What would you do with your own cyborg?

What would you do with your own cyborg?


Catch up with my couch Co-Op vidya backlog.

Fuck it

If it's anything like the series, try to protect that smile and fail horribly.

Lean on for emotional support and some illusion of human contact.

Probably also have it clean my room because I never set aside time to

Teach it about what it means to be human.

Crank up the conditioning, I don't want to be a collateral for her Electra syndrome.

1. Upgrade biological brain into artificial brain for more direct learning

2. Administer tubal ligation

3. ???

4. Profit



Have it kill me

I would put a cat brain in it without hesitation

Raise and protect her as if she were my own little sister.

Go on an adventure or something. Assuming the rest of the world doesn't also have them you'd be able to do some super cool shit like be a two man army in some third world shit hole.
Imagine becoming a war lord with your cute dedicated cyborgfu, capping tribals and rekindling the bread box.
Cecil would be proud

Marry her.

This is the one true answer senpai.

Does Sup Forums recommend the Gunslinger Girl manga?

I'd protect her smile.
The other girls were good too, but I ended up liking Henrietta the most. Season 2 was a mistake.

I'll finally have a range buddy, so that'll be our first stop.

yes definitely

pet gratuitously



that hot pic i wank so hard seeing it ag


Try to dick it. If not, rub the thighs. If the thighs are hard like steel then I'll just chat I guess.

Ask her about her Ghost.

if they cant bear children theyre useless.

so i guess trow away at a scrapyard

Cyborgs would require a lot of maintenance compared to pure biological or machine.

Yeah but she's a cyborg don't forget. Just connect her to the internet and she can download some money. Then take her into a car shop and Bob's your uncle.

That would be easier with an android, cyborgs have organs and shit that a mechanic can't repair.

Hand holding

Put cute dresses on them.

Have sex with it and try to be friends.


Make a not-shit season 2.

Season 2 was very good. It had a better OP, an ongoing plot and a group of the most likeable villains I have seen in a long time.

Avenge my family by having her kill terrorists.