Yama no Susume

The Yama no Susume extra (Omoide Present) was screened in Japanese cinemas. The BD release dates are end of January 2018, we won't see it until February. But were there any japanese reactions we could feed on?

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Too long of a wait

There was a limited bd release at the event. Hopefully someone is going to upload it.

>fanbases for small anime like this are basically tight-knit cults that hold together
>uploading a BD can get you prison for life in Japan

Which yama would you susume?



I can wait no longer.

I don't get it

I wish there was a version of Aoi for this picture

looks like it's just an app for layering the yamas on top of your photos
I wonder if there is a way to rip the images


God damn that tight Aoi butt


Kokona looks way too slutty in that image.

megami scans when

What do the chink runes mean, Mason?

>blood type
>bust size

imagining imaginations

Hiking gear is expensive.

Just go climb a mountain or something while you wait.

A Japanon said the second part showed us Hinata's perspective and was pretty gay, so I can't wait.

>B cup
Is this set in the past?

What a cute boy.

I believe ;_;

She looking at me like that because I'm Erika's boyfriend, right?

I'm more interested in Hinata's navel. And the part right underneath it.

I can't wait for more Yamas!

>honoka and kaede grabbing kokona's ass
>aoi and hinata grabbing her neck

what does this mean?



Hinata is a miracle.

What Happened to the new season rumors?

Next year. Confirmed for 2018.
I have a reason to live.



If she had been a male, it would have been perfect.

So her dad was a park ranger missing in action.

I hope this blisters style soon grows out!



I wish this were a real game.

With proper management naturally. Having to plan a route between onsens and camping places, handholding and snacks.

You forgot her pubescent chest!

Oregon Trail except with the Yamas climbing mountains when? Or maybe just Oregon Trail with the Yamas. Who would be the most likely to get dysentery?

That is an excellent idea but I would want to give lots of attention to Aoi's navel as well, she deserves it.



Can't wait for a future where I can climb mountains with my waifu using my iFaceGoogle Alternate Reality Glasses™

13 is prime.

No, 15 is.

Incoming yuri gangbang.

This thread is dead, isn't it?

Aoi and Hinata figure confirmed.


SMUGGEST yama climber

Season 3 was confirmed, r-right?

Yes, for 2018
>select all images with mountains or hills

LINE stickers. Most popular messaging app in Japan. If an animu gets stickers you know there's something happening.

Wait, maybe I'm wrong. I can't read nip anyway. Disregard.

Great. I can't wait to watch it with Sup Forums like S2.

stupid sexy kokona

>not using legacy captcha


Especially with zealots like that Friday guy who will contact doujin authors over Sup Forums posts.

Best boyfriend.

She's a cute girl, not a boy.

Cute tomboy girls can be boyfriends.

>no doujins where the other girls check whether this is true

at least there's this exhentai.org/s/e20d774ce4/748097-12

but YnS doujins need more futa, not bbm.

Shit eating grin.

Het in my gay mountain lolis? The fuck is this?

YnS doujins need more urinating outdoors.

>dat dress
>dat smug smile
Damn Kokona is beautiful

Not yet.

Have you climbed a mountain yet, Sup Forums?

>1/7 scale

Fuck, that will kill my wallet.

Nendo now, but Hinata daki when?

How about no.

>getting scales before a Hinata Nendo

Not sure if I should be mad or rejoice. I know next to nothing about PLUM though, I hope they're as good as GSC at least

>doesnt want cute mountain girl on mountain girl penetration
>wants old men to touch the pure girls instead

>he doesn't know
Rejoice, user. Hinata Nendo was announced on the 19th. Now to wait for the other three.

Holy shit you made my day, user. Now I guess it's time to beg everyday for a nendo of pic related



Fuck Kokona

Yes please.

That's illegal user.

What would Freud say about these young girls' desire to climb mountains?

Hinata and Kaede want to fuck their dad.

I just want to climb Kaede's mountains.

More Yamas figures to buy. I don't know should I be happy or not.

Such lovely mountains.

I just want to see them making love to the mountain.

Hinata's dad is a cool guy. I'd fuck him if I were his daughter.

I've never even seen one

Underboob is just the best

Mountain sprouts up a dick for the girls to fuck?

I want to see them snowcapped.


Some user asked on a previous thread if there were other other rough sketches handed out at theaters and turns out there are four. Kaede's sketch is handed out on the first week then Kokona then Hinata and last is Aoi.
