Sub Or Dub?
Sub Or Dub?
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Dubs one of the best dubs ever do that
I watched the first three episodes, when does it get good?
Is it true that this show may get a continuation?
how so? Spike is dead and everyone else is fairly well off. It would be dumb to try to.
he isn't "dead" per say - the studio said it's what you want it be, so in theory, he could still be alive.
Episode 1
The way it could work is having episodes take place within the timeframe of the original series. It's an episodic show to begin with, not like it would be far fetched. Probably not gonna happen but it would be easy to excuse.
pretty sure that was only to pander to tards that thought he was somehow still alive after that
episodes telling events before the series and in between the episodes/movie. We had a whole movie made after the series ended after all
if you didn't already think the very first episode was the tightest shit then just stop watching and don't waste your time.
his star vanished, it's over.
there is no anime other than Ghost Stories where you should even have to ask "sub or dub"
It's one of the few dubs that isn't complete shit, so go for the dub.
I hope not. People need to learn when to leave well enough alone, not every show that attains some mild popularity way back when needs to be milked for all its worth. Literally nothing they could do would ever top the original anyway.
Only DBZ and tenchi can compare to these dubz
I'm never going to understand why people fellate Bebop's dub quite as much as they do. It's undeniably technically excellent and the cast have great VA chops in an industry where the standard for dubs is "are you sure they were even TRYING to act?", but I always feel like Spike is totally off whenever I watch it. He's always angry and badass-sounding, like an edgy action hero, whereas the original voice is more whimsical and detached, which is a much better fit for the dreamlike way he behaves and sees the world.
Honestly I prefer Sub, even though this is the quintessential Dub.
Really? I have the opposite view that the dub sounds more detached and whimsical when it needs to. Don't forget Faye, Just, and Edward's voices, which are significantly better than the Japanese version ad well.
The plot is far and in between, if you don't like the episodical basis of the show just drop it. It's more about the journey than the destination.
Sub for Faye and Ed nigger
Whichever. It's a great show either way.
I'm neither a Japanese nor English native speaker but every time someone say an anime got a dub better than the original I hear it and find it pure shit.
I also find Japanese dub of western shows also is inferior to the original by the way. I think it mostly have to do with how much they invest on the dub and not just who the VAs are.
Was not supposed to quote a person in particular. I just forgot to erase it.
Like you said it was a good dub in a time when most dubs were bottom of the barrel awful. Add into it a little nostalgia, and Steve Blum's iconic voice (not necessarily his acting qualities) and you've got a dub treated as a sacred cow beyond reproach or criticism which is the "definitive" way to watch Cowboy Bebop. Try and see how many people claim that Watanabe said he preferred the dub, despite there being no source for that quote. The Cowboy Bebop dub has just deeply ingrained itself into the western anime fandom's conscious, for better or worse.
Sub of course
That would ruin it.
Yes it's long but it's a good video
I think that both a place in the world. The real answer is Raw, learn japanese pleb
Dub is actually good
Really? The pic you used is enough to justify a /thread
dubs are plebe shit in any language and medium. If someone here watches classic European movies dubbed in English, consider suicide.
English Spike sounds more whimsical while Nip Spike sounds more detached,
I remember some user saying that the dub changes some of the script involving Vicious. Anyone know if this of true?
Any time I switch to the english dub out of curiousity I only last a couple seconds because it's so unbearable. Anglos don't get it, they are used to hearing their own language.
I think it is more that they are so used to pure shit anime dubs that when they hear a half shit anime dub they think it is the best thing on Earth. The voice acting in their own shows usually is much better.
Yeah, that too. It's comparable to watching too much tv anime and forgetting how good a production with a real budget and skilled animators can look like.
The dub is good.
The nips think the dub is good too, that's why the dub voice actors got put into the movie's opening credits.
Anyone who says the dub is bad is an elitist.
>going dub
>for a non-american show
For what purpose
Good is relative. Compared to the average anime English dub it is certainly good.
It's exactly as you said, it's a passable dub in a time when 100% of dubs were insulting and terrible.
Also dub actors always being played by literally whos is a myth, in reality America just has a bad acting industry in general.
>Japanese dub of Western shows to be inferior
user stop fellating America, Japan dubs Western shows better than the West ever could, they just have a culture that values good voice acting.
I would watch any British, American, Canadian, German, etc show in Japanese over the original language any day.
>usually much better
No voice acting in western shows tends to be pretty awful too.
fuck no i will kill myself if they do that
You're an elitist but you're aware that it'd be pointless to claim that the dub is bad so you skirt around it by claiming that it's 'good for a dub'.
The dub is good. Compared to the average Japanese dub it's even good.
I can see the same VA in an American cartoon and in an anime and the difference is brutal.
I saw one episode of House MD in Japanese and it wasn't that good. But the funniest thing is to see infomercials dubbed in Japanese.
It's true though.
English voice acting in anime is inferior to Japanese, so why is it magically better in media made in the States or Canada or something?
Compared to the average Japanese dub of American shows? Certainly.
It is the difference between calling a bunch of voice actors, tell them to read their lines and call it a day or have a director that actually know what the show is about and repeat the lines until the right emotions and timing is right.
Good dub is expensive and anime dubs tend to the cheap side. Also directors that have no idea of the context of the series.
Compared to the average orginal Japanese voice work for their own anime it is good.
Compared to the very best original Japanese voice work for the very best anime it is even good.
Because it's good voice acting.
>in reality America just has a bad acting industry in general.
Nope. It isn't. look, I don't think every English dub is bad. I like Metal Gear English version and most of the Catherine characters got a pretty good dub. It should theoretically possible for a dub to be better than the original but obviously it isn't very likely unless the original is remarkably bad and I still have never seen it in an English dub of any anime.
