Hatsukoi Zombie Chapter 95













so far everything she planned has gone wrong



well, I wouldn't be surprised if it came out beign true








Oh yeah, that's the last page.

Also, we need a new Translator for this (and other series), so drop in by our irc channel

>tastes like saving energy
like what?

Why do people insist on using irc in this day and age? C'mon, it's current year already!

I guess it could be because it's more secure and more anonymous-friendly

What other series?

Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro (you need to be N3 though) and Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shoujo Bitch na Ken. Both these can be part-time, but Hatsukoi Zombie is permanent.


> (You)
>Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro (you need to be N3 though)
>missed the jlpt registration deadline by 6 hours this year
Stop reminding me. Why would they end online registration at 5pm instead of midnight? Ffff...

I'd like to help but I've got too many VNs to play at the moment.

Well, you don't NEED to have the certification, we want the skills.

So is she wearing some kind of full body spandex?

I am out of the loop, crazy reverse trap admits she likes Tarou now? What's the hold up?

Bottom is base layer, top is probably the shadow her shirt casts.

Ibusuki always liked Tarou.

>Ibusuki always liked Tarou.
I know, but she was in denial.



>any chapter featuring Ebino is immediately available
What a surprise

also this

Yeah she admitted it back when they visited Tarou's gramps and pretty much dropped most of her tsun. She hasn't told him she's a chick yet because she doesn't want to see Eve disappear.


What a smooth criminal.

I feel like the resolution of the hiking mini arc is going to make Sup Forums angry again.

Thats some kawaii shit nigga

Why? I saw the raws and it just make the MC realize that he's falling for Ibusuki again
And in the last chapter he's acting more serious arround her

Lord almighty I am sick of the staus quo.

Because he flat out asks if she's a girl and of course, gets the runaround.

>realize that he's falling for Ibusuki again
He's not just falling in love with her. He literally falls too.

If the manga is so obsessed with mantain the statu quo, why not come back to the initial chapters of them just helping other couples. Those were far more funny than the shitty romance triangle.

He doesn't get the runaround, he backs off himself because after seeing her he remembers Eve and realizes what Ibusuki being a girl and him falling for her again would mean for eve.
That's not status quo that's called character development.

I hate the mangaka.

Was he unable to find ANY stories?

wew, almost missed it.

He is pretty shitty. If you his previous work you'd know what a terrible hack he is.

>face down, ass up
What did the author mean by this?

That means nothing if the back isn't arched.


>A chapter without Ebino
I don't want to bother.



Pure sex

>no lewds









>a bunch of love traps

I only see one, and s/he isn't love at all




























Chio should be N2. There's no furigana and tons of video game references.
