If communism is superior to capitalism why doesn't someone just create a communist company/corporation...

If communism is superior to capitalism why doesn't someone just create a communist company/corporation? Unlike communist countries which have harsh penalties for anyone practicing free market values, there isn't a single 1st world western country today that would disallow someone from practicing communism unless they are unable to pay their workers at least minimum wage, but if it is superior and the capitalist pig CEO's are siphoning so much money away from them they should be in fact making much more than average, so that won't be a problem.

And because this communist... factory... let's say can pay it's workers more, since the execs are making similar wages to the workers. They should also be able to easily bid against any other company for superior labor, better management, smarter R&D etc... It would then become a shining example of the superiority of communism and the revolution would happen overnight without the need for a gigantic violent revolution like the communists of past.

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They're called co-operatives, essentially a company which is owned and democratically run by its workers.
They were rather popular around the turn of the century, expecially in the UK. As you can guess, most of them went under and the rest are constantly on the verge of bankruptcy because it's a terrible way to run a company; they refuse to hire competent CEOs, recieve no investment because of the lack of shareholders, and are extremely inefficient because they get cucked by unions.
Source: I used to work for one, get paid nearly twice as much working in the private sector now.

What are the laws behind selling stocks anyways? Are they not able to have stipulations?

And is the stock market really required for investment? I would think any leftist group with a lot of money would love to at least prop up a business ran in such a manner to be a real world example of their ideas "working".

People are not even buying "fair-trade" products which costs like a few cents more.

I buy a lot of vegetables/fruit, in my experience it's 2-3x more for the fairtrade stuff and you can only find it in gay leftist grocery stores.

Really is no difference, it's just marketed at liberals to essentially pay a tax for virtual signalling. Kinda like modern day indulgences.

If it was only a few cents more I would buy it every time unless the quality was terrible. But im not paying 5 dollars for a bunch of celery I can get for 2 bucks with no discernible difference.

Im also looking at these fair trade organizations, most of their execs are worth millions, and there are some major tensions in house between helping poor minority farmers/workers and keeping a stable business model.

Seems like a scam to me

Because if companies still exist within a capitalist system, the market still disciplines the worker's labour, it is not socialism, it is still capitalism.

Coops are part of socialism, coops alone are not socialism.

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I don't understand what you are saying.

Can you define what you mean by capitalist system, it can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. And what does "discipline" mean when you talk about the workers labour?

>If communism is superior to capitalism why doesn't someone just create a communist company/corporation
It’s called China OP

If Porky does nothing except sit on his dumper and collect checks than a company without a capitalist in control (i.e. a coop) should be just as effective in the market but pay the workers better, thus giving them an advantage in labor acquisition. You, my friend, just admitted capitalists are an important part of the economy.

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>Can you define what you mean by capitalist system

As soon as men accept money as an equivalent for life, the sale of living activity becomes a condition for their physical and social survival. Life is exchanged for survival. Creation and production come to mean sold activity. A man's activity is "productive," useful to society, only when it is sold activity. And the man himself is a productive member of society only if the activities of his daily life are sold activities. As soon as people accept the terms of this exchange, daily activity takes the form of universal prostitution.

The sold creative power, or sold daily activity, takes the form of labor; labor is a historically specific form of human activity; labor is abstract activity which has only one property; it is marketable; it can be sold for a given quantity of money; labor is indifferent activity; indifferent to the particular task performed and indifferent to the particular subject to which the task is directed. Digging, printing and carving are different activities, but all three are labor in capitalist society; labor is simply "earning money." Living activity which takes the form of labor is a means to earn money. Life becomes a means of survival.

>Can you define what you mean by capitalist system
1. Private property within
2. Competitive market system for the purpose of
3. Accumulation of capital
>And what does "discipline" mean when you talk about the workers labour?
Suppose companies A, B and C make a similar product like a TV. Company A take 6 hours to make a TV, company B takes 5 hours to make a TV, company C takes 7 hours to make a TV.

None of these companies know how long it takes any other company to make a TV. When their products enter the market, does it become obvious. The average labour-time is 6 hours. This is "socially necessary labour time". Company A will be rewarded with profits for making a TV for less than SNLT, and is deemed efficient, while Company C will be punished, and may go out of business, unless it changes to make its workers more "efficient". This is when the market disciplines the worker's labour.

Communism only works if the workers can’t leave and start/join a capitalist system.

There’s a reason ever “successful” communist country puts up walls to keep people from escaping, while in America, we put up walls to keep people out.

The sale of living activity brings about another reversal. Through sale, the labor of an individual becomes the "property" of another, it is appropriated by another, it comes under the control of another. In other words, a person's activity becomes the activity of another, the activity of its owner; it becomes alien to the person who performs it. Thus one's life, the accomplishments of an individual in the world, the difference which his life makes in the life of humanity, are not only transformed into labor, a painful condition for survival; they are transformed into alien activity, activity performed by the buyer of that labor. In capitalist society, the architects, the engineers, the laborers, are not builders; the man who buys their labor is the builder; their projects, calculations and motions are alien to them; their living activity, their accomplishments, are his.

So you don't want inefficiency to be punished? Or are you saying that you don't want the workers in C to be punished so factory C should be managed by A as well? Or that it's in company A's interest to let C know how they do things and that hurts everyone as a whole?

to not let C know*


I know it's too much to ask but I wish you faggots would post without memeflags just once. I'm curious as to where all this commie shitposting is coming from.

Depends whether it's a privately or publicly traded company.

Co-ops can be kept afloat through wealthy benefactors, but it does make them rather unstable, making it hard to make business deals because of the lack of confidence that they won't go under.

>Or that it's in company A's interest to not let C know how they do things and that hurts everyone as a whole?
This. Capitalism stifles scientific progress, by erecting barriers such as this. On a larger scale, this translates to "intellectual property", and its logical conclusion, "patent trolling".

Not to mention that products will go unsold, so you wasted resources.

the workers would all still be subject to capitalist exploitation. they’d have to buy massive quantities of land from some nation and then set up border fences. communism is predicated on seizing existing means of production not buying capital from capitalists. they feel you have stolen from them and they want vengeance via revolution. its not necessarily illogical either to suggest that capitalist firms and politicians would do their damndest to destroy that entity. communism is also not exclusively derived from production, its also centered around redistribution of land rights and a planned economy. if you don’t have access to inputs or to fiscal policy and other firms working in tandem on your ideological program you can’t do anything and capitalists will just undercut whatever the commies do. the communists know that within the frame of current economic conditions this sui generis nation or commie firm would be destroyed in a year’s time. The issue is land and political power, the economics of the supply chain being controlled by the enemy. this is like asking why there isn’t a NS firm or economy, by that i mean its extremely fucking stupid

That's what Facebook is going to turn into. Once they incorporate virtual reality say good bye to all your normie friends and relatives.

we world wide nigga

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