Little Witch Academia

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Why do you keep making LWA generals? There's nothing else to discuss and the sub 80~ IP count is honestly embarrassing.



Andrew is a nice young man.


this was the only case cover/eyecatch i didn't throw away because of the blatant shipping (which i love)

Bleh Bleh Bleh!

>why are we discussing anime on an anime imageboard

There's more than one person making LWA threads.

I think she probably ship Diakko for the sole reason that Diana is her waifu and she self-insert as Akko.

Did the rest of blue and green team, ill post’em later

Was anyone able to attend the Panel in London

what have you done to diana you monster


Why do most of your edits have horrendous compression quality?

Not him, and don't even visit these threads really nor post in them but that's a retarded excuse if I see one from generalfags always if there's no proper content around after countless threads so far.
Had a longer reply in mind but meh just please get a clue above all for once, here's a nice Diana portrait picture drawn by my friend if anything from me.

do H&B have their own single reference pics
probably cause i just make the image larger in mspaint and go from there

/u/ please draw another diana x ako fanart where they kill the male protagonist just like the Hibike fanart.

well get over there and ask them then

>literally only showed up in like 3 episodes out of 25

I don't really see why general LWA threads are such a nuisance when there's usually at least 3 or 4 threads at any given time with the general topic of "man, aren't little girls sexy?" that go for 200+ replies.

Plus it's Halloween in a couple days. That ought to be reason enough to gush about witches.

now that ive done all the teams i have an idea for a request to make in the drawthread

fuck off het shitter

This is Sup Forums. What were you expecting - people to NOT get asspained about things?

You do realize that 50% of the time people try to talk about non-airing anime the thread gets deleted by mods, right?

I love Megumi Han.

Diakko is better but remember to always appreciate good art no matter who it's about

This guy gets it.

Delusional /u/fags thinks Diakko is canon and also thinks Diana & Akko is a lesbian.
Its not, they are straight as hell and romance will never be canon (especially /u/) on LWA
500+ replies guaranteed

I'm not gonna argue boring shite here since it wouldn't lead anywhere, but as you say, it's not even Halloween yet, that's in few days. Not now, few days.

>Anons literally and blatantly fishing for (You)'s
The state of Sup Forums - Animoo and Manko.

My bruthas

This is the /u/fags level of delusional autism
Its worse than


Reminder if you haven't watched these yet

fishing for (You)'s this hard


Probably a bad idea to ask here, but what happened to the LWA VN some user was working on and subsequently released versions of on Mega? I still have the 1.0 and 1.1 builds and finished a couple of arcs, but I still want to know what happened to the magnificent bastard.

I'm half-tempted to reply with pic related.

more than half-tempted, it would seem

Reminder that this ship you ship will never ever be canon.
Never ever, /u/fags

I meant to Megumi on Twitter.

Reminder that Chariot was raised by Bears and that Arcas is her little brother

Such a lust for (you)s

Id be surprised if she doesn’t have it already

Probably, but it just seems mildly appropriate attached to her tweeting the gif Mochiro's pic seems to reference.

Yes it is

I will never get why the nips think that a massive amount of comments scrolling across a video is a good idea.

Perhaps, but she's still from the better kind of Diakkofags that doesn't want to kill Andrew nor undermines Akko's other bonds.

To be fair, in this case it's chinks.
Must be an Asian thing.
Do Koreans have a dedicated streaming site that does it too?

It's just like twitch chat, except chinese and japanese are actually able to express things with very few characters

The user posted his place to keep contact, but I really don't remmeber if it was on twitter or just a mail address. You have to check out the archives.

When does the BD come out senpai?

Miracle of the universe.

There are some shows that I literally cannot watch without that. It makes the viewing experience so much better and more fun.

>tm_suac and mirki0 made their accounts private due reposting
>kirisu/usurik moved on
Suakko is dead, Danbooru/Gelbooru killed it.

If Akko Diana and Amanada were their own team, how quickly would it fall apart?

More Dowman.

It wouldn't. Akko is human super glue.

These Pixiv tags tell the story of the LWA fandom:


SUCYSUCYSUCYSUCY -> Akko -> Ankko (for like 4 weeks) -> Diana, Akko and Sucy -> DIANADIAKKODIANADIAKKODIANADIAKKO


>Yes it is
>Posting fanart

I have no idea what im reading

I really hope this changes in the future.I want more of everything else but that.



This image is magic!



>Implying holding hands means they are lesbians

Those Pixiv tags tell you which works have been more popular due to number of favorites. They're a way of browsing by popularity without needing to buy Pixivpro.入り Fanart favorited 500 times or more入り Fanart favorited 1000 times or more

Only if that also means less Akko.


Ah, i see.

>Implying there isn't a colossal amount of yuribait in the show

The Main Cast.

>Implying handholding isn't the universal visual indicator of basic subtext
I mean yeah it gets overused as a meme plenty, but there's a reason it began in the first place.

Yes, they're the ones who have been around since OVA 1.

You're confusing this show with Hibike.

Hell, even KLK had more actual yuribait than this show.

Akko and Ursula at maximum cute

I love how Yoshi draws Akko, her 1930's cartoon/Tezuka-ish features are more noticeable when he draws her.

>H&B have been there since the first ova
>Get less official art than Jasminka

Only for comedic purposes like Episode 10.
Theres something wrong with you if ep 20 & ep 23 is a yuribait

They are not main characters, though.

I'm not sure a mother molesting her daughters in the bath counts as "Bait".

Misery is their lot.

why is Sup Forums so gay?
don't you realize that if all cute grills become gay there will no be more cute grills?

But Sup Forums has always believed that loving girls is the purest form of love.

This is, by a rather insane amount, the most popular piece of LWA fanart. Thematically a bit boring, but it makes perfect sense. It has everything people want: Diakko, it's flashy, it's well-drawn, it has butts.

As it should be.

With the pardon of Green Team, HanBara and the teachers, of course. That doesn't mean I don't love them as well.

How is that relevant when the way to make more cute girls is to just draw more?

Silly Anonymous. A picture's popularity is based on the person who drew it as much as it's based on what the picture is about or features.
Perhaps even with a slight leaning toward the former.

That pic doesn't have anything I want except that it's flashy and well-drawn.

Evil will never prevail. Remember this. And only one character in this show can have that hair color.

Diakko is now the face of LWA. Even the game was forced to redirect its focus towards Diakko.

>Diakko is now the face of LWA
Delusional, do what your wish in your fanfictions

>Even the game was forced to redirect its focus towards Diakko
Hardly, its set when they still hate each other

Stop being delusional. Diana was going to be involved and was going to interact with Akko in one way or another. Adding extra shit for the sidequests wasn't going to change anything.

I don't mean a ship.

Were they planning to make Diana playable and central to the story from the start?

If you're going to post these, at least make them not shitty.

I love happy endings!

Probably? I mean, without SASUGA DIANA who was going to get the MacGuffins?