Ryoko BTFO ayeka best girl
And with a slight model redesign
She's a filthy fucking mess. Even that retard Miyoshi is better than her.
I like both, but Ayeka is indeed better.
I remember when this series was good and not trash.
They should have painted her as a Overprotected Tsundere to serve as a foil for Ryoko.
Nah man. Her personality is still shit.
I'm hijacking this.
She looks better with her actual hair color. Too bad her personality is still shit.
I feel like we always overlook the most logical option. Who needs Tenchi anyway?
Is that it?
Ayeka was my first anime crush and probably my first anime fap.
I never liked Ryoko or her stupid hair.
You got the one where Noike's daughter rapes Seina's son?
I liked Ayeka because she was a pretty princess.
She's already the "goody-two-shoes but not entirely" to contrast with Ryoko's "bad girl but not entirely".