What does this mean for American politics? Is the Trump family empire in trouble now? Why would someone even want to divorce Don Jr?
Donald Trump Jr's divorce
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Seriously, what are the implications of this divorce? Will Don Jr be given a larger portfolio now?
He's going to jail. They're splitting assets so she's not left broke.
>Why would somebody divorce the son of a billionaire
Huh idk there's absolutely no correlation there. It's Gona take a genius to find out why.
What a couple of cunts.
>He's going to jail. They're splitting assets so she's not left broke.
Smart move from her. She needs to get her personal wealth sorted out. Seems like this might be an admission from Don Jr. that he's in serious legal trouble.
Jamal's cock is just so much better than all the wh*teboi beta cuck dollars the trumpsteins can give.
For what exactly??
>Hooking up with a russian spy
Now he can marry a Christian woman.
>Where these images shilled during the election?
Yeah, the images were from here around then.
How long might Don Jr. be going to jail for? How serious is this? Can his father give him a pardon, even if his crime is treason?
Why are you fuckers convinced he’s going to jail???
they pay alot of money to kill the really old ones and the money goes to help protect and breed more
you dumb cuck
Fashion Police finally got enough on him to put him for life.
You communist cunt. I laughed wayyyy too hard at that comment
Supposedly Jr's been fucking Lauren Southern when she's in the country and Venti when she's away
it's fucking nothing
Good for him
Pic related is what TMZ says is the cause lol
>He's going to jail.
If anyone should be going to jail it is Jared and his sleezy family.
they both fucked up
the thing is, millionaires and billionaires are used to breaking the law, they werent ready to be under a microscope which is what the presidency bring
you could take nearly any millionaire and put them under a microscope and find finacial crimes and shit
this is a face
if you're not willing to break the law, you'll most likely never be a millionaire
>Supposedly Jr's been fucking Lauren Southern when she's in the country and Venti when she's away
Damn, that's quite a rumor. Any evidence?
This make it sounds like he's been seriously cucked in this marriage but that he also can't help being a naughty boy with his Twitter account.
>If anyone should be going to jail it is Jared and his sleezy family.
Jared's definitely in trouble too. All these inexperienced people being promoted beyond heir capabilities and experience, and then fucking up completely.
What the fuck did he do? You guys are retarded. He’s not going to jail
man will you calm the fuck down holy shit
Another TMZ report says it’s been a long time coming....
No because you fuckers keep saying that shit, you need to prove it
It's mostly treason. Working with the Russians and undermining American democracy. Probably other forms of corruption too. It seems he's not smart enough to be successfully corrupt.
too much time shitposting on twitter, and possibly on Sup Forums. you neets have been warned, even a shitload of cash doesn't make up for acute autism.
Pic related, now this I believe
Thank you. It wasn’t that hard.
woooooooooow you believe something that fits the way you think
im shocked you believe this
Check. Well it aligns with her hating his Tweets and the powder she opened. It’s not tough
are you ok, bro?!? Severe weather!!! I'm praying for you
I live in NY. There’s always shit weather here
>he is relieved
Fucking degenerate
i think you need a nap or something, you're posting at the speed of light
Have you ever been married? The relief usually comes from constant stress and fighting. It’s unhealthy
Have Sup Forums pass nigga. Haven’t been on Sup Forums in days. I miss it.
Now I'm praying you stay safe from niggers and El Goblinos
trump jr shouldve never met that guy about the emails bro
Thanks desu
No, and if I did I wouldn't get a divorce like a filthy Protestant degenerate.
Fair enough
>Have you ever been married?
>asking this on Sup Forums
nigger most of us are lucky if we've ever held hands
>Dont go MGTOW boyim
>get married
Literally the son of the most powerful man in the world still gets divorced.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
You mean the Loretta Lynch-Fusion GPS-Preet Bharara organized sting operation against him conducted at the campaign HQ? Should have slept on that one brolio
Check. Truth
the price of vag is off the charts
This has been proven wrong many times. Just like the dentist who shot the lion... fucking 56% mutts!
She’s into black men
The dentist was wrong nigger. Cecil was pride leader. You need to research
Sup Forums isn't the same board any more my man, we normies have taken over.
Anhero ASAP
Lol none of them are going to jail you commie fuck
what an unfaithful bitch
I’m sure left wing terrorists sending her MOTHERFUCKING WHITE POWDER didn’t bode well for a woman who didn’t ask to be hated by the psychotic communist left.
