Here's a reminder to some of you "good Conservative Christians" that Jesus Christ was an undocumented immigrant who believed in public welfare
Here's a reminder to some of you "good Conservative Christians" that Jesus Christ was an undocumented immigrant who...
Friendly reminder Stalin kicked the jews out of Russia. Your heroes did some things we like too.
which is why true right wingers should abandon the slave morality of the christcuck ideology and embrace nietzscheianism
Also, He was a refugee. But Sup Forums will conveniently forget that part and demand more deportations and border closings
There’s a difference between a refugee and a rapist invader.
So all refugees are like that then, right??
They certainly aren’t all Jesus.
But why are you confusing religion with politics
like how can someone actually have thoughts this stupid
why are you ignoring right wing atheists/pagans/etc
it's because you're a disingenuous and intellectually dishonest brainlet
And they certainly aren't all rapists
Ignoring right-wingers? Since when did a Trump supporter ever have a good idea worth hearing?
Rapists or not they’re inferiors that hurt the well being of the nation.
>2 Thessalonians 3:10:
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."
Great bait though.
It's hilarious, you actually believe you're intellectually superior to "trump supporters" yet you're just as blind as they are.
Both parties are fundamentally the same, and you're a fool who is manipulated by the media.
I pointed out there are right wingers who aren't christ cucks, causing your argument to collapse on itself. Not all right wingers support trump you retard.
No they aren't. What an idiotic statement to make. Racists like you are the inferior ones
Not an argument
A rock can be smarter than a Trump supporter. It doesnt take long for someone to see how stupid they are
I'm a right wing intellectual, I'm in post graduate studies.
I've seen lots of liberals who are high school dropouts or community college graduates. I've seen just as many stupid liberals as stupid conservatives.
Luckily I don't base my political positions on 2000 year old Middle Eastern fables.
They’re ugly, have low iqs and eat up welfare like it’s nothing. They’re unproductive human garbage and should be disposed as such.
Root of David, Tribe of Judah, nation of Israel, taught in the Temple.
Definitely a citizen. A home grown citizen. Just under Roman occupation.
samefagging this hard.
He fled to Egypt and returned to his native homeland when the king trying to kill him died.
How is that being a "refugee"?
From meme country to meme organization
"Right-wing intellecutal"
You're a post-grad at PragerU or something? HAHAHAHAHAHA
You're not fit to shine Prager's shoes.
Like nationalists/skinheads/trailer trash?
>believed in public welfare
complete bullshit
And look where it got him.
>Not an argument
>Replying to a meme flag
Stop taking the bait you stupid faggots.
Don’t throw nationalists in there. Also just because we have garbage doesn’t mean we need more, you retard.
>Not an argument
user, I...
Also Jesus Christ wasn't a fucking useless hippie, he was a carpenter and probably made a lot of tables, chairs and oaken chests.
Why do we have to take the chance and risk the safety and well being of our own people?
Friendly reminder that atheists are lost and self-loathing. Spread the Word of our Good Lord to your fellow man.
Worry not, there is always room for the Love of Christ.
stop bumping slide threads. They're in overdrive because of the google insider leaking details about their botnet AI
See, you're actually an idiot. I don't know what "pragerU", I go to one of the most prestigious Canadian universities.
See, this is why we're ultimately going to win, because you think you're far more intelligent than you actually are. You're actually a complete moron, you can't even construct a basic argument. I'm better than you in every possible way, I can easily point out the inconsistencies in your idiotic ideology. So my retarded amerimutt friend, my suggestion is that you kill yourself you inferior piece of shit.
>everyone but my leftist "liberal" buddies are dumb and low IQ
why are we importing people, without those values, in the millions then? your logic is so flawed that it is almost unbearable to watch you "debate". if you cared so much about diversity and the well being of your leftist "liberal" people, then you wouldn't keep an unsustainable and obviously damaging immigration policy up. but hey, you guys are not know for logic after all, just feelings and impulsive reactions.
Bob Jones University is in America you right-wing dolt LMFAO
OK so stop having babies, they might grow up to be serial killers, can't risk that!
I think it's either a troll or a liberal brainlet
that's why we're going to be successful germanybro, they honestly believe in their intelligence when their ideas, policies and basic beliefs don't even hold up to basic scrutiny
> Christ
> undocumented
> immigrant
> public welfare
kek you kike shills are fucking stupid af
You're not even making sense, what the fuck are you talking about?
Continue to prove that you're a retard, it only shows that we're right and you're wrong.
History is on our side, soon enough we will be throwing people like you into mass graves.
He traveled around the Roman Empire? That's like driving around the United States you absolute retard. Open a fuxking history book you 56%er.