Why does Sup Forums hate communism?
Why does Sup Forums hate communism?
I like owning things
It's ran by a bunch of nigger jews
>Personal Property exists in Communism. No one is going to tell you to communally use your underwear. Cellphone, computer as well. Private Property beyond what can be used as personal property is not allowed - ie, you can own your house, a small boat, one or two cars for the family but you cant own a 1000 room mansion, a transatlantic, or a fleet of trucks.
Because Communism kills.
I have a big property on the countryside, I'm 100% sure if communism came about I would at least lose everything in the name of the revolution
>started and developed by jews
>the starvation of over 50 000 000 Russians, Chechens, Dagestanis abd Georgians.
>Extremely cruel and poor conditions in their prisons and hospitals.
>Conscription to certain death
China - Before and Now:
>Started by jews
>Completing contracts quickly by cutting out working rights, environmental rights and workers pay.
>Extreme over population and a disregard for fellow human beings.
>the theft of other cultures and pawning it off as their own to make a dime.
Cuba then and now:
>I have been to Cuba 2 times for a total of 12 days.
>Citizens have no say in where they live. They are forced to live in small stucco shacks with as many as 12 people.
>a dentist makes the same amount of money as a grocery store worker.
>stealing food is a bigger crime than rape or murder.
Communist larpers are retarded children that have no idea what its like to live under a communist regime.
Because it was shitty.
The only badass part about it was how Stalin dragged Russia into the industrial age kicking and screaming in 10 years.
Look up Magnitogorsk steel works and watch a doc on YouTube. It's somewhat amazing.
Communism only works with a slave class. Otherwise content forms and scabs over into internal selfish political gain.
Promotional competitive market capitalism is the best system we got. Unfortunately the founding fathers didn't factor economic domination into the Constitution.
Conglomerates will do us in. Let the market realign every now and then, don't build an ever hungrier beast of a company. We already have that with the federal overlords.
You don't get to decide for me or anyone else.
I hate how commies are such fucking hypocrites and are totally blind to it.
>oppression will end right after I oppress this group of people that buzzfeed and marx told me I should slander e.g. kulak, bourgeoisie, wypipo, nazi
>oppression never ends
>the focus of oppression has shifted
>slave morality
Because it only partially works withing an idealogically similar group of a homogenous ethnicity - see: Israel Kibbutz movement, which has all but died within a generation, because the second that children from the community are exposed to the outside world, they immediately understand how absolute dogshit of a system communism is.
Because it isn't voluntary
Because it doesn't work.
Communism can only be done if the government is given absolute control of nearly everything, and thus even the slightest amount of corruption ( Which is inevitable since humans are assholes ) causes it to collapse. It's also an incredibly inefficient economic system as a result of the increased bureaucracy. The bottom earners in most 1st world capitalist societies tend to live better than the average commie.
The only way communism could ever work is in a technocracy where AI does all the work. The government could then run the system similar to capitalism while robots do everything, and just hand out U.B.I checks to all citizens.
But the final biggest problem is the delusional communists themselves. Just go on -4 plus 4- chans leftypol board and you will soon discover that pic related is if anything an under-exaggeration. I've seen those fags post stupid shit like "I should be able to order expensive takeout every single night just like porky and it should be free!". These people legit do not understand basic economic trade theory, and for the most part are just lazy entitled under 25 year olds who think they shouldn't have to participate in society so instead they become "communists" because it's the current hip and edgy thing to be.
>you get to keep your underwear
This was said unironically
Why do communists hate fascists would be a better question
>everyone gets a mansion and a pony!
Come on lad, come back to reality.
Ignorance, demonizing propaganda, not knowing history
Pic related
I agree that nobody on this board knows the truth about Communism or Marxism
Lenin wrote some great shit but also some total garbage
In the end Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same degenerate coin
Societies ruled purely by economic systems, both are extremely jew dominated
Third position is the way of the future my friend, its the only true european society
that image is hilarious
This is a prime example of someone not knowing anything about socialism but still put the effort into making this image
Marx wrote literally not a single thing about welfare
He was talking about workers rights
You should read his books
What if I want to own a fleet of trucks?
under communism you would not be allowed to
>blaming cigarettes on capitalism
>imperial japan
u wot
they were fascist
True communism has never been achieved, and it will never be because it is utopian and impossible
Any attempts to create a communist society will always result in totalitarian socialist dictatorships, famines and death.
and yet, that (image shows) is what happens everytime with socialism
Cuba is great. Might not have the latest cars, but there's 0 homeless people.
