
How can the magic side even compete? Their chuuni weapons don't stand a chance against this good old fashioned bat.

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When are they releasing another anime adaptation? Its been like 5 years

Reminder that Stiyl is Coronzon right hand man

What are your predictions for the NT 20 cover, Sup Forums? I'm hoping for a shot of at least Accelerator and Touma together with Alies-tan or the three protags together.

Aleis-tan's merry troupe on the back of a truck. Except Hamazura, he's driving.

They're going to separate locations though. They'll likely reunite for the final NT vol. Hoping for a Coronzon cover this or next volume in the same vein as Othinus and Aleister with the Abyss surrounding her once we reach that point.

One more magick chara?

Betting on Birdway.

So hama is just there to be killed right? He adds nothing to thw strength. Touma has ib, crowley is a super magician, accel has some connection to aiwass. Hamazura's biggest accomplishment is not getting killed by mugino. Going from mugino to coronzon is like blowing out a candle and thinking you can extinguish the sun.

Othinus for sure.

should be in Season 3 (OT's) material not NT's

Nope. LN Only and Watari said it was set during NT's timeline and teased NT when asked about it.

Birdway's in OT. She met Touma in SP before he went off to England, had a cameo after Brexit, appeared in Kanzaki's SS, and the end of WW3.

So a major NT character then? Could be either Othinus or Birdway then.

Misaki a pile of shit

I just hope there's at least one original character made for the game, if not one of the main 12 then as an unlockable or DLC.
I think this is a good opportunity for a new Kihara to show up.

Saten looks so cute here

>major NT character

What makes Himegami so fun to hurt?

>implying that anyone cares enough about her to hurt her.

I do. I want to make her cry and be covered in bruises

Hey, now that there's no more AC, Himegami can now work as a real miko out in Japan. Now she can be special.

jailbreak soon

Finished both anime series, they were cool. What's next? I'm not going to read shit tho

Read nigga

Well, too bad.

Watch the movie then wait a year. Alternatively, stop being a pleb and read.


I cannot start to imagine how shit would be the LN that made this. I'm trying to not dissapoint myself. Is there a manga continuation or something?

my money on Fiamma

Why is he so mesmerizing?
Why does he make my heart go doki doki?


the LN is actually not that bad at all, so long as you stick to the proper translator which is hard to fuck up except for early on volumes

the only other adaptation beyond the anime right now is a game that isn't translated so it's not like you have much options, unless you want Railgun stuff then yeah that's a thing

It better not be that bad. How behind is the anime from the current arc?

at least three seasons' worth of content

>from the current arc
pretty fucking far away

Finally watching Railgun because I fucking hate that lesbian bitch.

So, if Touma listened to the Level Upper what would have happened?

No one loves Itsuwa


Fuck. I'll just wait for the S3 and read blog synopsis or some shit

More like around 100-150 episode before we would could be make before we catch up to the LN.

2 Seasons in OT 3 in NT
at least 2 seasons in Railgun.


I mean 100-150 episodes before we, would get to the current LN and compete it

>So, if Touma listened to the Level Upper what would have happened?

>blog synopsis
don't do this

To just get to NT we would need 36-39 episodes or if some Side Novels are added 48-52 episode.
Having 24 episode to finish OT would be to rush.

I'm not reading 150 episodes worth of content of fucking Raildex dude. I wouldn't do it for good books, I won't do it for this

2 Seasons being Index I Index II, 4 cours.

and you don't have to, just don't read blog synopsis because they won't actually explain anything

His brainwaves would've been rearranged and eventually fall into a coma but couldn't get to the Level Upper Network, therefore not get any of the cool powers.

Would the network have been dispelled? Would he have gone up from 'dispel powers' to uh, something even greater?

I-I h-heard this before but We did not deserve it.

Half of Railgun is not canon and most of Index was skipped

The network wouldn't have been taken down. Touma would not have been able to gain more power or become part of the network as his ability would have negated it for himself.

3 cours should be perfect

Wiki resumes it is then. I won't lurk here 2 years until I get the approximate knowledge of the arcs

dumb ohohoposter

All of Railgun seems to be canon, even Saten with a bat.

>Kongou is a timetraveler

Nothing with silver hair can ever be attractive

Magic Gods or a wizard did it.

