White people, are they the SJW's of race. They are always complaining and getting triggered about something

White people, are they the SJW's of race. They are always complaining and getting triggered about something.

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No, niggers are, obviously.

niggers are the SJW race.
white SJWs are just brain dead wiggers and coal burners

funny enough Nietzsche has some overlaying ideas with the Alt-Right

White people sit at the top of a socially constructed hierarchy hierarchy that harms us all.

Now she just looks goofy.

White people are the only race, everyone else is an animal.

Nah, you just need to get a job

Ah, the capitalist blame game. If someone criticizes capitalism, its because they're not capitalist enough.

I'll take your bate.
White people are naturally fast and responsive learners especially young white people. It's biologically hard wired due to the sometimes harsh European environments that whites evolved in.
Since whites are so receptive to learned behavior, finding out why they are behaving in a certain way requires nothing more than finding out who is doing the teaching.

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>competence hierarchies harm ussssss
That's because you're a useless commie

blacks are the SJW of race.
alternatively, this

Whites are merely responding to the constant vitriol and hate thrown at them. Don't get upset that they act in racial interests like minorities, especially when they're actively being made minorities in their own countries

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>always complaining and getting triggered about something

Whites do come up with the weirdest ideologies

Fuck white people

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Wtf I love blue hair now.

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Nietzsche is very interesting. He seems to speak for everyone, I've seen anarchists, commies and postmodernists praise him. Meanwhile I see him as a clearly far-right thinker, if I had to label him with politics.

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> Whites do come up with the weirdest ideologies
That's not white people.

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> White people, are they the SJW's of race.
All the black and mexicans vote liberal.
So how can you pin this shit on white people?

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who is this slime dime?

Aug frog. She has made her instagram private again I think, probably because of us!

She's the official trad waifu and sweetiepie of Sup Forums.

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>still believing the nietzshe was a proto-nazi by coming up with the Übermensche meme
ur not as smart as u think u are anons

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Its not a competence hierarchy and yes, it does harm us. The biggest myth of capitalism is meritocracy, practically no-one at the top is competent at anything except obtaining and hoarding power. Donald Trump isn't a genius and I would surprised if he could do basic calculus.

My fellow (wipepo) we are all the worlds problems.
For real though, our biggest problem is our pathological altruism that keeps us falling for the same shit in different packages.

>White people, are they the SJW's of race. They are always complaining and getting triggered about something.

I hate to say it, but I agree.

In my city, we had a referendum for whether or not trannies should be allowed to use the ladies' room.

Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians were all against it.

But the majority of whites supported it.

Whites really are their own worst enemy.

what about jews?

The biggest myth of communism is that you filthy creatures don't deserve to have your diseased brains separated from the rest of your body.

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she's so fucking cute it hurts man...
10/10 would rape and behead fosho


Black people, are they the nigger's of race. They are always complaining and pulling the trigger on something.

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Black people don't actually care about all these fake issues created by the left. It's always white people complaining about it; black people aren't actually offended, so white people are offended in their place "for" them.

You are correct - white people are the SJWs of race.

What about them?

Nietzsche was right wing.

Morons think "God is dead" was something he was cheering, but in reality he was lamenting the fact and showing how it would eventually lead to authoritarian Communism.

You could take the übermensch idea away and he would still be a right-wing thinker. Far-right is more than National Socialism, big brain. Seems like a bad case of dunning's rugers!


No cartel man you misunderstood, we must protect her not be meanies.

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Whites complain the least. It's why things have gotten so bad. Blacks and Jews whine no matter what.

Jews came close to meeting extinction in the 1940s by Hitler. I think they're the least of your worries.

Those who see imaginary "social" barriers everywhere are weak. There is no physical barrier - And therefore there is no barrier. Fuck your religion.

Nietzsche's anti-semetic comments were added after his death. He himself hated anti-semites and disliked the idea of a "perfect race".

ah my bad, its the habit

Let me correct that for you:

White people are, and always have been, the heroes of the human race. Shitskins can't stand it, but its a fact. Asians potentially could be, but they lack any type of deep emotional capacity. Niggers, sand niggers, spics........forget about it.

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Nietzsche's description of slave morality is a one-to-one description of left-wing 'morality.'

People cannot be better than anyone else; if there is an imbalance between people, it is because of oppression.

In master morality, strength is praised. In slave morality, you whine about ableism and unrealistic body expectations.

This. I don't know of a race that complains and gets offended over nonsense more than niggers.

He wasn't right wing or left wing. He didn't care what you did as long as it was in pursuit of being ubermensch. It was his sister who married to a Nazi who twisted his work into right wing propaganda.

This is utter drivel and I can't even really refute it because its so far off the mark its not even wrong.

Why does Mexico have fresh Aug frog?


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Hierarchies are completely natural. Is your argument that all hierarchies are bad, or just voluntary hierarchies?

my dic protec but he also atak

Name one race that doesn't, apart from Chinese bugmen.

There is no "completely natural" for humans other than a few basic traits.

>Is your argument that all hierarchies are bad, or just voluntary hierarchies?

Involuntary hierarchies are bad. Even in a communist "utopia", you'd need managers to direct projects. Obviously someone has to function as the task delegater. This is a hierarchy, but its only ever a ghost hierarchy because the workers can vote him out or dissolve it any time. Communism does contain hierarchy, its just that it can be changed or removed by workers anytime. Anarchism is the system that has no hierarchy at all or side-ways hierarchy.

does this makes him an untermensch?

Geniuses don't have time to do calculus, got machines and chinks for that.

I'm pretty right wing, but my most non-Sup Forums belief is that I really like "alt" girls.

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Yeah but you can't make a machine do mathmatics you don't understand. Scientists rarely ever calculate matrices by hand, you still need to understand them to code the computer to perform them.

that would be nonwhites and jews pozzing whites with their jewthink

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A.I. can understand mathematics you and no human ever will.

because you are mentally weak

>communism has no real hierarchy
>always becomes a dictatorship
you commies are an absolute joke

niggers would be slaves if whites weren't sjw's

I will never understand why otherwise attractive people deliberately make themselves look like uneducated trailer trash. Tattoos on women are about the most unattractive thing I can think of.

>"alt" girls
they're called degenerates user

Yes, but the kikes are helping us physically remove them from the gene pool. The whites whom are left will then ensure there is but one race of hairless hominids on the planet.