But I like collecting. I spend my money on buying old cars and fixing them, I have 7 cars I've collected over like 10 years (but I've sold a few too)
And no I'm not rich, I just work at a junkyard
When exactly?
>everytime with socialism
Yes and Im asking you to give me some examples because you're talking out of your ass
Stupid self hating slav.
>Yes and Im asking you to give me some examples because you're talking out of your ass
whats not clear?
do you not know what the words mean?
English is a second lang?
goto wikipedia, look up every example socialism was allowed to run its course (into the ground/hellhole) and TADA you've found your example(s)
are they blocked for you or something?
communism endorses pic related
communism does not at all necessarily endorse degeneracy
glad i could be of help
Top kek
You havent got any examples have you
Socialism is not welfare so how would looking up socialism on wikipedia help?
Was there welfare in the Soviet Union when it was Socialist? No. Stalin wrote a book called "Economic Problems Of Socialism In The Soviet Union" where he spoke about welfare.
Stalin was NOT a communist or a marxist socialist.
So, can you give me some examples?
It rewards the weak and punishes the strong. It pushes mediocrity and prevent excellence. It tries to fix the weakest link in a chain by lowering the quality of all the other links.
it's always lead to catastrophe as someone who live in eastern europe and love his family i know to well what shit it brings
This is a much better criticism.
Its not an entirely terrible idea, just not properly thought out.
Trotsky thought communism would put a genius on every street corner by lifting up everyone to a level playing field, what he failed to realise is that those great minds are few and far between.
This is why im a fascist. Its more pragmatic.
wikipedia -->socialism
and dont start baiting
and try with all of your shred of dignity not to toss the "wasnt true socialism/communism" or even think about hinting at it, FFS
if "it wasnt real *blank*" then guess what: no political/government system has EVER been tried because there were always deviations from the exact definition(s)
>So, can you give me some examples?
whats wrong with you?
if this is too much for you then you are an oxygen thief
et al
aha, here we go, child, just for you:
user I think you dont have an argument. Its ok, you can take this as a learning experience and move on.
In the future get your information from the sources instead of memes and fox news.
If you have an example for me, please post it. Telling me to research something that doesnt exist isnt an argument.
And I am not a communist or a marxist mate, im fash.
I just actually read my opponents works because I want to be educated.
A tear for the victims of communism.
>whats wikipedia?
you can do better, apply yourself
>Telling me to research something that doesnt exist isnt an argument.
>socialism doesnt exist
>wikipedia doesnt exist
>google doesnt exist
>if you dont find me offline and shove it down my throat it doesnt exist
One example. BTFO.
Because it makes shitholes into industialised shitholes
I don't hate communism I hate communists
>learn the difference it could save your life
yeah it has some hints of socialism
Because it's children logic.
>I think we should all share what we get, and the one who doesn't share gets persecuted!
You just can't make 100% of the population share its earnings. It's absolutely impossible and immature to think that. Human nature in its essence is corrupted. Grow up.
Also why should I be equal to somebody who doesn't work at all, while I work my ass off?
Also, why should I share with anybody what my ancestors fought and worket hard for, and left for me to inherit? It's rightfully mine.
Communism also fights against farming. Obviously, because farmers don't share what they get, but rather they are completely independent. They provide themaelves with everything they need and function basically separately from the state. And communist leaders never actually hid their strong hatred towards the farmers, and they strongly and openly fought against it. A perfect example is Yugoslavia. Inhabitants of pre communist central Serbia were almost all farmers, making up ~90% of the population. Today, after communist regime, less than 20% are farmers. This is especially bad since a functional, patriarchal and healthy family can only exist in an agricultural society. And the basis of every healthy society is a healthy family. Therefore, communists indirectly destroyed the concept of family, and consequently degenerated our society.
The entire concept of communism falls apart completely as soon as somebody defies it. As the government has to control absolutely every single aspect of the lives of its citizens in order to prevent the system from collapsing.
Not to mention cultural Marxism, Jewish origins, hatred of religion, hatred of ethno-nationalism, and many, many more things.
Incorrect. White dreads are reactionary bourgeois bull shit.
Fuck off faggot.You probably haven't even lived in a communist country
communism is a ruse the jews use to try and persuade you to surrender all power and all wealth to them
Denmark 1945 - present day.
Incorrect. I am Lenin.
In a perfect world, where everyone truly had an equal footing and equal opportunities, it might possibly work. Perhaps it could be possible in 100 years, perhaps not even in 1000 years.
