It's sad when dogs have better control than you. Dogs also don't blame victims which is nice.
Teach men not to rape
try telling your dog not to lick his asshole
good thing she didnt put her baby on the table
I can't even comprehend how this makes sense as an analogy.
Its worse than using food analogies, at least food makes sense despite being a useless fallacy.
I mean, yeah people shouldn't commit crimes, but people should also take reasonable precautions as well.
Black men*
Men are already taught not to rape, as it's the fucking law.
Rapists don't give a fuck about the law, and if they don't give a fuck about the law then it's on YOU to take the necessary precautions to prevent them from raping you, i.e carry a gun/taser
Bank robbery is illegal, doesn't stop some people
I'm pretty sure he'd rather eat her face.
Is it at least human steak? Otherwise it's clear that the nigger-dog will have none of it.
> women are prices of meat.
Also she is making a fallacy by thinking that the men telling making that statement are the men doing the raping.
So you are saying women need to be trained like dogs?
So basically she is telling rapists "you need to reevaluate your life". How is that going to stop rape exactly?
>fat kike with dyed hair
>pitbull mom
I can't wait till he bites her face... off.
Why does she assume all men are Muslim?
No, she is saying women are nothing more than steak.
She should tell niggers this. They're more likely to rape.
> dog... domesticated creature
> niggers... not domesticated
Bitch doesn't want to get raped, she should stick to dating white bois. Hyper civilized white bois. Only ones who respect rules.
This, it's why gun control will never work, criminals won't give a damn about gun control, all at the expense of law abiding citizens.
Most victims are partly to blame. I have never been a victim and I always make good proactive decisions.
The dog's just eyeing her up as his next meal.
Women don't get to tell us no. Women answer to men because without us they are fucked.
1) men aren’t dogs
2) roasties need to stay the fuck in the kitchen
Simple problem. The dog and the master are in the same room.
Get out of that room for 2 hours and tell me if the food is still there.
He is either stupid or pro police state
>dog rape culture
The people who say that are not necessarily the ones doing the raping. If I point out that dressing like a who're around brown and black people could contribute to you being raped it doesn't mean I don't have self control, it means you live in a fantasy world
So what happens when she leaves the room for 5 minutes?
>Teach men not to rape
Pick one
If I wear a rolex walking through a slum at 4am and I get mugged, it totally not my fault.
So she is saying her Dog is better behaved than Muslim men? Because the whole reason that women wear Hijabs and Burka is because it makes them less sexual and therefore less prone to lure men into raping them.
Um excuse me sweetie but are you comparing a woman to a piece of meat?????
It's no secret dogs are better than niggers
Problem of induction
>put steak in front of unknown dog
>dog eats your steak
>dog proceeds to then rape you, and you enjoy it
just end yourself
that steak looks like shit
What's the deal with these SJWs and pitbulls?
>Bree Wiseman
Like anyone but a nigger would rape this land whale
Maybe that dog should eat her and leave that steak for me. Win win.
Fast forward a week
>woman found mauled to death by pit bull
>Maybe that dog should eat her
i bet the dog does every night
Fine, as long as we get to teach women how to think with logic.
Same thing they do with niggers, some sort of savior complex
>Woman has 2 dogs
>One is not harmful and avoids trouble, everyone says he has good manners
>Other one is aggressive, always barking, known to hurt innocent animals for no reason
>Woman who owns the two dogs give the aggressive one a nice piece of steak every day
>The nice dog is given nothing and is forced to watch the bad one eat steak
>The woman frequently dangles a steak in front of the nice starving dog but never lets him have it
>One day the nice dog has enough of this torture
>He bites the throat of the aggressive dog until he is dead
>Nice dog proceeds to go to the woman and eat her steak while she sits there sobbing
>After he is finished he bites her jugular vein and kills her
>Knowing that he will be sent to the pound for life he runs in front of a truck on the highway and kills himself
>Woman will say the nice dog did this for no reason
>Fine, as long as we get to teach women how to think
Why do women act like all men are rapists now we all know who the real rapists are it's only white man
>women are prices of meat
This. Hope she trained her assault dog not to chew junior. All day the dog has to face off with her as she teases him with her dinner. That child will be like a hot pie on a windowsill.
The first step of being free is to understand that when you have freedom to make a choice you also have responsibility.
Women don't want responsibility, so they don't deserve freedom.
non-white men aren't held to the same standards as white men, they are literally non-human entities . roasties dont understand this until they get raped by a subhuman.
Nice speech, now tell it to someone who's about to rape you.
>surrounds herself with niggers because "not racist"
>gets raped by niggers
Men are the problem
>be Sweden
>invite millions of savage Muslim men into country because "not racist"
>get raped constantly by savage Muslims
Men are the problem
Leftists can die in a fire.
We don't rape. You have to go to blacks for that service.
We know better than to trust you with a good raping.
So you are saying men should take your rights back and treat you like pets?
How can we get you useless fucking whores to shut the fuck up?
Change that to african americans and post it on a feminists page
Why are they so obsessed with rape?Teach Muslims and niggers not to rape.
Pro-tip: you can't.
>tfw obese kikess but no khazar milkers
Cool. Tell that to all the female school teachers committing statutory rape on their students.
So she's calling niggers dogs?
This is exactly why I dislike analogies; they never solve the core of the problem.
"women are steak"
wow sexmism and much
That "dog" is going to eat her
now starve him for a bit and see what happens. better yet try it with a random street dog.
>inb4 pitbull death 4000 this year
Anyway when can you Russian trolls fuck off, this place has become shit because of your terrible larping
Pitbulls are the dog equivalent of subhumans. They should be banned, except for use as chained guard dogs by approved entities.
We need sensible pitbull control.
Judging by that profile pic, she won't have kids.
try to say no when that crazy dog is bitting your neck cunt
Thats what makes it such a good joke.
It also implies men are less than dogs. Litterally subhuman animals.
I suppose the equivelant is comparing blacks to apes.
Its hillarious. Im proud of this chick.
rape isn't an issue of teaching or educating, rapists are criminals, and criminals do whatever they like no matter how many times you tell them not to
>someone said something on twitter
>lets over analyze this useless thing
this is why globalists and corruption are winning btw
Lets see what happens when you leave the room alone with the dog and food
>People who violently rape other people needs to reevaluate their life
No shit sherlock