>f f ffucking russian c ccunts!
F f ffucking russian c ccunts!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Israel Issues First Statement on Nerve Agent Attack in U.K., but Doesn't Mention Russia
USA subsidizes all of NATOs defense
I'm glad American boys can die so you can import more nigger migrants Europe you're all true pals
Europeans and Brits realizing how small fry they are in the world theater? There is a reason why you guys let us keep our military bases in your countries and still kiss our ass even if you like to talk shit.
>defence cuts
>could be wiped out
Gonna need more funds for our programs
What they seem to forget that russian soldiers are slavshit drunktards, even alien equipment can't save their asses, one trained western soldier can wipe out 20 ruskies easy.
Hitler pushed them so far while fighting in the winter on their territory.
Finland absolutely rekt them while having less numbers and inferior technology.
Russians talk big, but the only one they can actually defeat is unarmed civilians in Syria by bombing them from more than a kilometer.
>defence cuts
Nevermind the fact that jewish subversion has turned the vast majority of male Britons into either leftist pussies who hate the British nation itself or blackpilled nationalists who would be happy to see the current regime toppled.
>What they seem to forget that russian soldiers are slavshit drunktards, even alien equipment can't save their asses, one trained western soldier can wipe out 20 ruskies easy.
They still have the vast numbers that defeated the much more competent Nazis, and way better equipment now.
The Americans will do the heavy lifting in a war with Russia.
Is this supposed to be bad news ?
> muh numbers
> muh climate
Just pack warm socks and extra ammo lmao
We've been bitching about this for years.
Western Europe takes advantage of our might and status as world protector to cut military spending.
They think we will come help them so they are essentially forcing us to cover their costs.
And now we see the result. A spavin meme country that cant defend itself.
You’ve made quite a lot of butthurt anti Anglo posts today friend. What’s your endgame?
The UK would be a glass parking lot before anyone would even respond. Seeing as though the UK is now the Untited Jihad Front, nobody would care.
This. The United States air Force would have russia completely in the dark in under an hour
And while all this time Bongistan is cucking their army
america should just let the smug and arrogant brits be annihilated. fuck em
>don't be barmy!
>bin that army!
Fucking chickens
A man
The current state of the UK is not worth saving. Russian invasion would be an improvement.
stop larping you faggots. real war is dead.
Czech definitely fit the description. Was in Prague few months ago when our Czech guide literally said (when talking about wars Czech fought)"You croats would not really understand Czech...we do not like fight nor we like wars like you guys do, but we have other advantages"
I guess Skoda is ok desu..
Don’t be swarmy bin that army
>hurr durr if you don't fight Russians for an assassination they didn't do to advance Jewish interests you're not a man
fuck that, no way am I going to kill fellow whites for the sake of this disgusting ZOG-ruled coon breeding ground, the real war's at home against the muslims not in Russia, if they draft me I'm not going and if they force me I'll fucking frag the commander, I'd honestly be ecstatic to see Russian soldiers execute Theresa May, Sadiq Khan and the rest of the crypto-kike communist filth in Parliament
What is the state of the UK military right now? Are they all Muslim? I seriously can't imagine any white britbong looking at the state of his country and being motivated to fight for it unless by fighting for it he was ensuring the survival of Muslim rape gangs.
If the UK can spread it’s legs for the pakis, it can spread it’s legs for the ruskis, yay multiculturalism !
Britain BTFO.
lmao that orange guy looks like he came right out of a Nickelodeon cartoon
> fellow whites
Ivan, please.
the entire world claims to hate america and americans and everything we stand for. i dont know why we'd fight a war to defend them, honestly. in fact i think america should ally with russia
but what about the navy
>Russian Plane Loses 3 Tons Of Gold On Takeoff
What the fuck does it matter that we could fuck up the UK?
Everyone knows the US and the rest of the West will jump into the fray.
We're like Mordor, our only kind of sort of friend are the easterlings.
Neo libs actively destroy nativism and patriotism and then when threatened try to appeal to nativism and patriotism, if this was written as fiction, nobody would belive it.
>Lowest numbers in recorded history
>Equipment falling apart
>Most people would go AWOL if we were forced to go against Russia
Company owned by leaf cucks though.
>in fact i think america should ally with russia
I think this too, I have no beef with jointly running shit. We can't spread ourselves too thin and realistically do that anyway. Imagine how much Alaska would blow up from the commerce.
Good thing your opinion doesn’t matter, ballotcuck
no, fuck off. Your government is creating one (((refugee))) crisis after another, not to mention Russia doesn't have capability to deliver enough force to to make this scaremongering happen.
What we need is to kick darkies out and spend the freed up welfare money on defence
>Most people would go AWOL if we were forced to go against Russia
talking bollocks mate
Yeah that would make to much sense britbong.
You forgot we're on cloud cuckoo land timeline.
It's actually crazy, if Russia wanted to they could be to the end of France within a few weeks. Any army that went up against the Russian ground forces would get obliterated.
Year old article, fake news btfo
He's more than right you cunt.
like to see them drive those tanks to the uk
successfully defended since 1066 m8
Fuck off the refugee crisis is not our fault. There have been COUNTLESS wars in Africa and the middle east for hundreds of years but never any refugees until you idiots started opening your legs for them. You alone have the power to dictate whether or not your country brings in refugees. You could stop them right at your borders but you choose not to. You, like us, opened your borders and let them take over.
hey bartek my friend don't forget u are slav too xexexe
These are probably Soviet tanks though. Soviets made so many tanks that no one knew where to put them. Tanks in the bathroom, tanks on the balcony, everywhere.
