Why is the U.S. so scared to go to war with Russia?
Why is the U.S. so scared to go to war with Russia?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does Russia hate
...the U.S.
What did the U.S. do wrong?
I wonder why Russia hates us so much.
I'm not scared, but I'm not fighting against white people anymore. You idiots can go fight Russia, I will defect and betray my country if I am forced to be drafted etc.
>Tons of Russian refugee women coming to the U.S.
Whats to hate
Hate about what? Are you trying to rationalize going to war for refugee women to come to our country?
Just one of the many perks user
Welp goodluck with your war then bud.
I do not think you can effectively occupy Russia.
I'm not going to be involved. You can go die for your globalists. You are literally a puppet, but hey I guess you don't care as long as more people are forced out of their countries to come here.
Goodluck getting anything from the women who's husbands you went over to seas to kill. You aren't fighting for Americans best interest anymore, and you haven't since WW1.
Thanks for letting us know ahead of time.
"He enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and with great compassion, as if he were attending a funeral." Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Eurasian Empire, my ass!
because it will end in NBC weapon use by all sides. Noe one will step back a inch as it will mean the end for one side and strikes will be conducted deep in both mainlands. mayor damaged to infrastructure and industry most importantly to people scientists and engineers and so forth.
mayor set back in areas of technological progress.
Dont get me started on communication warfare or rather the total destruction of it.
Why is RUSSIA scared of POLAND raping their T-I-G-E-R-S
It doesn't matter aint shit you can do about it. You feds wouldn't even be able to find me when that war starts.
I'd fight for the cause if it was just and they deserved it, but honestly what happened to Britain isn't my concern, and no I don't have to fight for you because of it.
Because Russia has more capability than the US likes to admit and we in the US have the most to lose in a potential war.
nobody wants tiger poolack hybrids, trust me to normal poolack is bad. A tiger poolack is worse.
Britpakistanis are raping thousands of children and banning people for potential hurt feeling the Ruskies can gas that whole island for all I care.
Legitimatly no reason whatsoever to fight for modern Western Europe, they need a collapse bad just like Amurica.
Ecли нe Пyтин, тo кoт?
Also it legally isn't betraying my country if they are betraying WE THE PEOPLE by getting us into foreign wars for profit, and power.
Learn to read the constitution and the Bible you fucking commie scum.
There is no American bases in Poland. These maps are bullshit.
t. Vladimir on VPN
This is illegal in german army lmao
All this tells me is that they lost the Cold War and are nowhere near as influential as the US because they're a shitty state whose only friends are commies or ex-commies. None of those bases were forced on those countries, they were made by international agreements with countries that rightfully don't trust Russia. You know, the same agreement Syria has with the Russians because they don't trust Americans.
It is as laughable as saying "Carthage is the good guy, look at all these Roman garrisons around it." You would literally have to have the geopolitical knowledge of a child to make that kind of argument.
Yes, it's illegal to wear big hats
It makes absolutely no sense. If the U.S. went to war with Russia, barring nuclear apocalypse, it would expend our resources and distract us from a rising China. The Chinese would use the opportunity to capture the first and second island chains from the U.S. and Siberia from Russia. Russia is a logical counterweight to a rising China, but our foreign policy is run by (((Trotskyite))) crusaders instead of rational strategists.
We're not scared of losing to Russia. Maybe we just don't want millions of people to die because we're not godless fucking communists.
Stop using meme flags, russian jew-leashed mongoloid ape-skulled monkey.
Every loses equally in thermonuclear war.
>Why is the U.S. so scared to go to war with Russia?
Because war is bad.
(forgive the simple language, but OP is an idiot & I don't want to talk over his head)
I don't think I've seen "cat" and "Putin" in a sentence together before. What did you mean by this?
Nuclear weapons.
U.S. is not scared of Russian tanks, but U.S. is scared of the Nuclear weapons, because It is the End of the world for everybody.
That is why the U.S. needs to make negotiations with Russia, and not just ATTACK it like Iraq or something.
>why don't you want nuclear war??
>A single Satan 2 ICBM can ONLY explode a radius the size of Texas!
>this stupid meme again
All of the US bases were built by the request of the hosts, and built only in NATO memberstates. I don't see whats the problem here.
If Russia doesn't like it when there is a military presence on "their" borders then they should stop constantly violating foreign airspace and doing "military excercises" next to the borderposts too.
>dey gud bois
if Russia stopped selling gas they would instantly impode. Russia depends on those pipelines.
Question: Why are so many on here so pro- Russia?
Dumb fucking spook poster.
The US and Russia cannot go to war, life on earth would end.
>Why are so many on here so pro- Russia?
Because we aren't retarded? We see through the one dimensional facade of blaming everything on them?
Paid shills
Putin wants nuclear war because he doesn't give a shit about his people and has underground luxury bunkers. His people will just support him even more until they all die and he's left to drink wine over their corpses. In the United States on the other hand we don't have a dictator and would not be happy about the end of the world like Putin would.
Im Ukrainian and I support Russia by choice, why? just because I know stuff.
I wish, I don't care about Russia they haven't done half the shit the US has.
What do we blame them on?
t. Believe US controls ISIS because of video game screenshots
Because more white people would die
>Putin wants nuclear war because he doesn't give a shit about his people and has underground luxury bunkers
You seem to have him confused with Theresa May.
