Love Live: Do you want to grab a parfait edition?
why is she so edgy?
Admirable digits.
I think it’s time someone came out and said it: Nozomi is okay but is seriously fucking overrated. And maybe Eli wasn’t that amazing but people need to stop shitting on her every single time she gets mentioned.
Too many people think Eli's character development stops after she joins Muse in S1, but it continues up until the very end of S2.
For instance, from S1 to S2, she slowly learns to given leadership positions to other members, and is finally persuaded by Nozomi to trust that Honk/Kotori/Umi can take care of the student council without them.
Her character development only finishes at the end of S2 when she returns to the student council room and Honk tells her that her efforts paid off, but not through her direct intervention, and instead through inspiring others how to be their own leaders
cuz gimmick
Fuck off, and go to /vg/.
i still love my cute wife Yazawa Nico
>could have had an interesting Nico/Umi/Nozomi hybrid character
>instead end up with this edgelord
Don't forget Rin. She's basically the retard in their group
>cuz gimmick
reminds me of:
>It's a Maki clone but she's different because instead of tsundere she's scared of dogs
She's more like kotori/umi than maki/umi 2bh
Killer singing voice though
I'm fine with this.
What are the muse members doing now they've disbanded?
>tfw Aqwhores will never be able to influence a generation as much as Muse did
I want to grab Nozomi's hand in marriage!
nice trips
except yohane makes the show unwatchable; i just skip ahead whenever she speaks
She's not bad, I like yohane because she's cute and funny. Even though she's a chuuni she's still a good kid.
I don't get how yohane is favorite for so many people; I find her edginess is overdone.
with Nico-Nico-Nii, the other characters and people around would still react to it, but with Yohane there are just edgy moments where she talks about her >muh demons n shiet but the other characters just ignore her. Likewise, I find myself ignoring her for that reason.
And Nico at least had a redemption arc.
How is Yoshiko edgy btw? The real edgy in sunshine is Kanan.
it's just her chuuni gimmick and hating her name. I don't sense any Yoshiko's edgyness around her friends at all. She's more like a bro.
Fuck off awkwhores fags. Take your shitty anime to /vg/ or create your own thread to discuss your shitty girls
This is S-Tier girls discussion, not your F-tier whores
Nozomi is not S-Tier.
Simply put, we need to go thicker.
Can your girlfriend control weather and time travel? Because mine can
You know it's funny how some anons try to write long paragraphs about how Nozomi is this great wonderful character when the truth is that some of you only like her for her tits. I wouldn't honestly even care if you didn't spam your overrated character in every damn thread
If you Nozomi pigs want to post her so badly just make a separate thread for her or something. I mean if she really is this "well adored and beloved" character that so many anons are saying then she should easily be easy to handle her own thread and leave the rest of the girls alone for once.
Even the “redemption” arc couldn’t save that piece of shit Nico.
Yocchan is just a harmless, cute chuuni baka that really treasures her friends.
>implying Nico's redemption arc was the siblings episode
her redemption was learning to let others take the leadership role. You can see this when they do the raffle in S2, Nico is taken aback that Honk calls her up, while S1 Nico would have been clamoring for that spot the whole time
with Muse the character development and extended beyond each character's "feature episode", but in Sunshine it seems they try to rub it in your face every time. But then to offset the "muh heavy drama" they add unnecessary moe kawaii shit (like Riko afraid of dogs, Yohane being edgy, and zura-zura)
>yoshiko is edgy
stop that retard.
Read the thread title again, fag.
how much gayer does Sunshine get?
this isn't even subtle anymore
If it’s about ChikaRiko, I hope it’s gonna get even gayer.
I wanted to believe that LL threads would get better with season 2 airing but if the last thread and this one is any indication, they have only gotten worse instead.
At least the original NozoEli parfait scene had a double meaning
>first time, Nozomi suggests getting a parfait when Eli is anxious about Honk's new student council, as a way to take her mind off things
>second time, Eli suggests getting a parfait, meaning she has accepted that the Honk's student council will be able to take care of themselves
Sunshine doesn't even try to hide it anymore
well, it can't be helped seeing how Sunshine will always be worse than SIP
We always get infested by troll for a day or two after the new ep airs. Check back later.
Why does Nozomi, the biggest idol, not simply eat the other idols?
Fuck she's hot
You people are fucking delusional
Give the the saddest LL songs, I want to cry.
>Long black hair and medium length wavy hair
>Tsundere and Genki who both get annoyed at others
>Different years
Is DiaYou the new NicoMaki?
No, but Youshiko is
>Give the the saddest LL songs, I want to cry.
i guess this chart wasn't inaccurate then...
I'm really sick of Nozotards and "THICC" shitposters
But what if I want Eli and Nozomi to have hot kinky yuri segsual intercourse
Anchan fucking shines at sad songs
Have a cute Nozomi pic
How much would it cost to commission an actual music box with this tune?
dunno, but it shouldnt be that expensive
Jesus, this never fails to make me tear up.
Lack of dick
Our girls are doing it.
for real?
I didnt know Joe Hisaishi was an Idoru
good for them, they need stuff like this, I wonder if they will be inv to the event of new year
Moose is truly dead
There's something terribly wrong with her ass cheeks
fun fact: aqours is the lowest selling artist in this lineup
fun fact: µ's isn't in this lineup
Can't stop thinking lewd thoughts about Yohane.
The best
Give me more (You)s
I hope this means aqours might actually be performing at olympics 2020
Bunch of sluts.
Have 2, its on the house.
How much?
Ohio gozaimasu
No spooking elichika pls
The only LL ship I give a shit about
She is a try hard retard
>it's a Halloween special episode
Bump for tomatochan
Nico is so shit that I dropped the show.
Yohane is a top qt
Why is yohsiko the only one without sleeves the whole time
designated armpit idol
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Why are kotorifags always traps, neets or both?
Damn I need to record it