Iranian user

Why are "racist" White conservatives less racist towards minorities than liberals?

I fucking HATE white liberals.

I arrived to Seattle about 3 years ago for University. Most of the people that wish to befriend me are White liberals who just want to drag me around to prove their other hipster middle-class liberal white friends how PROGRESSIVE they are. I'm literally a fucking trophy for them.

The only genuine friend/mentor I made was last month, with a 72 year old guy who I met at a mentor-student introduction program. He's a petroleum engineer (which is the field I'm going into) and we were matched together via my University.

He said he wanted a smoke and I tagged along and went outside with him and he said to me,

>"I'll be honest, I don't like your kind but you seem alright."

So far, he's been a really great mentor who has taught me a lot about what it means to be American. He served in Vietnam and also saw the political correctness transformation of America, etc.. and always tells me interesting stories about his life. He still cracks racist jokes toward me and other races but I don't mind. His actions are what really count and he has really gone out of his way to help me a couple of times already.

I also met a couple of his old friends who also genuinely treat me better, and there is always banter being thrown around back and forth.

Why are liberals more racist that conservatives?

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Because traditional conservatives measure your value in what you bring in terms of work ethic, mindset regarding patriotic ideals, and contribution to the American dream.

If you've never worked a day in your life, you're probably a liberal, because you think the world runs on platitudes, and not on hard work.

Liberals subconsciously see you as a tool to promote their agenda and not a human being.

Gr8 b8, M8. I r8 8/8.

Progressives deny their human nature by putting on a front. Conservatives are comfortable with their innate in group preference and dont feel the need to seek attention and positive reinforcement.

Pic related? If so, I know why you too were Honorary Aryans.

oh wow another Uncle Farhad thread. Quit seeking validation from white conservatives and go back to Iran.

You're just realizing this? You're a fucking pet to these people, another slave without the chains. These wine slurping crackers don't give a fuck about you.



1 post by this ID i guarantee it

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You're just a cuck and should kill yourself. From one Iranian to another, "Bemeer, bisharoo."

>Why are liberals more racist that conservatives?
They're the same shit. Conservatives are "classical liberals" and liberals are "progressive liberals". They're both idiots, but the classical liberals tend to be more war-mongering while feigning "right-wing ideals". Paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan are better.


Muh me loge?

This or OP should provide proof of him being an Iranian. This is some reddit level blog posting for upvotes (You)s.

>"muh American dream"
Go choke yourself, faggot. This country has been unconstitutional since the creation of FED and CIA. Even Truman regretted the creation of the CIA. Secrecy breeds corruption. Just like how you "traditional conservatives" jack off to porn in secrecy.

Faggot. Your Founding Fathers would hate you.

Jesus christ I don't know what it is, but due to the area I'm currently living in...I'm on the border of the ghetto in my city. I have a black training partner, and find myself around black people fairly often. I swear even though I drop redpills constantly call out jews for being jews and not white, be proud of white accomplishments the vast majority seem to try and hang out with me instead of their black liberal friends. It's the exact opposite of what I want, and I don't understand. For instance.

>Leaving to play 3 wall hand ball not nigger one wall

couple of blacks

>Aye mayne where you eading?




>oh shit fo real? can we come along?


>It's 3 wall man not one wall


>lol damn yo funny seriously though?


>honestly guys its a paid for club (it's not but it's all my HS athletic buddies, and older whites ranged from 40-83)

Getting annoying

Cool, go home already

Take your pills

don't be a dick, user.

I don't take any drugs. Big Pharma is corrupt, and anyone who takes pills for moderate to minimal depression is setting themselves up for a nightmare.

Maybe you should learn to be literate and not a retarded faggot?

One hundred percent. They even see themselves as just that most of the time if you understand what I mean.

