High School DxD

Will the super hot milf Grayfia join Ise's harem?

That's like asking if Rossweisse will ever be good. And the answer is NO.


Bad taste

Other than being hot, she is shit.

I want it, but it won't happen. Sirzechs will finish the fight with 666 by the end.

Body built for breeding

She will
She's the strongest queen, sooner or later someone will put their eyes on her, meaning Ise will have to take her under his protection to avoid her ending up like Penelope

Awful opinion.

>Other than being hot
Does anything else really matter for this series?

It's not a milf if she doesn't have a son though.

What is sex with Grayfia like?


You don't know what MILF means either.
Motherhood is not conditional upon the gender of the child.

>not wanting to fuck a hot mature woman in front of her shocked son

That still has nothing to do with the definition of MILF.

She does have a son, jackass.

Is this a touhou refrence

Yes it does


Why is my favorite girl a pile of ashes?

She was too good.


EX already confirmed that he will be gone for at least next 30 years.

Meiling, quick! Sakuya is doing something weird again!


Does this Rossweisse like to wear sexy underwear?

She is pretty much set to become Ise's queen. Even now she already fills that role for current tournament.

That would be fantastic.

Rias did the right thing dumping that useless cunt Rossweisse. Just a shame Issei won't do the same.


Honest truth.

End your life

It's the hard truth

Your favorite girl is jewish?

Who keeps making these shit garbage OPs that result in garbage threads while there's still a thread up?



EX is not to be taken seriousky, just a retcon for the anime

Considering, that even main novel now full referencing things from EX, it's pretty much serious.

And also best Kurenai was based.

>End your life
Drink bleach, faggot

>That new art
Someone please kill me.

>there are people who doubt that he did not leave Grayfia in Issei's care purposely as part of his master plan for getting his one night with Rias once he returns.

Truly diabolical

Too bad that it was not a daughter.

Is DxD so out of ideas that they have to steal 2hu refernces

I want her, is very hot, but I respect her husband..
She is member of Issei team in a tournament (light novel), nothing of evil pieces, temporal member, maybe he can see her nude again.. But nothing more.

I prefer Koneko, the adult version is superior.
Unlike Rose(is not pervert anymore? good) Koneko wanted the pervert Issei in the story of Abduction Ero, she is really Kuroka sister..

Hopefully never.

Isn't she married to rias's brother? And have kids?

Yes. And?

NTRfags really need to be gassed