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Shep is the only real journalist there. Hannity just appeals to 80 year old men on breathing tanks.
What the fuck?
Honestly, who would ever mistake anything on fox for journalism?
>t. Brian Stelter
yeah man *snopes link* I’m a free thinker *CNN link* I’m not some *John Oliver video* dumb drone who’s *Mic.com article* easily manipulated *New York Times article* by the media *SNL video* like those dumb *Huffington Post article* inbred conservatives. *Buzzfeed article*
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>Shep Smith doesn't suck 30 cocks a night
Fake News
> listening to a literal retarded faggot
Shep didn't even graduate high school. He's been sucking his way into gigs like this for decades.
>news agency confirms there non-news segments aren't news
At least they don't pretend it's news like other outlets. "Here's A Thing That Happened (and Why You Should Be Upset)"
>most liberal cuck on Fox News badmouths conservative Fox News hosts
wake me up when something that matters happens
(((Shepard Smith)))
>He went on to attend the University of Mississippi, where he majored in journalism, but left two credits away from graduation
You know you can just goggle this shit, right?
Sup Forums BTFO once again
Still more honest than MSDNC's stance on Richard Madkow's or Goy Neig's show
The dude should just go to NBC like Megyn Kelly.
Tucker is the shit. He's been triggering roasties and femmies hard with his "men in America" thing.
Yeah, like every other channel. Tucker and hannity are talk shows on a news network, much like the view is under abc news.
That's why they're mad.
>Fox News opinion programs are strictly entertainment
Which is why I watch Fox News
So he didn't graduate college either.
Just pretending to be retarded?
tucker has said this numerous time on his own show lmao
Neil cavuto and brett baier shit on shepherd "sucking cocks on the clock" smith
so whose dick did he suck to get the job?
kids in haiti were his first passion
all `news` is classified as entertainment through the FCC. if it wasn't, they might be held liable for their lies, propaganda, and mistakes.
news has a factual connotation in the legal world.
>all these faggots oblivious to how things work around them
Do you not fucking get it? Play the Left's game against them - they can say what they want, and it's "comedy", so no libel suits. Stewart, Colbert, Noah, etc... "oh, I'm not 'news, I'm just making jokes".
Pls go on the tucks show, shep. I want to see you cry
The fact that fox has liberal hosts like shep just shows they are objectively less biased than CNN or msnbc
>opinion isnt news
This confuses the communist
Heheh - beat me as I was looking for the proper pic
>Neil cavuto
Boring faggot
At least they admit it. CNN and MSNBC still pretend to be worth a damn.
>Comparing actual comedians to self-proclaimed journalists
You just lost, user.
Why is it ALWAYS Shep Smith saying this shit? Everytime I see an article with a headline like "FOX NEWS REPORTER ADMITS DRUMPF IS A BIG STUPID LYING DUMB DUMB" it's always this little faggot.
lol yeah every single news outlet except the ones trump likes are fake news
>Shepherd Smith
k shareblue. shill moar
Fake News is a program that pretend to be news, but is actually an opinion show.
Hannity and Tucker say they are only opinion shows every single day.
Why is the Left so retarded that they get their news from Noah Nigger and can't follow Fox News' scheduling?
This. This is one of those feels-packages they dole out regularly to calm down the liberals. Those who pay attention know that Fox is the last bastion for real mainstream journalism.
Does Shep have Down's? His face is all fucked up. Or is that what sucking cocks does to you?
Tucker's by far funnier than any of the "comedians" I mentioned.
hannity is alex jones-tier
but tucker is actually good
the punchline being so are everyone else's and then Fox wins again
I don't know if he planned it but at the least Shep is a useful queer
That's subjective and generally based on popularity. If Tucker Carlson wants to do his own standup/specials he's more than welcome to try :)
Most of shep smith is opinion.... like whenever hes speaking. I still dont find him entertaining outside of the rare moments.
Maybe hes just mad that Tucker and Hannity have more zeros at the end of their paychecks.
That's what all opinion programs are.
Opinions are not facts (ostensibly what news is). No shit!
I think Trevor Noah has had one joke out of all the videos I've watched that I even cracked a chuckle; Colbert hasn't been funny in years; Stewart saw the writing on the wall and got out of the game; FFS Seinfeld won't even do shows on college campuses anymore because liberals literally can't handle humor.
Shep, I wanted to like you, but it turns out you're a total faggot in every possible way.