This country has been unconstitutional since lincoln. Suspension of habeus corpus, suspension of free speech, completely questionable reasoning for a war with the South.
And don't forget that the 16th Amendment never actually passed (income tax).

liberals are more racist, they openly hate whites and want them replaced

It got worse with the creation of CIA. Look up Kevin Shipp's videos. He is a CIA whistleblower.

NSA (which has YONAbytes of databases), CIA, and other intelligence agencies consume 1 trillion dollar per year.

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typical of iranian cuckolds to behave this way, wouldn't be surprised if you love seeing your sister or mother get fucked by fat white guys, which seems to be a hobby/pastime of iranian men in the west

Honestly is it as simple as some thot going after a guy that's not interested? They complain about racism all the time, then I push back and drop's like they want to hang out even more, I say no it gets worse.

sperg much?

I don't know as a person in a similar situation I only had one bad experience and that was with a liberal.

Respond to the substance of what I'm saying or fuck off.

This country has gone down the shitter since the creation of the CIA.

i met a hot looking Iranian babe in Bulgaria
i was in my army uniform and she got in the elevator with me
she started asking me when we were going to start bombing her country and i told her we were not at war with Bulgaria and she said no i am Iranian.
told her i was tired of war and i wouldn't be bombing her country.
i wanted to ask her to come to my room and then dinner but i am a chan

Liberals subconsciously consider non-Whites inferior, like pets. That's why they always act like non-Whites are victims and/or innocent, cuz they aren't smart enough to be aggressors, unlike Whities. They always give them more chances, they lower requirements, etc. They disagree with the principle that skills > diversity cuz they'd say it's unfair towards non-Whites. They wanna treat you like their pet and like showing you to other people "look! look!"

>1 post by this id
Imagine my shock.

Ted Kaczynski's same argument and valid.

>i was tired of war
That's because you're a good person, but the CIAniggers are pure evil. They practically manipulate everything in the USA now.

by the way, no offense to you goonsire, but only whites, blacks, and natives are real americans

hispanics and asians were never part of the original plan, you only came here because of jewish generosity via the (((hart-cellar act)))

>we wuz aryans n shit

>I can only think in memes
Fuck off, brainlet. Sage.

Liberals use minorities like they do with animals. Whatever cause they’re pushing is to make themselves feel better about themselves.

Save the rain forest. Save the whales. Save the blacks. Save the illegals.

It’s all interchangeable to them because it’s about how “I saved the ______”

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get them to "save the whites" now

It could be a bot trying to change PR towards a future (((event))).

Fuck you mean blacks are real american? Fuck you you fucking sack of shit. Shut your god damned cockholster.

because liberals are soulless creatures who have to tell themselves that they are "good" because they are to afraid to be honest to themselves about how hateful and angry they are. watch this video my honorary Aryan friend. also stop being muslim

of course blacks are real americans, they've been here from the beginning and played a big role in the culture

hispanics and asians and our iranian friend here were not part of the original plan. they are "legal document americans" by which i mean they have the legal documents but aren't born and bred americans and never will be

If you remove your troops from the Middle East and stop funding the fanatics and intervening in the affairs of the countries, then I and many other Iranians will go back. Justice is a two-way street.

believe me, i never wanted to get involved in the first place

The average American is not to blame, even though they tend to be brainwashed by the media, which the CIA also is involved in with social engineering. Regardless, we're here to stay, since you are also in and around our country with threats to bomb.

I think because you're being honest and don't give a fuck. I have noticed a lot of liberal whites treat blacks with kid gloves, giving them far too much credit for non-accomplishments. Oh my god jamal didn't get arrested and is in school, what a great success.

I work one shift a weekend as a waiter at a restaurant I worked at through college. Side income, could not give a fuck if I get fired. There's a nog there who has a tantrum every few weeks over some stupid bullshit that wouldn't stress a normal person out. I just ignore him because who wants to deal with the inevitable chimp out. He's always trying to make friends and be buddy buddy despite me being cold as fuck. I think maybe deep down they know they're being shitty and that people treating them right for it are being disingenuous. Not unlike women who deep down want to be put in their place instead of get pandered to. idfk

I unironically agree

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because they consciously acknowledge definitions, rather than undermine them.