Right now however, it's not feasible at all.
wrong, white dreads is like wearing a t shirt that says
>I like black people, I'm a good person
real black people have always found it patronising and
you fucking moron
user stop spewing shit onto your keyboard and read for a second.
There is something called Socialism, and something called Capitalism.
Neither have welfare.
Socialism is central planning.
Capitalism is the pursuit of capital at all costs.
Then you have something called Welfare Socialism and something called Welfare Capitalism.
Welfare Socialism was a Stalinist idea, not a Marxist or a Leninist idea which is what is classically considered "Socialism".
Welfare was first used under National Socialism in Germany, but everyone HAD to work. If you couldny survive on a commercial basis (if you were an artist or a writer for example) then the state would support you if you were deemed to be "working".
Welfare Capitalism is what we have now. Where someone gets gibs for doing nothing. There is nothing Socialist about it.
>imperfect world argument
>opposition to state interventionism
Communism is a tactic to redress an imperfect world. Try again.
The "its not real communism"-argument doesn't work on Sup Forums . Memes are not arguments.
Don't get me wrong, capitalism isn't much better either. Both are disastrous jewish creations that destroy family and religious values. Agrarian socialism is the way to go.
Yugoslavia functioned better under Tito and communism though.
Real black people have told me otherwise. Also irrelevant to cherry pick. My argument follows taking anti black stereotypes and hair as a cultural symbol as premises and concluding we need a rasta POTUS.
most of those nations weren't even capitalist, you grouped fascist and nazist nations with capitalist nations to overinflate your numbers. Also, colonialism, depending on which time isn't capitalism, capitalism per say was put around during 1800's and the start of the 1900's. At least capitalism as we truly know it.
tl:dr communism is good on paper and bad on practice just like capitalism and a central position where you can use both sides at will is good
that's a very common stance in this place my man. Fascism and Nazism had elements from many sides and aren't necessarily capitalist.
Good thing Franco wiped out these degenerates.
Watch this and FIND A FLAW I dare you
Equality is a false god
Not achievable and attempts to produce it can only be made by reducing everything to the lowest common denominator
The only time people achieve equality is in death
>Why doesn't Sup Forums like this anti-White and Jewish ideology?
>1 post by this ID
Imagine that...
Because we invented it.
fuck off you're an idiot and you know nothing about black people, believe me
forgot to sage, sorry burguerbro
1000 pardons my boy. My point was a direct response to poor evidence. Xx
It was a german?
more lies
>what a surprise
I have more in common with collectivists than individualist hedonists
>communism only works on paper
>praises Franco's intervention.
Ooft.Noice trooooiiii.
Gee, why do we hate the most murderous cult in history?
Sounds to me you just want an Orwellian society. Kys.
>it doesnt work
just like communists
It wasn't communism.Private property was allowed
>You can't own a fleet of trucks
>My argument follows taking anti black stereotypes and hair as a cultural symbol as premises and concluding we need a rasta POTUS
I won't reply to you again because you're a simpleton and not "equal" to the debate
Actually republican tankies did before they were themselves BTFO by Franco
>Argues like black people are a homogenous group
> You dont know black people
Only a true scotsman knows when to leave a forum and never return.
thats not fucking private property you literal brainlet, thats just the government giving you stuff to live and then telling you "even if you work your balls off" (like we'll force you to do) "you won't live a good life out of your effort and rather some one else will."
Then you are a capitalist pig!
Forcing people to work is a good thing though
If you are physically able to work but dont you should be deported desu
Stalin's intervention already fucked it before Franco cleaned house you nonce. Read Orwell's experience in that shitshow sometime.
Your really reaching here user, what a crock of shit, my 9 year old neph knows enough to call this bullshit! Fuck off chum...
it's not voluntary
No it didn't.
200 000 Serbs were killed by the communist regime in Yugoslavia.
30 000 Serbs, mainly intellectuals who opposed Tito, were tortured on the notorious "Goli otok" island, known for some of the most gruesome torture methods in post WW2 world.
There was no free speech. Anyone who opposed Tito was killed or tortured to death.
Also, Tito brought most of current Albanian population of Kosovo there (something not even he denied), and destroyed countless Orthodox churches and monasteries.
He also moved all the pre-existing factories and such from (from 1903 onwards) economically thriving Serbia to Croatia and Slovenia, lowering the Serbian life standard by over 20%.
Also men clise to Tito all lived in expensive mansions, while Tito gimself lived in a litteral castle (Beli Dvor in Belgrade).
And since when is a Swede going to teach a Yugoslav how life was in Yugoslavia?
Nice ad hom friend. BTFO.
Citing a socialist arguing against socialism. Perfect.