecting your family?
I don't think that 90% is a good number. Maybe in big cities people are not prepared. But most suburban households could last a few weeks under bad conditions.
Scientific American long ago ceased to be either. My guess is there is a (((Stein))) or (((Berg))) involved.
I am a white heterosexual male who enjoys camping hunting fishing hates handouts enjoys doing things for myself and thinking for myself.
In other words I am a racist that is why I stockpile.
I would assume they are straw purchasing them for black men(felons) they know who cant own them
>Haha fucking white men, you are shit and should not breed or work or do literally anything, just DIE already
Article is by a nu-male quoting a roastie and a Jew
They are stockpiling them because they arent fucking stupid, they can see what is coming.
Most of us are stockpiling body armor now.
Correct answer
Either ways, niggers with guns is not a good thing.........oh boy, 600,000 whites died to free blacks instead of kicking them back to wakanda and now millions of whites will die to right the wrong.......such waste of human life.
>I bought a WASR 2 days before sandy hook for $400
NICE same here but still have it, also traded a bunch of silver I had sitting around for a yrs for a stainless colt 1911 when it hit $36oz. Today my gun is up while silver dropped 50%
time will bring all men low. Pick your battles better.
I should have thought of that. Thanks.
>You have an ID, newfag.
I'm aware of that. I was just being polite.
I'm literally only curious, hence the seemingly naïve nature of my questions.
Thank you everyone for your replies.
Trump is likely another compromised neocon stooge. Even if he wasn't, the country is fucked. Thus arm yourself for what's to come. And like another user said, guns are FUN AS FUCK, and you aren't American if you're a white male and don't like guns.
Jump through the hoops and get yourself a damn gun.
Like you wait to "Let it pass"
How many per capita?