Modern liberals are post-modern garbage fires born out of luxury and build their entire worldview upon identity politics, all the while denouncing any differentiation between groups. Everyone is different. But we're all the same.

Your conservative by comparison can see things for what they are. We're all different. It's a fact of life. Much of this will be courtesy of ancestors, whether that inheritance be genetic or otherwise. Individuals are different still, so once an individual proves themselves, they're no longer bound by their 'inheritance'.

Being consciously racist is simply natural. "They" are different, so be suspicious.

Being willfully ignorant is not only irresponsible, but results in the most inane racism that you point out. A bunch of virtue signaling cucks that, rather than tear you down for your race, don't afford you even the opportunity to be human ON YOUR OWN MERITS, and instead coddle you like a fucking retarded child, all the while vomiting vane platitudes like "you can do it too!" before short circuiting your efforts by throwing themselves under the bus to make any dumb shit easier for some 'underprivileged' brown person.

I'll close this by saying, I'll be honest, I don't like your kind but you seem alright.

right wing niggas dont hide their racism, liberals do, thats why its so shocking when you see it from them

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Kys you tech illiterate boomer. Look up metric prefixes then go back to faceberg.

also iranian niggas who want to stay iranian and respect other cultures by not invading them are based

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Liberals are shit-tier (((human beings)))... if you can call them that.

Can't disagree with you there, sleepy OP.

You're both schizophrenic idiots torn apart by a stupid partisan system that is more alike than different. It dominates your thought-patterns and prevents any real inquiry.

I'll close this by saying, I'll be honest, I doubt your founding fathers would like a philistine piece of shit like you. In fact, considering I am in all likelihood more well-read than you, they would probably like me. Even Thomas Jefferson read the Cyropaedia and held it in high regards.

Its really unbecoming to get this assmad and it makes you look like a brainlet, you should probably stop posting grandpa.

I meant to say yottabytes, you autistic faggot. I made one mistake, and that dismisses everything I am saying. KYS you autistic little vermin.

The left are the truest forms of White Supremacists. Conservatives generally don't like different things including people but we just want left alone to live our lives and believe in giving people all the freedom they need to live theirs and nothing else.

The left thinks you can't survive or do anything without them and their help. They think you are basic, stupid and incapable. Conservatives just don't like you but will come around if they see you're worth having around.


The green dye really ruins this for me...

man, you guys sure bring the Bantz.... I can feel the love radiating through the pixels on my screen

Same reason pol is actually the least racist place in the internet, we live in a matrix

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It's a one-post thread. It's probably some fucking feedback miner collecting data and not even an Iranian QT.

Conservatives look at you as an individual.
Liberals look at you as a member of a group.

Fucker didn't post anymore

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Damn... that's an after pic... this is a before pic or an Iranian prior to a full body waxing...

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slide threads are a meme. It's just shit posters and trolls

much of the “racism” is banter. if you can tolerate it, and prove your wit by exchanging some yourself then you are shown to be stronger and more confident than the faggots who cry about being nice


Is this Milo? V smart.

i would smash. #MAGA

Because when people are genuine, they are not afraid to tell you they don't trust you or your kind. But that also means they don't keep up a facade if you earn their trust.
Liberals are never genuine. They base their entire lives around how their colleagues project they should behave.

>thinking Sup Forums is in favor of the fed and cia

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This is really cuck talk, Iranian guy

The Iranians here in Europe split people in half for looking wrong at them, and here you are, mingling with mutt conservatives and retarded liberals, baka

Be with your own kind, find some Iranian guys to hang out with, it's a lot better.

Because they tend to keep to themselves and are at least honest about their intentions, libs will just betray you the moment some other group pops up.