The government is controlled by the globalists. Africa's population will be 4 billion by 2100, making the world permanently blacked. European culture will be overrun. How do I find hope?
How do you avoid depression after the redpill?
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You don't. Anyone who isn't is delusional.
You're in Italy, drown yourself in its god-tier food.
You'll be dead by then. It's not your problem.
i find the anger gives me energy desu
feel your pain like you are supposed to you cuck we're here feeling it all the same
You either Man Up or Man Out
Lexi Belle
I guarantee your depression will go away if you just get laid more. Doesn't matter the kind of woman or race of them. Just do it.
Stockpile mustard gas in jam jars and wait for the revolution.
Just enjoy your life and don’t think about it, we will be dead before that happens
And women
There’s only one true answer user. Right wing deathsquads.
Every day, you strive to redpill one more. It's the only thing worth doing anymore.
Get Fit, Get Smart, Start a political movement and be the strong guiding hand or support the right man to become the strong guiding hand. A state without a strong guiding hand will end up in degeneracy because normal people just want to live a comfy life and not bother thinking the thoughts that allow them to do that.
life is struggle lad
struggle is overcoming adversity
you should be excited to be alive for the challenges ahead of you instead of depressed as they give meaning to life, your life
Take the Breadpill user.
You don't.
Here take this.
Plan the extermination of all traitors, then we can put the world and our enemies into their place.
take solace in the fact that if white people die out the kikes will eventually be devoured by the brown hoards. their fate is inexorably linked to ours.
1. Understand that the other is not the real and only a symbolic representation.
2. You have no control on the world only how you view it, so why give it credence.
3. Clean your room and smoke weed (not alcohol).
4. Do something creative - make, write, draw. Do a fucking carving of something.. I don't know and stop asking such stupid faggy questions.
Faith in motherfucking god, the universe, karma, spiritual energy.
Why the push to devalue Christianity from the mainstream media? Everything is "woo-woo" ventures too far away from rationalism, etc. Programming us to have no hope. You've accepted the programming my friend.
God isn't a man in the sky, all those things I just mentioned are the same. All religions are the same. All religions work. We are WIRED to believe in SOMETHING. There is a world outside of skepticism, that the elites would rather you didn't believe in.
Believe in the powerful energy connecting us and that it's stronger than the bullshit weak energy the elites and satanists thrive off of, because it is. They are not Gods. They are arrogant.
By not being a little faggot bitch you little faggot bitch
Unironically this
Marry a good white woman. Make some dollars & have some kids. Home school them and make them go to church. Once they graduate from college and have a stable career start ranting about Jews at family gatherings.
>still pussied out of drawing a swastika
Don’t listen to this faggot stoner and smoke weed. Weed will feminize your mind and make it worse
without whites around to moralize and point fingers the jews will be free to brutally destroy their immediate neighbors in any way they see fit.
>Africa's population will be 4 billion by 2100
Good luck with feeding them
with what army?
alcohol helps
>The government is controlled by the globalists.
>Africa's population will be 4 billion by 2100, making the world permanently blacked.
By not taking any more downers (bluepills and blackpills), see above. Realize (((their))) intention is to demoralize/immobilize you.
You don't have to avoid it. Just don't give up faggot. That is for the weakest of our species.
Start identifying your weaknesses and rooting them out one at a time. Make yourself into something formidable and self respect will follow. This is all we have to do to win. We have abandoned what made our civilization great in the first place and therfore have set it on the path to destruction. We need only regain our initiative and then there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop us. And this time all whites are being forced by threat of extinction to work together. That has never happened before. Imagine what we can achieve together and let that be your guiding light.
you don't avoid it. you handle it and over time you become stronger. stop being a little bitch.
Don't take the black pill user. I've spent over a year trying to intake it. Start by lifting, cutting porn, drugs, and alcohol. Apprentice in a noble trade that will have you self employed in 5 years, save up for a nice piece of land away from the degeneracy of the city, and start working toward building a family. If we're lucky, the war will break out before our children are fighting age. If not, make sure they're strong
By 2100 you'll be dead
OP, here's something for you as a reminder of the truth.
>How do you avoid depression after the redpill?
there's one simple rule to depression: confession and no addictions
Theres nothing you can do about it. Ignorance is bliss and we are not ignorant. Just wait patiently for the nuclear apocalypse
My girlfriend understands where you're coming from, but if you focused more on yourself and the things you can immediately change you might feel a bit less triggred. One love.