"they're going to crack don jr like an egg on national television"
THATS WHAT I SAID. Poor thing.
>The dentist was wrong nigger. Cecil was pride leader. You need to research
This is true.
The dentist did all kind of criminal stuff. He's obviously a selfish fuck with no regard for the law. I suspect this is probably true of just about everyone who seeks to hunt big game with a bow and arrow -- just like Don Jr. too.
I think she's banging one the secret service security guys, the qt younger one with longer hair, that's her type.
>She’s into black men
Evidence? She's obviously been spending a lot of time alone. I wouldn't be surprised at all, though.
Giving fail son a whole new meaning
just his fantasies
God damn he's such an ugly little shit.
Tradcucks are going to claim he just wasn't alpha enough.
He'll have more time to shit post on twitter, and nothing else will change. It affects literally nothing unless they finalize the divorce before the investigation ends. She can't be forced to testify against her husband.
trump wrote a chapter on pre nups in all his books, don jr should be good
>She can't be forced to testify against her husband.
Her testifying won't be an issue, but if the divorce gets ugly she'll have some fantastic gossip to share. Maybe even she's busted Ivanka and the Donald together and will talk about it.
Also, Don Jr. will probably start shitposting on Sup Forums and we'll see more dank Pepes on his Twitter feed, even when he posts from prison.
Why would a guy like him go for some plain Jane blonde like Lauren with that gross guy-voice?
>can't be forced to testify
Might not be necessary.
Vanessa Kay Haydon
>Her paternal grandparents, Nathan Hochberg and Jennie Weisberg, were Jewish immigrants, Nathan from Austria and Jennie from Russia. Her mother is of Danish origin.
Huwhite powder
She sounds like a cunt honestly. Sucks for Junior though.
Why do you guys keep pushing the incest meme so hard?
it was literally flour
Can Trump change the law so that Don Jr does not have to give alimony to his ex-wife? It's stupid to reward women with NBA salaries just because they divorced a rich man instead of a loser.
Apparently Don Jr realized now that he can slay all the pussy he wants he shouldn't waste his life away with that boring fucking hag he's with.
yeah bro, yeah to all that
>Be a kike whore
>Be all pissy when daddy president doesn't cuck to Bibi.
It means (((they))) are pulling all the stops.
Like father like son.
More like drumpf jr XD
What if they had celiac?
>Why do you guys keep pushing the incest meme so hard?
Because the evidence is pretty clear!
The Donald obviously isn't much of a father. He relates to his daughters, and especially to Ivanka, in the same way you might relate to a sexy secretary or PA who worked for you. He creates obvious rivalry between her and Melania too. It all just smells really bad. Even if there's nothing doing on, it looks completely distasteful and degenerate.
You've got to admit that you see it now, right?
They are mostly Sup Forums escapees, a few are legit psyops.
What happend was Trump unfaithful?
>Damn Ivanka is so hot I bet other anons will see her sexually
We see it :DDD
>Her father feels the same way like you! We're all equal!
We don't see it :DDD
I don't see it.
I think it's the other way around desu desu desu
Look at how Donald treats her -- the body language, the eye contact. It's not a typical father-to-daughter relationship. And look how she performs for him. It's like she's on a stage as a hired dancer or something. Again, not at all like a daughter.
Is incest common among the Jewish population?
didn't she get a letter with powder in it?
maybe she's distancing herself due to death threats against her family.
Oh you know that’s one of the first of a bazillion comments that use the divorce to badmouth the President.
Shes ugly and old
He probably got bored and is gonna get prime new pussy
Before Ivanka’s facial plastic surgery and breast enlargements. She was different then, that’s for sure.
I think it's common among billionaires who grow up with children from whom they're very emotionally distant. It's like those stories you hear of children who are given up for adoption and then they meet their parents again as adults and want to fuck them, as though they're confused by all their emotions of closeness. I bet Trump used to see his kids no more than once a month and usually that was to show them off as toys. I think the whole situation lends itself readily to incest. Such a shame, really. It shows how important it is to have a regular family with mom and dad at home looking after their kids most of the time. Billionaires are usually degenerate.
>We see what we want to see
>How can you not see what I see?
inb4 you try to manipulate me further by saying I'm something something if I don't see things your way
But hey thank you for a solid display of what brainwashing is. Use a swinging pocket watch next time.