As a progressive black American who's lived in mixed suburbs most of my life, I fully understand and am witness to the marginalization of heterosexual white males. We have a common foe: Deliberate misinformation perpetrated by ((((those)))) who control mass media. No, I'm not here to defend the rights of your statistically average street nigger. But the marginalization of males in general is, in my opinion, common grounds for grievance.
More recently, the obnoxious and unnecessary idolization of women is at an all-time high. Women are (generally) naturally beautiful. But to artificially paint them as equal or superior to men in any fashion serves only to breed contempt.
I think the Trojan horse analog for this new age of virulent feminism are black women. This is just a dart throw, but take the Black Panther movie: I think that one of the reasons it's globally popular because men are subliminally attracted to strong, sexy women...or something vaguely fetishist along those lines. Also, look at all the adoration Oprah Winfrey has been receiving lately. This sham of placating to black women is like killing two birds with one stone...MEN, and whites.
I can't quite explain it, but I see it all the time in mass media. Black men are made to be servile to black women. Even in the Black Panther: One could argue that T'Challa wouldn't be worth a squirrel fart if it weren't for YASS BLACK QUEENS N SHEIT. It's also disturbingly prevalent in Black churches; where Black women have unquestionable influence on the church leadership.
I don't know where this is all headed, and I don't have any ideas what to say or do about it. Anyway, pardon the Reddit spacing. I had a lot to say. Also >inb4nigger Yeah, yeah...ease-up, Todd. I'm perfectly comfortable not needing to demand your respect.
>spelling and most grammar checks out How can you be black?
Sebastian Rogers
The undermining of masculinity and the rise of the Jezebel spirit affects all men of every race
Parker Miller
God speed brother
Owen Ramirez
>I don't know where this is all headed
A White Men Chimpout. Except when White Men chimpout, it turns into an organized slaughterhouse of millions.
White Men have given the world Civilization and Freedom, and in return you've tried to destroy us, corrupt our very existence. Very well then, this time we will be far less kind. No mercy of the gas this time, straight into the burning ovens. All of you.
Isaiah Campbell
To be fair weren't many African societies rather matriarchal compared to, say, European ones? YAAS KWEEN is just another example of this.
Jaxon Diaz
Jacob Lee
Thanks for not being a nigger. I respect a well behaved black man as much as my Aryan brothers.
Noah Lewis
> (OP) >To be fair weren't many African societies rather matriarchal compared to, say, European ones? This
Hudson Young
Why didn't hitler just dump the jews alive into industrial blast furnances and instead cremated them in a few ovens that take hours to burn a body?
Being neither of the church nor black, that tidbit is new to me. Thanks OP. Question though: should black men decide they've had enough of the situation unfolding as you've described, where do you see it going? Do you think things turn it differently because of minority status in current timeline? Or do you think we will all be cucked until it's too late for massive kneejerk upheaval, vis a vid typical white male history?
Gabriel Jackson
>Women are (generally) naturally beautiful.
That’s where you’re wrong, Tyrone.
Here is what Schopenhauer says:
>It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex ; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.
This seems to be correct. It is only by a coarse, vulgar and sexualized definition of "beauty" that woman can be called beautiful, but the true definition of beauty must necessarily subtract personal interest, and particularly sexual interest. Aesthetic contemplation is impossible when under the thrall of sexual passion. The woman's body, viewed objectively and aesthetically, would be seen as Schopenhauer correctly notes.
Furthermore, the woman is fundamentally incapable of artistic endeavor and the woman is unable to create anything beautiful.
Black women are closer to the ESSENCE of the woman. That’s why these jiggling, blubber-encased QWEENZ are so civilizationally destructive.
schopenhaurer become a fucking cuck >When the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by the Prussian sculptor Elisabet Ney in 1859, he was much impressed by the young woman's wit and independence, as well as by her skill as a visual artist.[80] After his time with Ney, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malwida von Meysenbug, "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."
Luke Richardson
But let me say that I would take it further. It is only through a lot of unnatural cosmetics (which includes not only makeup, but plastic surgery, fancy clothes, hair removal, tanning, and so on) plus extreme efforts that go beyond nature (extreme dieting, physical exercise far more than is normal, and so on) that woman can be considered sexually appealing in anything but a prehistoric, grotesque sense. (Black women, true to type, go to even more revolting extremes – pic related.) The "stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race" is also hairy and immensely grotesque-smelling in the state of nature such as women existed throughout most were only attracted to this in order to satisfy an animal and brute impulse, and in order to make children that would support one in old age.
Only under conditions of advanced civilization and leisure, and through the unnatural and extreme efforts hinted at above, can the woman be made to look appealing at all. But even then her bestial, animal nature still shows itself in her violent and brutish behavior. And so one is reminded, secretly, of her primal and grotesque origin as a "stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged" hairy, foul-smelling, hoarse-throated creature.
I will close by adding that the Jew is quintessentially feminine. See Otto Weininger.