Because most of the competent military officers were carists and thus were killed by bolsheviks during the revolution
They also have more than 3 times the airforce of the British, sorry but you lads would get demolished.
Russkies look out !
UK has no chance everyone. No chance. I pray putin invades.
Christ you guys have fallen far, #32 in Naval strength?? Okay yeah Russia would poop you out within a month.
So did the Krauts and we know how that turned out.
Pic related must be how britbongs feel everyday.
UK has Rotschild lands, Russia wont do shit
>It's actually crazy, if Russia wanted to they could be to the end of France within a few weeks
If they are intent on going through Poland it would turn into years.
instead to fuck up the moslems and take back Constantinople and holy land we fight each other and all of us becaming cucks that sucks .............
this, ayyglos fuck off.
and what are they going to do?
they nuke us, we nuke them, everyone is rekt and nukes are wasted that could have been used on pakistan
>United Kingdom
>249 tanks
In all seriousness though, UK y u have no tanks.
Ey rusnya, v stoilo nahui.
Russia hates us too.
I say we go isolationist and let everybody else deal with their own shit. If they try to fuck with us they get nuked. Simple as.
UK can't do shit.
>imagine being this misinformed
Britain has taken about 20,000 refugees max. The bulk of our darkies come from Pakistan and India, coming over in the 50's and 60's. Not really any better of course (except maybe a slightly higher IQ than arabs)
>w we used to r rule the w waves
>n no b bully p pls
This is what happens when filling your diversity quota is more important than making an effective military capable of defending themselves.
I never hated you John.
So that's what you guys would do in a non nuclear war? Get your asses kicked so fast you'd have to nuke the enemy?
Show us your flag toiletbowl cleaner.
The Battle of Britain isn't even impressive for the British and they had a bigger navy too but Russians navy fucks theirs up now too.
The Soviets where just marginally better supplied despite getting the wrong type of ammunition constantly
The NWO has used the US and Russia as a foil to prep the stage for the Destruction of the Whore of Babylon and the beat shes riding on (Rome and Europe).
Make Europe dependant on the US militarily so they have no military power. Then remove our support and let them be destroyed by russia.
While what he said may not be necessarily relevant to UK in that way the point still stands: we didn't make you take those 20k (even if that's it) and we didn't make Germany and Sweden take the million they have.
yeah, don't want to get those bears too horny
you fuckers stated it, putting sanctions upon sanctions for "messing" with the 2016 election. Now siding with the uk because "they" definitely killed spy wit soviet gas and this is in no way a cover up...
Tump was a goddamn mistake.
Well at least your children would be hideous mutants that no sandnigger would want to touch.
It's true
I was talking about Europe as a whole. I already know you are full of pakis and poos because I've seen London.
But that is still entirely your fault, we never forced you to take in immigrants.
>russian navy fucks theirs up now too
kek yeah with their lone fuckin steam powered carrier
Your army uses our flag as a cleaning rug
Wait the bong only have a SINGLE combat division?
Explain yourselves bongs.
The sanctions targeted banks, oligarchs and the FSB. It's not our fault Putin decides the best way to counteract is to ban all food imports and take it out on the people.
4 armor battalions ? Hory fuk
Anyone and I do mean anyone who uses a nuke first will get torn to shreds internationally
Actually using a nuke is indefensible in the current political climate
Whoever catches the nuke though? They'll get to leverage that for at least 100 years, the Jews have shown everyone how
>not spending unimagineable trillions on unrequired defence and ending up completely owned by china
>explain yourselves
Yeah I agree, though if you squint your eyes and turn your head sideways the creation of the (((IMF))) was a major factor in the collapse of the British Empire (which for our own retarded reasons led to all those darkies)
Then why don't you faggots show them what you've got instead of barking like little cowards and threatening to nuke them.
>Basically stop having a military
>Use all that saved up money on everyone BUT your citizens
I literally do not understand why. And dont say Jews, why the fuck would they want to help breed more of the biggest threat to their existence? NO ONE hates, or has killed more Jews than Islam.
Awfully specific
maybe that is the plan think like the rat people from warhammer. user the migrants as a human wave to slow down the Russians. solve two unnecessary populations in one go!
I'm not saying the Russian army and air force wouldn't wreck our shit in a conventional war. It's retarded to go to war with Russia as we are right now, and tbqh I think this whole situation is another kike scheme anyway.
The only reason neocons/liberals hate Russia is because they are the second largest white nation on Earth. Plus jews are pissed they failed destroying it with communism.
Why do they even need tanks? They live on an island.
Ukraine is not russia yet
>why the fuck would they want to help breed more of the biggest threat to their existence?
this is what i don't get at all about most of the retards on this board
to actually think that jews want the world to be full of muslims is purely fucking retarded
that's like being a worm and trying your hardest to live in a fucking aviary
This chart is absolute fake though, remove it.
So sick of the US traitor trash on here. If you are American and you don't side with the UK then please leave the country. If Russia touches UK the entire power of the western world financially and militarily will cripple Russia with 4 hours.
It's written here though that brits have slightly bigger defence budget than us. Surely they spend all that money on something truly badass.
good thing it was in russia and they were just showing support for ukraine then
learn to news
>He thinks Russia could roll over Poland
We won't have to fight on our soil, the Poles would legit blow them the fuck out
Someone will call you a jew
Our nukes I guess. But don't you have thousands of them?