Now that the dust has settled, does anybody know which actual books of Aleister Crowley's this series is based on? Just out of curiosity

>people still confused by this
the events obviously happened, as it is referenced. Simply not the exact way the anime presented it

also no matter how much people bitch about Index skipping some stuff, it's actually a pretty decent adaptation

Explain further

>the events obviously happened, as it is referenced. Simply not the exact way the anime presented it
Then there is no more value in watching the anime than reading a summary

If you're trying to say Saten is one of the best girls in the series you're not surprising anybody. Despite what people say everybody is secretly waiting for her to make her way back into the LN so they can talk about her. Everybody ignores Kuroko as well like they didn't care but the second she shows up in the LN there was like ten threads dedicated to her. Everybody knows it's just popular to like these characters and wants to feel like a special snowflake which is why they resort to low quality girls like Birdway and Othinus and you can think I'm joking or whatever but the evidence is on my side as always.

>Then there is no more value in watching the anime than reading a summary
user, there is no value on watching anime

The anime Index and Railgun are all fine, the problem is that a few things that happened in early Index stories get retconed when railgun did it later. Usually subtle things of people meeting at slightly different times or being better friends instead of just meeting.

So this proves the girls saved AC from a deadly missile. I guess that means I was right all along. Who would have thought.

Fuck Saten, she is a fapbait. A real men only like this perfection

It probably was gonna be taken out by a dog or something eventually

>Usually subtle things of people meeting at slightly different times or being better friends instead of just meeting

Sorry, wrong picture.

In the manga Kongou transfers to the school after the sisters arc and introduces what a Clique is. In the Anime Kongou's events are shifted to happen earlier. It changes how relationships are understood but the story is still the same.

Why couldn't Kamijou save the city in his series? I mean Kuroko and Mikoto had no problem.

The point remains. Get your taste right user

That sad picture proves nothing. Not only is Kuroko a better character than Uiharu but she's probably the best character in the series.

>talking to phoneposter

Uiharu isn't even mentioned in the encyclopedia dramatica while Kuroko is not only mentioned but is praised which is pretty much impossible considering the reputation of the site.

You're only avoiding it because you know I'm right.

>A fucking stick
A FUCKING STICK. At least she does her job well, to be a supportive friend, like a fucking stick

Kuroko is a fan favorite and Tokiwadai elite. She has some of the best morals in the series and is virtually perfect in comparison to any other girl in this series besides maybe Febri. The only thing people ever have bad to say about Kuroko is that she's a lesbian which first of all isn't true and secondly isn't bad at all.

Thats another good thing. After the timeskip Kuroko will be fully developed as she's only thirteen and will make you swallow your words unlike Mikoto who will grow up into basically a cow like her mom. Kuroko is the future.


Kuroko can swallow my seed.

>Best Morals
>Literally no sense of oneself and has to live through others

Is not that she's a lesbian user, she is so thirsty for human love that would literally live for the first person that showed her some kind of kindness, like it happened. A fucking broken stick

Question: What is the shorthand for "violent unlikable cunt"?
Answer: Silvia.

Also in a way Febri is the future at the same time seeing as there's more evidence of her being the hidden level five instead of Aogami which basically has zero evidence except for they fact that people are being fanboys. Also I'm sure Kamachi is going to do something you all expect because that's definitely who he is.

A FUCKING BROKEN STICK. Get your shit right user

What part of being an impressionable thirteen year old do you not understand? She's one of the best written characters in Railgun.

You're all going to feel pretty stupid when this chemicaloid returns and is revealed to be the last level five.

Kongou transfers to the school and wants to make friends. Mikoto and Kongou meet and in order to avoid someone they pretend to be friends but Kongou doesn't learn Mikoto's name. Kuroko implies that the Railgun Mikoto will beat her up or kill her if she tries to form a Clique. They eventually become friends like in the show.

Kongou is a whore craving nigger cocks just like Kuroko!

It's also a running theme in Railgun that every time something bad happens Kongou is the victim. She just can't catch a break.

I love how THE TRUE NUMBER 1's influence is slowly corrupting her. Perhaps she'll go beyond a meat toilet


>lowering her value

Thanks for proving my point Kakine poster.

If you think about it the only person Kuroko can possibly get coupled with is Gunha which makes them the second cutest couple in the entire series.

That's actually a good pairing mobileposter. Good taste.