>Furthermore, the woman is fundamentally incapable of artistic endeavor and the woman is unable to create anything beautiful. Nah, that part's not true. I generally agree with the overall sentiment, but women are plenty capable of creation. Not first and foremost because they create human beings, but because a woman given the time and reassurance she needs will spend the rest of her days creating things that improve both your and her lives. For example, many traditional women used their time to sew clothes. Though I will admit the number of suitable women who can create in modern society is pretty damn low.
Jaxson Cruz
This: Starve the beast
Carson Howard
I disagree about the generalization to a bestial nature, but the rest is spot on for generalization of women altogether. I'll never get over how many lies are literally worn by women attempting to attract a mate or garner resources. As someone who highly prizes honesty, this has the opposite effect on me, but it's plain to see that society has normalized the expectation of such dishonesty.
Julian Barnes
Well said
Eli Gomez
The inevitable, if the left thinks whites were bad in WWII, they have no fucking clue what happens when mobilization occurs especially in this current information age.
Michael Murphy
>More recently, the obnoxious and unnecessary idolization of women is at an all-time high. This is the problem in a nutshell. But there's no solution, because betas won't stop fucking trigglypuff. They just can't stay away from those fat, disgusting whales. Oh well guess we'll just have to have a collapse. I'll survive and they'll die. That's fine.
Joshua Perez
I agree. They are pushing the “black women most educated ever” meme. Whites aren’t even genocided yet and they’ve already started liquidating the blacks - the tip of the spear against whites. The future is brown. Not black. Or white. They want spics
Dylan Jenkins
Here's the thing: you're basically right about SJW movements being bad for black males in the long run. As soon as all of us are out of the way the feminists are going to start remembering songs like "Bitches Ain't Shit" and will turn on you next. And I'm fully aware that not every black is a Travyon Martin level dindu; many blacks are perfectly well-mannered civilized men who work and take care of families. I've always had a high respect for jazz music if that's worth anything.
However what you're missing is the big picture. In the grand scheme of things alliances across ethnic lines in order to make it tradition vs. feminism, or "civic nationalism" vs. socialism, is inevitably doomed to fail because the real enemy is kikes, plain and simple. Kikes push multiculturalism, because multiculturalism weakens everyone involved in it, so any system that attempts to be multicultural while fighting against other forms of kikery is not going to work out.
I don't hate blacks or want to exterminate them, I just recognize the simple fact that oil and water don't mix. America has been trying to integrate it's black and white populations for decades now and it hasn't worked, and as long as we all live together there's going to be black America and white America, and there will always be conflicts which kikes can exploit and use to subvert all of us.
The best thing for blacks to do at this point is to revive the notion of black migration back to Africa. Intelligent and civilized blacks should take what they've learned from the West and use it to figure out ways to create a state that better serves their own people. This could and should include a return to traditional social hierarchies and gender roles, which would in the long run solve all of the problems you've mentioned. The current "multicultural" state of the world is not in the interests of any of us.
Caleb Martin
White men specifically yes.. but all men are being marginalized and thrown to the gutters these days.. I know a 300lb+ (I literally don't even know just soo soo fat) landwhale who is absolutely disgusting yet she has more matches on tinder than 80% of guys...
The bigger question is why try to undermine or marginalise that male European culture.
Justin Gomez
I tell women all the time: I'll fight WITH you, but not FOR you.
Leo Perez
you're mostly right. however the fact you fucking sat in a theatre and watched that garbage, regardless of whether or not you paid for it, makes me question how redpilled you are.
also it's all women, not just nig women. you just live in a nigsphere. but i truly think, and this is unpopular on pol, that blacks and whites need to team up against the jew. once we defeat the kikes we can go our separate ways. i will at least. but we need to band together to take down ZOG.
Jason Lee
>I don't know where this is all headed its headed to where Tesla said its headed, the bee matriarchy
cuz kikes needed the 6 million number for muh israels founding prophecy, which is weird i thought prophecies can see through bullshit, guess they arent real at all and are just manipulation tools for people
Andrew Gomez
Was Israel formed on the back of WWII?
Ryder Gonzalez
> (OP) >To be fair weren't many African societies rather matriarchal compared to, say, European ones? YAAS KWEEN is just another example of this.
I remember one clip where this black woman would kiss this guys hand every day to show respect. What are you basing this on?
Bro just ignore it and ride the wave. At this rate you'll be able to own white slaves within your lifetime. Don't you want that?
Nolan Allen
Okay I'll bite, where did you take this pasta from? Or at least the first part?
Christopher Stewart
>I think the Trojan horse analog for this new age of virulent feminism are black women. Already happened. It's a pillar of the feminist movement, see Notice the two biggest curves? They're the places where feminism and progressivism has hit the hardest. You lost. Progressivism already sailed you down the river and it's too late to go back.
Best thing you can do is stop being a progressive and align your ideals for yourself at this point because it's only a matter of time before you become the problem with the rest of us.
Landon Butler
It must be depressing to be a smart nigger. Think about it. You're surrounded by idiots that you can just con and exploit like rubes. So you live like a king, but you're still just the king of the niggers. So even though you can take anything they have, they don't actually have anything worth taking. So you're just sitting there on a mountain of blunts and like ten grand in cash and you have to weep because there are no more worlds left to conquer.