Shepard Smith literally sucks penises.
Again, that's subjective, your opinion. And lots of people would disagree with you.
Hey, they're welcome to disagree, but they happen to be fucking wrong.
Which part? He said facts too
i'm as far left as you can get and trevor noah is objectively not that funny
martha disagrees
If McCabe gets fired before Saturday then you are wrong.
>I still dont find him entertaining outside of the rare moments.
"she's a big fan!" --- and so is shep
>cuts to host with stupid look on face
>I mean c'mon
>*seals clapping in unison*
Says who? You? When did you become the authority on comedy and how much does the job pay?
The part where he says comedians aren't funny, meanwhile they still generate audiences
>I'm as far left as you can get
I don't believe you. Not that it matters. Because again, he still has an audience.
I was showing my wife that tentacle porn exists by reading a teacher/student doujin with no tentacle content.
I think most people know that the great majority of cable news is opinion entertainment. And I think most people who watch cable news like to ignore their own intuition. Couple of years ago Tucker Carlson gave an interview with Gavin McInnes where he said straight up that he didn't consider himself a journalist, but something closer to a provocateur.
All opinion programs are this you retards. Anyone who thinks editorial programs aren't entertainment is a moron. You think Rachel Maddow isn't entertainment?
You and shep are disgusting faggot traitors who should be shot.
I became absolute God Emperor authority on comedy from the moment I listened to Jimmy Carr
Plus, the Left can't meme.
Get cucked
Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are for retarded faggots like OP. Nobody with more than half a brain watches that shit.
Shep is absolutely worthless.
i really should save this copypasta
>taking the words of a man who puts dicks in his mouth seriously.
Pretty much, they're caught lying all the time. 2016 really highlighted the corruption of leftwing media.
Also, p a i d f a g g o t
>Unironically enjoying Tucker
>Not being an AARP member
Pick Only One
Only in fantasy fake news land could a guy who got roasted so hard he was fired from his own TV show flourish as another knockoff version of Oreilly and Hannity. The only thing he triggers are bowtie enthusiasts.
The View is strictly entertainment.
Fox News is as biased as CNN.
What is this about?
Shep cocky after his contract was renewed
he wont be at Fox for much longer, right? It's not like he brings in the viewers like those two do
Point out one time he lied then.
Shep IS and has always been a faggot kike plant in that network.
Just pretending to be a faggot?
>gets more viewers than like 3 or 4 CNN/MSNBC hosts put together
lmfao, your side literally has Rachel "Bull Dyke" Maddow, embarrassing
Tucker is doing a weekly segment on how hard men are getting fucked over. He uses statistics instead of anecdotes. It's more depressing than entertaining.
t. Shepard smiths pool boy
Proof that the New York Times is corrupt? I actually have some respect for them, and they get hated on here a lot, but I never see a reason why
Yes. welcome to the sad reality of life. We used to hang faggot traitors like this.
Shep is a closet gay who does as he's told by the men holding his balls.
Agreed, tuckers show is hilarious and its not even sctipted or edited like the libshit shows. No idea how anybody can say tucker isnt the best on fox.
The difference between the major networks is easily observable. How often do you see Gowdy or Rand Paul or other prominent Republicans on CNN or MSNBC? Often. How often do you see Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi or Schumer on Fox? Never. If you have a brain capable of deduction this should tell you all you need to know.
>Left can't meme
Spot on, spot on
>laura silsby intensifies
If you're watching cable news then you're a mouth-breather. Enjoy your propaganda, and entertainment news.
Trips of truth right there
>Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi or Schumer
The differences between these 3 and Gowdy or Rand Paul is that the later have the ability to hold a proper conversation.
Also the fact that all 3 of them refuse to show on Fox.
Because people confuse their terrible opinion pieces for actual jounalism. A lot of people dont realize anyone can write an oppinion piece. Them trying to go after pewdiepie was pretty pathetic though, acting like a Swedish youtuber saying nigger once ia going to turn 1000s of kids into Nazis was pretty piss poor journalism.
We should go back to those times.
dear lord of chaos that goes by the name of kek, I beg of thee to ban talk shows.
Video version. One of the women in the video worked for the WV attorney general and got fired for appearing in it. dailywire.com
glenn thrush
They can hold a proper conversation because they do not lie every other sentence like Schumer, Maxine "you're a racist" Waters, or Pelosi.