>the difference is brutal
I think it's just that English isn't a good match for anime, or possibly animation in general.
Or the animation in western shows is so bad it somehow disguises the bad english voice acting.
This is true though, pretty much everyone one earth, discounting americans, thinks so too.
I never said it was better than the original. It is good. It holds up when compared with other good voice work because it is good voice work.
Quite the bold claim. Can I see some stats from "pretty much everyone on earth" real quick?
I still think it is meh. Much better than the average shit English dub but not even close to the original.
Neither English nor Japanese are my native languages.
Metal Gear I play in English and don't even bother to check if the Japanese is good because the English already is very good and the language match the characters but Disgaea I change it immediately to Japanese. The English dub is shit like the anime english dub.
I appreciate posters who link to interesting content; you really make the site a more enjoyable experience.
>never seen it in any English dub
Have you ever seen the opposite? Where the English language is the original but a dub completely blows it out of the water?
Just curious.
Oh I'm talking about the more recent Metal gear games. Also the characters with more lines weight heavier than random background character #53 with a single line.
The average Japanese raw is better than the average English dub because of plenty of reasons.
However, good acting is good acting, regardless of origin. So the amount of times that you'll find an good english dub is rare but if it is actually good then it's on par with good original voice work.
Because good acting is good acting.
Preferring the Cowboy Bebop sub to the dub is subjective because both are good.
Hater is a joke even Kojima said he can't act
Pretty much everyone can agree Marlon Brando is the greatest actor ever. Jack Nicholson or Peter O'Toole are maybe close. PSH is my favorite. Who is your meme pick for the goat? Max Von Sydow? Mifune? Kinski?
Not English that I remember but when seeing some different dubs comparisons of a single line sometimes I see some Asian dub for that specific line to be better than the original anime dub. But I don't watch entire episodes dubbed in some random language just to judge if they are better or worse than the original so I can't really tell if the entire show dub is better than the original.
Disney tends to do a pretty good at dubbing their animation movies in different languages. I don't remember one where an specific dub is better than the original but it is not likely to see a terrible one.
Casey Affleck is probably the best now
Still way better than 99.9% of the anime dubs.
Even if acting in dub is just as good as in the original it's not directed by the original director, it may be localized too much and generally translation might be shit. That's why original is always better, acting alone isn't all that makes the dub..
The director is more important than the actor in a dub. A good actor will nail it in less attempts saving time but a good director can rmake a meh actor repeat as many times as needed to nail it.
Anime dubs usually have terrible direction even if the VAs individually are good. They just don't care about the story or the show.
Translation and localization are also factors in subtitling.
Cowboy Bebop's dub is good. If the director is more important than the voice actors for a dub and the dub is good then the director is good too.
The dub is good. The show is good. The sub is good.
Sub or dub?
The standards were so low back then that anything that sounded like it had the slightest effort put into it was better than 95% of the English dubs being released back then. As a matter of fact, the standards continue to be low, which is why people still consider it a good dub. It's honestly sad that good direction and acting is in such short supply that the same 10-20 year old shows are still considered the "best" dubs, but that's how shit the English dub industry is. The saddest part is that some dubfags eat up the mass-produced slop Funimation shits out nowadays and call it good.
why care about dubs or dubfags?
>english dub industry
I think it's just English voice acting in general.
white people should speak english
Home Movies has unironically better VA than any anime ever.
Are Nip VAs talented enough to improv? Is there ANY anime with improv?
What does improv have to do with anything?
We're taking about voice acting, and american dubs of anime are consistently bad. Japanese dubs of cartoons are at least passable if not superior to the original.
Yeah I never got it either. When I first watched Bebop, I had no idea that the dub was so popular. I just watched the sub, enjoyed it and never felt a need to ever check out the English version. Tried it a few times after hearing the praise from Toonami-fags but couldn't get into it. I'm just too used to the Japanese voices at this point. Plus I never liked Blum's Spike.
It's one obvious way in which American voice acting surpasses Japanese voice acting.
I agree with you about dubs of anime being consistently bad, can't comment on Japanese dubs of western shows.
Out of curiosity what are your top 5 American cartoons? Are you saying you'd generally watch dubs of western shows? If you where an american who generally watched dubs i'd call you a dumb pleb.
I would watch subs of American shows if they existed, but there are only dubs.I mean english subs of the dubbed version of any american show I don't watch anime dubbed btw if you couldn't already tell.
>top 5 american shows
idk they're not really all the memorable honestly.
>Japanese dubs of cartoons are at least passable if not superior to the original.
I thought you where Japanese? Why tf else would you think that? Where are you from then lad?
>Yuyu Hakusho
Nah, I feel the sub captured the whole feeling of the time period better.
Haven't seen the sub yet. I guess its time for a rewatch.
Director/creator said the end is open to interpretation but he personally likes to believe that Spike is just "sleeping" (passed out I guess)
Never the dub.
>standards were so low back then
>implying standards aren't as low now
Sub. I grew up watching the dub, but after re-watching it with the sub, I liked it better.
Reminder that dubs are for children who can't read.
both depending on my mood
I don't think anyone is crazy enough to do that, who wants to be known as the guy/studio that ruined Bebop?
The ending sequence of Spike's star disappearing wouldn't make any sense if he was alive
>Space Dandy
It took me less than ten minutes to switch to restart the first episode and switch to the sub, the dubbed voices were awful.
minutes to restart*
I'm watching it dubbed with subtitles to check accuracy of the dialogue.
Often the dubs will overlook subtle plot points.