This is my ability, Countdown. It lets me plant on bomb on some one when I touch them and say "bomber"...

This is my ability, Countdown. It lets me plant on bomb on some one when I touch them and say "bomber". The bomb can only be disarmed by touching me and saying "I caught the bomber". This ability is ten times stronger than Little Flower and can not be blocked by Nen. The bomb is then conjured and its countdown timer starts at 6000, counting down faster if your heart rates increase.

I must explain my ability before I can use it.

jobber thread?

what the fuck is this convoluted power?

fucking Nen, how does it work thread

>can not be blocked by Nen
for real?

le shitpost xD

Nice, but were you aware that Bungee gum has the properties of both gum and rubber?


What I never got is how they come up with this shit.
Is there some sort of person that gives you bullshit conditions so your weird ability can work, or do you just try variations until one works, or how the fuck do you arrive at these things?

>HxH has good villa-

you literally just make it up in your head and it works. Its playground powers the series

It was shown in the series. It basically a "if you truly believe in it, it works" situation. If you do not truly believe the conditions are steep enough for your ability then it will not work. Making a hastsu is up to the user. Some of it is obvious, in order to electrify your aura you're going to feel the electricity, but for the more convoluted ones it all comes from you. People have limits though

>I want a strong as spit delayed explosion skill, the fact that its delayed makes it stronger
>I'll make it tricky to apply, contact recquirement/verbal requirement
>i'll also add another requirement to activate it
>and a way it can be defused
boom, just adds layers and layers of buffs until its an insta-kill

What's stopping me from making an ability that stops someones heart when I touch them or some other OP shit aside from "you have to train hard"?


You have to be a conjurer for one, and you need to offset how strong an ability like that would be with conditions.

they literally explain it in the show, the stronger the skill the stronger the conditions

thats why kurapika is shit tier against anything not ryodan

Also the fact that opponent cant resist your ability with their nen.

The world of hunter x hunter demands that you have to balance an ability like that. Something like "But I also die when I use it" would be acceptable.

If you have strong nen, you might be able to eke out something that strong/bullshit and it would be draining

If you have weak nen, you'd be too weak to stop a heart permanently, maybe for a few seconds. Restrictions let you buff weak nen, or be more nen efficient

He's not though because only his chain jail is limited to them.

Can't I just make a shit ton of pseudo conditions that add up to become powerful?

>i have to be wearing shoes
>i have to touch the opponent directly
>i have to have blinked 10 times in the past minute
>i have to be able to see my opponent
>i have to touch my oponents with my hands
>ect ect
>then if I don't follow these conditions when I activate this ability, I die

I thought the more conditions you make the stronger your resolve and the more powerful the skill.
Like how kurapika only let his heart ability be used on the clan to ensure it would work.

Properties of both wave AND particle |ψ>

I love the nen system, allows for cool unique abilities without devolving to beam spam

I think they have to be difficult conditions to focus your resolve.

SeeIt's not about the number of conditions, it's about the balance itself.



>touch the opponent through clothes, messing it up
>blink 11 times, messing it up
>you're ambushed
Sure dude but some will fuck you over

its about your mental state, so if you believe the conditions are weak the benefit from those conditions will be weak.

I'm assuming that explaining the mini-game is a condition for the ability to work

I don't understand, Kupika's condition for that ability wasn't even that difficult but it seems you can just add a punishment, "oh by the way, If I break this condition I die" and the ability becomes broken as fuck.

If you belive that something works as a condition then you can make it a condition. Gon became a bigguy4you because he believed that losing his nen balanced out the power he got, if he, for some reason, was more attached to his pinky toe than anything else in the world then he could have used "I will lose my pinky toe" as a condition and it would have worked equally as well

He can set bombs on people whenever he wants, but if he wants to set them off, he needs to explain the ability to them. Otherwise, they just have invisible, useless bombs on them.

What if he gives them a tape recorder and tell them to play the message in 5 days? They can't even counter it.

Maybe, but even if you can trigger it like that, the countdown won't start until they've heard the whole thing. All you have to do is not listen to this thing some random guy told you to listen to in 5 days and you're safe.

the face to face explaination is the requirement to start the timer on the bombs; it really only works because of two things.
The power level of most of the Nen users on G.I. at the time and the card system increasing their ability to avoid mass direct confrontation.

>If you do not truly believe the conditions are steep enough for your ability then it will not work
buy Kupika knows her condition isn't steep. she knows she will never use the ability on anyone but the phantom trope, so for her the condition is easy unlike for other people. yet the ability is super powerful for some reason.

refer to
If you truly believe that the conditon balances out the ability then it will and Kurapika believed that wagering his life balanced out the ability

its because he has immensely strong resolve and the punishment is so severe

and the condition is hard because hes limiting his strongest attack to just one group.

And people seriously defend this over generic "muh nakama" bullshit?

Reminder that it isn't an asspull.

It's rules lawyering. His most powerful abilities are to restrict the opponents' nen and kill them instantly, and both of those abilities can only be used on the Phantom Troupe. He can still use other chains on other people, but they won't be anywhere near as powerful.

then His cost is that he must spend more and more time trying coming up with an entirely new Hatsu to use on any non-spiders. He basically built a gold gun that only works on spiders and is just generic nen dude 2581 against anyone else until he creates a new Hatsu

>dude my lifespan is shortened lmao
Nice "condition" you got there

It has the single biggest weakness. He has to explain his nen. The main thing about non-enhancers is working out their nen ability before it works on you. It means an ultra aggressive fighter would topple him in seconds because he could only use little flower and thats useless against anyone his equal.