Its only being a traitor if you marry another race. Hate raping teenage black woman is strongly encouraged for theropy. Use 2 condoms tho
You do what Sup Forums has been telling you to do all this time. Start pumping iron and getting /fit/. Read literature and philosophy. Find a soul mate and raise a family. Become a force to be reckoned with at debate and knowledge. Take an interest in firearms. Dont focus on the mindless plebs. Focus on improving yourself and you'll be able to lead those idiots.
well you will probably see one of the greatest war in human history the leftist think they are the good one without realizing they will be responsible for genocides what i'm curious is how history will remember them anyway bad times give men oportunity its the weak who will suffer the most
We hope Musk gets us to Mars. Africans can't sustain their population as is without aid. Add more people and more Zimbabwe/Soifrica hilarity and famine will grip the continent.
By lifting.
Any time you internalize a new worldview, you're going to experience some kind of depression. It's unavoidable.
It's your way of grieving for your old self, which is now dead.
You're alright pal
Can you explain your post a bit more please my good sir.
i white knight for women. it gives my life a porpoise
That flag was in Gundam 0083. It's also Zeon so...
no it won't. I get laid all the time (gf) and it doesn't help at all. it even makes it worse because gf is all dovey and i'm like >:-(
>t. kike
Getting laid is nice but that should be at most x
Read Platos cave allegory.
Kike spotted
There is no hope, don't waste your time and energy looking for it, make your life comfortable, play the game and make money, build your skill set, quietly stock up on toilet roll, food, water, fuel and don't talk about what you know with normies, just laugh at their ignorance and walk away if the conversation turns to politics, exercise regularly, eat healthily and aim to become as self sufficient as possible
This means suppressing human nature, it's only natural to have a flight or fight reponce in a threatening situation but if you do anything about what you know, you will be arrested or you will be sent to a mental institution and medicated against your will or you will have someone kill you in a "robbery gone wrong"
Or you could build a home made tank and drive to your local hive of scum and villainy and be the next meme Sup Forums enjoys
There's no going back senpai, you're here forever
You just do a little bit better every day.
>checks flag
Wow sure showed me sven
Those can be grenades you need to make a flamethrower version for mustard gas
I wish I could write an amazing speech to boost our morale but I've realised that their is no hope. Their is no chance of fixing any of this. Where do we begin? I hesitate to criticise the state of the world now because this is all we have and if I turn against it then death is the only option. I must work for my family and I'd like to keep my mind stress free until the time I can move away from it all and live out in the wilderness.
1. Start taking control over things you can. Better yourself and become competent. Don't screw yourself in some dead-end situation, just keep available an alternative to whatever you're doing (jobs, choiches, etc..).
2. Push your perceived limitation to acquire awarness of their real extend.
3. Find people irl who share your views an concerns (i know that this is one of the most difficult parts but sharing the burden will alleviate the pain).
4. Keep a positive attitude about it an share it with your peers. That doesn't mean you have to be delusional but to recover "faith" (in yourself, in your peers, etc... religion can help if keep it "cum grano salis").
Aprire gli occhi è la parte più facile, il difficile viene adesso, ma se tieni duro puoi scoprire di essere più forte di quello che credevi di essere.
Do nofap
Oy vey
Become what you must become.
Your hopes, your dreams, they are nothing in the face of what is now required of you.
Become the Man your people need, not the one they deserve.
The only black pill, if you're empathically inclined, is the inevitable mass starvation of those blacks when the tide has turned and they have to depend on themselves again.
The white man will survive.
I heard if you whine like a little bitch online, ones life will improve drastically
Look, their plan is not to let the black African population explode. Globalists like bill gates are actively working on covert population control, at least, that's what his actions and foundation's studies suggest, imo. The ebola virus was a test that appeared to originate from a globalist owned lab in the region. The H1N1 swine flu appeared to be designed to target south Americans. They are using islam and refugees to destabilize the west so that they can impose a world government that's controlled. They will take over the mainstream Islamist preachers by buying them out or simply like they already do in other religions. Once they have control, they will rule from safe havens like Switzerland and guarded mountain tops where they will live in luxury and have private greenhouses with renewable energy and not be dependent upon the rest of the world for survival, only for luxury, and they will still control it from their enclaves built into secret mountains far from poor people who would want to overpower them with force.
But they don't want a population of Africa to be 4 billion either... and even if it does, disease would eventually naturally wipe out a large portion of them, due to lack of hygiene, clean water, food, and modern medicine. The diseases they are eradicating are the ones that affect people trying to work in those regions... until those are solved, it makes it very difficult for smart people to want to go try and fix it.
Hitler 2 ? But made by Bethesda and the Half Life guy
my relationship with Jesus Christ keeps me peaceful and at ease.
To expand on the Africa 4 billion thing, it is technically impossible to have that many people on that continent. It just doesn't work. They don't even have enough resources for their current population. In it's current state, I think the most probable outcome is the African population will hit it's highest peak and the population will plummet from there. From 1B+ to 200-300M. They just can't last much longer.