Can this country even be saved at this point?
Can this country even be saved at this point?
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Keep your jewish mutt "activists" in NA please.
who fucking cares. who in their right mind would even want to go there?
These losers on Sup Forums/pol/ have a fucking 20 years old woman as their idol. Rofl how pathetic, it's a sign of the times I guess.
>far right
I'm sick of these beautiful people with their relationships and fans rubbing their great life in my face. When did we start taking roasties seriously?
Bad optics for them, all 3 of them look good (for normie standards).
Chads and Stacies can't lead a political movement, they're just jet-setting millennials who can fall back into normal lives. They sacrifice nothing, because they aren't compelled by an insatiable and singleminded drive
Are you seriously implying I give a fuck about these utter fucking shills. Kill yourself.
Beauty and aesthetics cut deep into the soul. Of course there are non-awakened normies that can't wistand the sight of beauty and truth.
But even if hurt their eyes, is the only way to try to awaken them.
The power of aesthetics.
Its funny because Lauren Southern is BBC Trending with the other meaning too.
>The irony is that the far right have long called for the British government to take firm control of our borders. Now they are doing just that."
Nah you British niggas need to die
Just not for third world rapists and terrorists though, right faggot?
why do girls have to always use filters on their fotos. At least the chad on the right does not look like casper the friendly ghost
you so wish it was true
people like you crave for rapes and murders
With a face like Brittany Pettibone's, how are the psychopathic and reckless SCUM at the BBC going to spin this?
Literally crying lads
White balance is not a a filter.
>With a face like Brittany Pettibone's, how are the psychopathic and reckless SCUM at the BBC going to spin this?
Like every leftist article mentioning her, they say she was a pizzagate believer. Every single one from any lefty outlet will say only that one thing
wtf what are the conditions..o wait its BBC KEKS
I have a filter on me IRL and in realtime.
Yeah, but how faggy is the UK government for thinking she is a threat.
All this nerve gas bullshit is probably meant to distract from the crackdown on the English right. The UK government is paranoid as fucked.
Pettibone is a qt. I suppose it's good that the BBC is making her the face of far right activism
Funny how Lauren Southern stole the spotlight from Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner. She seems to do this allot.
Just a friendly reminder: Allah is a fag.
Your place in Hell just sank 10 feet lower :^)
That picture is great optics DESU.
I don't like tradthots, but basically it's two pretty girls and a Chad saying "Defend Europe" shown as far right activists.
A bit better than bald ogres covered in swastika tattoos.
Embrace Chad nationalism. Go to gym and sort your life out degenerate.
>Allah is a gay god
>present a threat to the fundamental interests of society
Really interesting.
I wonder if Alex Jones is banned too? he just hired Tommy Robinson
oohh smart move
Who is it that actually had the authority to declare this and make it happen? "Banning" someone from the country sounds like something Trump would try to so but it would never stand if he did.
First of all, archive you fucking cuck:
Secondly, it's excellent that the MSM speaks about it, and the journalists couldn't find ugly pictures of those three. Good.
>firm control
>refuse """far-right"""
>allow any and all subhuman niggers through
So is the UK going to be the next Germany for WW3?
Ireland will be
Why do you say that?
only beginning to take in refugees now, and they see the shit thats going on around them, they are going to try and do something about it
>The irony is that the far right have long called for the British government to take firm control of our borders. Now they are doing just that."
That is a slap in the fucking face.
>the MSM speaks about it
They basically defend what the government did in the article with a shrug; followed by several paragraphs of communist bullshit from "Hope not Hate" cucks.
>this milktoast kids stuff
>far right
Fuck, it makes it too easy to imagine some smarmy cunt justifying white genocide as a response to the holocaust
Jesus fucking christ learn to use the catalogue. Keep up you syndrome, this isn't news anymore
this, laurens dumb as fuck to, her book reads like a sophomore paper.
nothing will happen, people don't really give a flying fuck about anything apart from the almighty shekel
>Can this country even be saved at this point?
no any hope for traditional MSM died a long time ago
She blasphemed against the one true god.
That's in addition to being a professional victim and provocateur. She shows up to places with the intention of being attacked, at least verbally, uses editing magic to make the event look threatening and has the shaky cameraman effect from saving private Ryan while running for her life, away from the insatiable psychopaths. The confrontation between her and some British chick asking "why would you come here other than manufacturing video evidence of your persecution?"
That being said, looks like plastic Lauren's perpetual victimhood might actually achieve something. For once.
In the UK we very often refuse entry for the dumbest reasons. We treat people like garbage and there is no legal recourse. If you don't believe me, try getting a non-EU citizen to visit you in London.
She will be banned for life with no possibility to sue, but you can be damn well sure that it's going to be milked for all the publicity it's worth, and that might open he normies' eyes somewhat.
Roasties btfo
>She shows up to places with the intention of being attacked, at least verbally,
i fully realized how true this is when she was "covering" the milwaukee riots dressed like she was going out for a night on the town
>Can this country even be saved at this point?
Nice numerals.
I have to say that I don't think the US can be saved, considering that it produces so many conservative white women who just love fucking black cock all the time. I think it's all over now.
If she had refused Pajeet entry into her vag i might care
>Refuse entry to some Jew convective
>allow entry to child raping migrants
It really makes you think.
>Lauren Southern has never refused the BBC
fixed it for yew
kek, the eternal anglo drank his own kool-aid
Is Lauren Southern even far right? She's pretty vanilla if you ask me.
She's definitely far right according to Kent police, but they think fucking Sargon is too.
Define far right.
anyone not wanting white genocide is far right now
England's definition of "far right" is vastly different than our definition.
To be fair we should mock that guy.
makes me think
yeah.. we should mock him. but not white genocide.
it's amazing. they have to know NatSoc is coming and they must have an idea of what will happen. Yet they don't stop the bullshit. God damn kikes..
Returning ISIS fighters are allowed into the UK.... but these fucks who are probably vegans are banned.
You're not wrong.
But all that means is use them until you're able to dispose of them.
Reminder that this is now the face of at the alt right. Two attractive women and a bachelor guy, fighting for their rights. This is what more people are starting to see.
Source? That's great meme material.
>Reminder that this is now the face of at the alt right
no one likes them tho xD even with the publicity stunts no Sup Forums doesnt support them.
>he can't admit no one likes southern or sellner
no it is lost all the men have retreated to their cuck sheds. a real chad kills invaders to his home country.
>Knowing their names
>constantly spammed on Sup Forums
>"h-how do you know dey names den!?"
old news you OAP.
God damn it that was so pathetic I can't even justify a response.
Oh this is old, this happened earlier this week.
it's true isnt it? we're posting right now in a spam thread. everyone knows who they are and most reject them.
Isnt lauren southern new, though?
You can help.
>If I call these people jew mutts, it will derail the thread
Hi again, JIDF.
look how dead it is ITT. if we dont bump it arguing about whether she's jewish or not.. thread dies.
but have a bump.
Nah they all got blocked at the same time. They were going to talk with an interviewer about South Africa.
The my borders my choice shit failed so you resort to this... gay and sad.
Why are right wingers always so sharp looking, attractive and well presented? It's literally the diametric opposite of the grubby leftist shitbag.
Give shekels
The thot cries out as she steals your spotlight
kek based leaf
You responded anyway, retard
left looks better
they’re both roastie thots but still
this must of been like 4 hours of putting on her clown makeup
>tfw you're Lauren
>look like a 32 year old roastie
>be 22
>have 8 years to enjoy being a 6\10 and fucking actual niggers before pic related
>tfw you're Lauren