So anyone can come back to life?

yup, and it only works in the story because he can just Teleport away right after the bombs start ticking; in any other case he would just get beat the fuck down by the room of people he just explained his nen to.

>Show ends with the MC dying, because he used that lifespan shortening technique too much.

>My ability is this powerful because when I get home I have to flip the light switch on and off 5 times or my family will die


Only if their nen has the properties of both rubber and gum.

>you run into a dude whose hatsu prevents you from touching anything electronic
gg no re

>conjure up a non-electric light switch

Well Kite is alive

doesn't matter if the punishment is so severe she if will never break the rule lel

>make a rule that I can only use my ability if I am a human
>btw i die if i use my ability without this condition :^)
>ability becomes super powerful

if you truly believe that is fair and you're not cheating the system it will work

To be fair he is a very beautiful boy

That is what this dude did to be able to steal people's powers.

>my condition is that the more I cheat the system, the stronger I get

You can't "flip" a non-electronic on. There's no circuit.

>My nen ability is that if you send this message to 10 people within the next 12 hours your crush will kiss you, but if you don't then a nigger will break into your home and instantly kill you and your entire family

Nen is retarded

Nobody said anything about flipping circuits. Only switches.

>nen is stronger if you just believe in yourself
>or if you drop dead
This is dumb

>Nen is a datamining ponzi scheme
Oh shit

You're dumb.

Nice Gimpy Killer Queen.

>my family would die
Doesn't work that way. You can't just sacrifice some arbitrary stranger on the other side of the world. You put your own neck on the line or something else that's immediate and tangible
>if i don't fulfill X requirement Meruem dies ecks dee


>my condition is that I wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, take a shower, cook breakfast, get in my car, drive somewhere, get home, post on Sup Forums. cook a chicken dinner, keep hydrated and feed my dog

no one can stop me now with all these conditions

>Sup Forums goes down

and the only reason it works well is because he's a top class nen user ontop of that. Doesn't matter if he can steal anyone's nen if he can't use it properly but he's physically a match for guys like Killua's grandpa and Rapeclown, even as a specialist conjuror, meaning if he was an enhancer, he'd be fucking insane with the same potential.

>any one of these goes wrong
>you instantly die
at the very best you die when your dog dies

>oversleep and wake up in the afternoon
>your toothbrush breaks
>water isn't running
>heating/electricity not working
>car stolen
>see above
>home burns down
>Sup Forums is being ddos'd
>no chicken anywhere nearby
>throat closes up
>dog runs away or dies

Man you're ability better be fucking godly

>Sleep in

>villain breaks your water pipes
>villain attacks the Sup Forums servers
>villain replaces your chicken dinner with a vegan substitutes

>If I don't fulfill X requirement I explode into a sphere that obliterates (and poisons) everything in exactly a one mile radius
Now I have the ultimate fuck you attack as well


It's a reference

Do you have the strength to do that without dying? Then it's not happening. Notice how Netero needed a bomb put in him despite how absurdly powerful his nen is?

So basically chimera ant arc

Why can't you just use a manipulation hypnosis nen ability on yourself and others to make them have a ridiculously strong resolve and make them believe inconsequential restrictions are fair and balanced?

His whole schtick is that his nen is the special snowflake kind that are exceptions to the whole nen rules, don't pretend he is anything more than that.

What's the condition to maintain the hypnosis?

You need to use your dick as a pendulum, the moment it stops flopping the effect breaks

The hypnosis only works against those who are willing and consent.

I have to get at least 6 hours of sleep per night and maintain my virginity (defined as benis in vagina).

>have to train daily a strict regime for a period of time
>no one will recognize your strength ever
>all your acquaintances are obnoxious people
>feel no emotion in life
wala, the ultimate nen power

i fixed the system lads. now conjurers and manipulates are adjacent so they get 80% afinity instead of being next to useless shit, which makes sense considering their synergy.

the asspull special snowflakes belong in the centre and get 60% afinity from the rest of the categories

>some thot walks by and falls on your dick

Consider if he used it on Hisoka who wasnt actually a member

>Gon let this maniac go scot-free

You forgot the most important restriction.

>watch a really good anime
>gets to a good point half way through the night
>you really want to continue even if it costs your sleep

>the requirement for using this immediate nen ability is something hours later like getting a good night sleep
that doesn't even make fucking sense

Netero didn't think of gaming the retarded rules of nen and turning himself into a fucking supernova.
>Do you have the strength to do that without dying
No, but the matter that makes up my body has like 1.5 gigatons of energy I can sacrifice to tell whoever I'm fighting and the entire continent to fuck off.
What's stopping me from using my nen to turn all my matter energy into normal energy as a last fuck you attack?

I would think Tsezguerra had him arrested

Please realize that you cannot simply make anything your power by just thinking of it and generating restrictions. To conjure something you really need to be able to visualize and spend a great amount of time constructing an image of it in your mind, understanding the weight and movement of the object, etc. There was that whole Greed Island training part of the series where Gon and Killua were taught how to control their nen more efficiently. Without a certain level of skill, you're going to be stuck with shit powers like the dog whisperer guy. Kurapika is kind of an asspull with how powerful he was right off the bat but at least he had to focus on the chain itself before he could conjure it.

There's also potential which is related to the type of nen you're best in. And it's not totally up to the user's conscious decision whether or not a restriction will work. You'll know if it's good enough by the way the nen responds and if the hatsu actually develops.

Clever; So he used the property of post death nen to get enough power to turn back to life.