I am half Russian but why most of these ''strong'' leaders are fucking manlets?
Just realized Putin is 168cm hahahahaha for fucks sake not even 170, even my mom is taller than him!
I am half Russian but why most of these ''strong'' leaders are fucking manlets?
Just realized Putin is 168cm hahahahaha for fucks sake not even 170, even my mom is taller than him!
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>why most of these ''strong'' leaders are fucking manlets?
How inspirational. I'm only 162 cm tall. Perhaps, I too can become a celebrated warmongering dictator that kills ISIS and parties with the USA. There's hope for me yet.
Because you're a half hohol, that's why.
I guess it's because tall men are too busy being used as sperm dispensers
You too can be a corrupt little kike.
Does anyone know what the Dragon being slain on the Crest of the fancy version of the Russian flag is suppose to represent? Is it also St George like in english myth or is it a totally separate deal?
the hobbit was the hero of lord of the rings
"Manlets" were/are actually the best fighters and many great men (see: conquerors, emperors, generals, philosophers, scientists, etc.) in ancient times were "manlets" by today's standards. For fucks sake, Erwin Rommel was 168cm and Bernard Law Montgomery 167cm, these were admired and respected men.
Manlets are harder to hit during assassination.
The reason for this is because the average height was only 165 at the time. Yurops only started getting taller we food quality improved and we started ingestng more dairy products.
all of these were the average height in their time though
people used to be shorter ine general, because of lower quality food
I remember it like it was yesterday
>Sup Forums
>A nice place with funny pictures and discussion
>From the shadows he comes
>The normie
>"Haha dudeeee how tall are you guys *sips beer*
Things were never the same :(
Basically any worthwhile historical figure was no taller than 180cm, including writers and painters. Lanklets accomplished and continue to accomplish basically nothing. They're only good for sports and even then only like a tiny fraction of them get any recognition.
That's the real redpill. Only thots give a fuck about your height and only because they've fucked everything under the moon and think having these "standards" makes them better, like the cunt who eats exclusively kobe beef because normal burgers don't do it for him.
But that was for the peasantry. The gentry these guys came from was just as tall (if not taller) than europeans today.
Can you even imagine that were maybe ruled by bunch of little shits?
What has come from the shadows is the term normie
Wtf is normie? I am ''normal''? Very funny and you are? This term is created by edge fags who cut themselves and live with their parents
Paul von Hindenburg would like a word with you
you can be my fofinha
>full length
Because he's a fucking Napoleon who will novichok any motherfucker that slights his short arse.
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Napoleon wasn't even short. He was actually above average in comparison to his countrymen, he was just surrounded by grenadiers that dwarfed pretty much everyone.
>Manlets have an inferiority complex, that's why they were fucked up in the head genocidal maniacs
I'm going to deinstall Sup Forums now.
pic is going to be a strong leader.