Russian weapon.
Russian weapon
Too bad you dont have the balls to use it
You know who I am
You know what I want
The winter has always been the most important weapon russia had in a conventional war, does that mean that climate change can actually be also the greatest weapon against russia?
based Mongol
lol sit down polski
amazes me how those cheap motherfuckers keep talking shit while coming to my country in lorries and working as slaves for minimum wage
You can't change a climate. Now, in march, in Russia too cold. On the streets snow.
Canadian military
>we are poor and our leaders are currput but at least we have big dick weapons
Are Russians the niggers of counties?
>the russians and americans still think australia has no nuclear weapons program.
soon we will reveal the 100mt 'steve irwin' undetectable cruise missile.
What the fuck user my sides can't handle this.
what the fuck
everything you said applies to america
the image that started WW3
Not match for Eesti. Eesti NORDIC STRONG
>drains the wealth of cuck countries and sends it back home
Baste Polan
Bet it will be dealt with by the "Stingray" defense system
my fursona is a MiG-31
This is for parachute jump training
I'd bet €100 these are all barely functional and just photographed for propaganda purposes, like the Chinese army. Hell, the "missiles" or whatever in OP's pic are probably empty.
do you want NATO to light you up slavshit?
Won't you just get caught in the trees or fall into Lake Peipus when you go to retake Narva?
except you are too retarded to properly use them ( MH17)
I mean keep cool let's just relax
Let's just get into a groove
Come on, we can get it together
Come on
Did you know Finland even has E-B-I-N?