Ok Ivan.
>Why is the U.S. so scared to go to war with Russia?
Why so many globalists are so eager to go to war with Russia?
Russia should be our greatest ally, against Islamic, Hispanic and Chinese domination and invasion. WW3 will be a race war, and Russians are our people.
Who isn’t afraid of war user.
Using Rome isn't a good example, because they used arrogant diplomats who made unreasonable demands to force their neighbors to either declare war or submit to them. Carthage tried to use diplomacy to persuade Rome's Italian allies to defect, but most of them were too afraid to do so because Rome was so ruthless.
Most people know they have been a scapegoat for a while, the globalists have had enough time and resources to manufacture evidence against the Russians
Anime controls ISIS, brainlet.
What do you get when you cross a naturally edgy and contrarian board (Sup Forums), go to the politics section which is extra edgy and contrarian (Sup Forums), and a leader of a country that the mainstream media is telling everyone to hate? Grass is greener on the other side.
It's the opposite in Russian Sup Forums, they love America there and hate Russia.
No way that pic is real.
I'm pro-Russia because of all of the negative propaganda against them. I used to watch Russian news (not RT, but actual in-country news like NTV) and got to see the world from their perspective. They're really just a bunch of patriotic rednecks and I love patriotic rednecks.
Nice boomer take, almond activating device is stimulated
There is a longer explanation but I cant be bothered at the moment.
Here's the short one:
>language barrier
You are being fed filtered information from and about Russia, not the full truth, or any truth at all in some cases.
or shade pills?
>Says "Paid shills"
>American Flag
We freak out when 5 soldiers get killed. Fighting an enemy that is willing to toss a wall of dead bodies at you is a scary thought.
It's been confirmed that they are literally paid by Russia to post here. The paid shills just obviously pretend not to be paid to do this because well that's their day job. To pretend. There are lots of Internet Research employees posting here and on r_td. Then there are some trolls egging them on and some confused stormfronters who think Russia doesn't pray for their deaths too.
Because Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist.
>Jewish fear mongering
Pick one, sage
Will prince William lead the army against the Russian aggressor?
I really detest Russia and Slavic culture, because it has been a despotic slave state throughout its history ever since they threw off the Mongol yoke. But only an absolute idiot would want to antagonize Russia, which is what the U.S. has been doing since it supported the Chechens and violated its agreement by expanding NATO into the former Eastern Bloc.
You know, I would not be surprised if you actually get paid by this.
>be burger
>expecting shipment of qt slav refugees
>open shipping container
>it's KGB
>"Fuggg :DD"
Trump is finally growing some balls: youtu.be
You know, I would not be surprised if you actually get paid by this.
>Ukrainian that supports Russia
I just saw a flying pig.
I've had it with Russia.
He does. It's okay when we do it though.
Well, for one what happened to the last country that invaded Russia?
Also, their buddies & next door neighbors China would probably chip in to help them out...
Russia's national debt is between 9-10% of GDP
America's is 108% of GDP, meaning the sun is setting on the west, but rising in the east
Wouldn't it be better to just ignore them then?
> rough sex but still sex
One of the ring leaders for these supposed "Russian troll" factories is none other then Putin personal chef
It's shit like that that leads me to believe the Russian narrative is fake and a direct attack against our President
The line between Russian and Ukrainian is far more blurrier than any other comparisons.
That is most likely a Russian, not Ukrainian.
Huh so Russia is behind ANTIFA? If that is the case I would need to see hard proof. Then I would condemn Russia, depending a hearing on whether war is necessary or not.
>supported the Chechens
And to this day not a single proofs have been submitted regarding US involvement in the Chechen wars, not a single one. Common conspiracy theory though, I heard it all the time arguing with actual Russians.
i love russia and putin
i havent been given any reason not to, and putin is smooth as fuck
There is no reason to be flustered.
borsht eater
>Why is the U.S. so scared to go to war with Russia?
A better question is why is anyone afraid to start a gobal war with anyone else? Maybe it's because of a little thing called mutually assured destruction. You know, the thing holding together world peace.
He'll be even smoother in the Slavic blood refinery we've just constructed
Ah stop you're not even a country anymore..
Unveil flag, sl*void scum.
>hey comrades lets start a race war in america
I'm not scared, but the average American gets *nothing* out of this war. Instead of asking why we're "scared" to go to war, ask yourself why we should?
Why should I go fight for the U.S.? My people are going to be a minority in this country during my lifetime. The U.S. is the biggest exporter of cultural degeneracy. Beyond that, Europeans are going to see immense casualties, coincidentally right before the projected African population explosion.
Is this country worth fighting for? No. Is there any benefit to going to war with Russia? No.
Man you're the one trolling with that flag that used to represent an empire...more like a collection of multi cultural city states now.
>Faking GPS is hard
>Obvious troll post
Why are boomers so retarded?
>still hasn't unveiled geoflag.
Much like the illegitimate Russian regime, you clealry have something to hide.
Al Quaeda ("the base" for the Mujahideen) helped launch the Chechen resistance to the Russian federation. I shouldn't have to explain the role of the CIA in facilitating the Mujahideen, who were created to destabilize Russia's periphery. The Chechens were portrayed as "freedom fighters" fighting a brutal Russian regime by the U.S. government, just like the "moderate rebels" fighting against Assad in Syria.