Why do anime plots follow a simple setup nowadays? Why is it rare for new ones to branch out? There are so many Ideas out there.
>An anime where japan gets invaded by north korea or china, and the story revolves around the protagonist who heads a resistance movement against the occupation.
>An anime where a protagonist and a few other peeps are on mars, and the storys plot develops upon the tasks that they need to carry out, and the hardships that come with them.
>An anime focused around an eod squad.
>An anime with an actual interesting scenario or setting.
I just came up with those few suggestions off the top of my head, IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE ALL MECHS, FANTASY, AND POLIGAMY!!
Boring shit nowadays
Coppelion, jormagund, phantasism whatever what with the illusions and such, gate jsdf and gate goo bannana docter pepper, are all good examples of anime that had good/interesting settings
Nowadays its just mainly cocktease with a lotta girls and one boy who literally is unable to detect female hormones. The one good one thus far has been konosuba, mainly because the writers are very clever
That one with the smartphone is a close second, the only thing holding it back is the common poligamy syndrome
Im not saying I could produce an anime. Im shit at drawing. But I find it hard to believe that the department that does the drawing also writes the plot.
And what I am saying is that I could probably write a better plot to an anime.
>people actually think this shit and then post it out
You know you're free to write a script for us to see.
Bait, right?
>anything that deals with real present political problems close to home is somewhat verboten socially in the same way the Jap government can't have nukes, it's easier to do run-of-the-mill Japan-supremacist shlock or throw in some Nazis as the good guys, bad guys, both, or everyone in the setting or just some Nazi uniforms, or to (usually very poorly) critique western politics or dick-ride the US, Germany, the UK, some obscure social-interest second-world country, or all of these at once
>TerraFormars, also alreadybeendone in /lit/ by The Martian
>le tank loli meme and le other million military loli memes - all Japanese military otaku are also retarded pedophiles apparently, so go where the money is, so this would just be a slight variation
>Those Who Hunt Elves - no really it's actually "good" and barely counts as ecchi despite the retarded premise
Easy money. That's why.
Not him, but Im a fucking weeb and an old school scifi dork, and Im starting to write scripts. It's been long and hard(mostly because I hate myself too much to actually motivate my worthless ass to do anything), but I am writing some pretty weeb things.
For example, a Godzilla/Ultraman/Pacific Rim/Gunbuster inspired alien invasion movie where the aliens send down giant cyborg monsters(or "Cyber-Dinos", as I like to call them. Will change in the coming drafts) with 20 meter tall young women who fighting them to save mankind.
I am also playing with an idea of a guy in a rock band who saves a small town from a space vampire that he fell in love with through the power of rock and roll. And idea that will forever stay on the back burner because I dont know how to write music.
I'm teaching myself proper screenwriting format, then I'll start on something. But, I already have most of the plots for these movies down.
Basically this, desu-senpai-niggah-uguu. The waifu fags want stupid, irrational plots that dont go anywhere as long as they are able to shitpost online how some bitch with rainbow hair "is a cute! CUTE!". The last anime that was very recent that I have watched was Girlz Und Panzer(btw pls never ever post that picture again OP, you fag), and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, because there was an actual plot, with an actual cast of unique characters that were chasing a goal. It reminded me of Karate Kid, Bloodsport, and other sports movies. It was probably the only time I ever saw moe shit and not be befuddled by the boring shit.
But I am going to bed now, if you are going to reply to me I will read it in the morning. Good night, y'all.
>guy in a rock band who saves a small town from a space vampire that he fell in love with through the power of rock and roll
is this just some hipster version of macross 7?
You sure came up with interesting ideas buddy.
I agree, user. We should start showing our outrage by boycotting all anime!
You start.
>>An anime where a protagonist and a few other peeps are on mars, and the storys plot develops upon the tasks that they need to carry out, and the hardships that come with them.
Space Brothers, not on Mars but close enough and it's pretty nice.
I want an anime that reflects the world's sociopolitical situation. I want an anime where the left and the right fight it out. Maybe in mecha, maybe some magical shit I don't care. I want Japan to notice and make anime about our social ideology clash
Because the anime industry is designed to make profits. Why would you change something which is proven to sell?
Not even the Japanese would believe that SJWs importing muslims into the Western world and holding antifa up as "heroes" would be even believable as "fantasy" anime
>nu/pol/ having an epilepsy
Slowly it's becoming a harem as well.
Protagonist must be a white guy doing white guy stuff for me to self insert.
Nips should pander to us.
Anime is great because it is not the real world, and distracts us momentarily from our pathetic lives, be that NEETdom, wageslave, 3rd-world-fags, etc. Why would you want it to reflect real-world conflict when you could have cute girls doing cute things.