Fine art, not crafts. I'm an egalitarian, but look at female artists. They are often shock jocks or very derivative. Women make decent authors, though rarely genre definers or otherwise ground breaking.
Connor Rivera
If you are black, let me ask you this. What do you think of the Southern Poverty Law Center's, claim there has been a long ongoing plan to promote immigration to lower the percentage of white people in the United States. Don't you think mass immigration hurts black people as well because we are all competing in the same job market.
How can they possibly be helping black people by supporting mass immigration
I know quite a few Black people. They aren't any more like niggers than all white people are like hillbillys.
William Price
Thats because canada got the few who were smart enough to escape. Literally the 1% Have ever seen detroit, chicago, baltimore, atlanta, oakland ect?
Carter Perez
More or less, I agree with you- my goal was simply to refute this part: >the woman is fundamentally incapable of artistic endeavor As women are very capable of artistic behavior, but just like with the IQ bell curve gender disparity, the very best and worst tend to be men.
Jayden Walker
I get the push for ethnic nationalism. Honestly...I get it! But I think is a more practical view in the meantime. And let me be perfectly honest and clear: I don't need "the white man" to love me, and I don't expect him to, either. I hate filthy niggers just as much as any redneck. I'm not expecting everyone to have a Coke and a smile and sing Kumbaya while joining hands around a campfire.
>Don't you think mass immigration hurts black people as well On one hand, I can't stand the idea of illegal immigrants taking jobs from blacks. On the other, it's a classic horse-to-water scenario where blacks don't try to do the menial jobs that illegal immigrants are willing to do. Plus, you can't be mad at a "dirty spic" if he works his ass off all day under the hot sun at a construction site.
I'm more worried about Arabs profiting off poor black communities, and gentrification of black neighborhoods. But again: How can I be mad when black people have had all the opportunity in the world to TRUST and support black-owned businesses, so long as those black-owned businesses don't short-change their customers.
Jason Hernandez
If you're actually black, there's no need for you to attempt to pander to Sup Forums by calling your fellow blacks niggers. Just try and do your part is educating your people.
Nathan Garcia
> (OP) >The future is brown. Not black. Or white. They want spics
Perhaps there are too many Mexicans in government and the media pushing for that.
I met a co workers girlfriend who was going to school to be a teacher for teachers. She was a Mexican who hated white people. She talked about it all the time if front of me. Was thinking, doesn't she realize I'm white?
Camden Howard
>the obnoxious and unnecessary idolization of women is at an all-time high It's the end of the male. We're done.
Matthew Adams
>if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man." He's right though. At least when you speak about the average man
Samuel Fisher
Reasonable viewpoints, actually.
Levi Flores
>It's the end of the male. We're done. Nice meme flag, shill.
It's supposed to be headed to a world of easily manipulated brown nations. Brazil world wide.
Where it's actually headed is destruction, because jewish plans don't generally work out too well.
Grayson Butler
But where is the source? The wiki leads nowhere.
Josiah Brown
He could be top 14% in black IQ, which makes OP rare. That said, OPs opening gambit lacks rigid coherency, maybe top 30% range! Maybe some white kid larping! Who fucking cares?
William Gonzalez
I don't think he hes desu. I hate white trash more then nigs. Every race has its trash, and that trash humiliates its own.
Andrew Gutierrez
Justin Lewis
A Black man who clearly had no father finally identifies that black women totally control his race, but THEN somehow tries to compare it to the blatant genocide of white males taking place.
Too bad you didn't have a father Nigger, the almonds are definitely stimulated but you're not quite there yet. When White Males die off the entire world reverts back to an animal state. We are the latest result of human evolution and without us you'll be eating grubs, literally.
Benjamin Moore
The problem is the black man and white man will always seek to dominate each other. We don’t need any sort of stupid fucking alliance, we need to each do our part. If we work together there will be a quest for domination which in the end will lead to the kikes exploiting one side of it. Races need to g there now way, would you ever doubt uncle addy?
To your points about black women; leftists fetishize black women. Not sexually, but as some paragon of morality and righteousness. If you read a people's history by Howard Zinn (one of the most influential commie shit rags in the world and required reading on college campuses) he dedicates an entire chapter to the plight of the black woman and I think he even says some shit about how they deserve to be our leaders because they were oppressed the hardest. This is standard ideology on the left. Black women claim victory in the oppression Olympics for whatever reason. Holding the glorious mantle of the most oppressed entitles them to undue power and influence by birthright.
One of the reasons the media is allowed to portray women of all colors superior to men is because everyone knows it isn't true and nobody really minds humoring them. To a point. It's like when a hideous freak posts a selfie on social media and everyone goes "omg you're so cute! How'd you get your hair like that?" We humor them and let them pretend could knock out some big dude in a fight or out wit their husband in any situation that doesn't involve baking a dessert. If you ask me though, I would agree that they've been abusing our magnanimity lately.
Michael Cook
Maybe they'd love their dads if they actually stuck around
Nigger, the problem is they made racism taboo. That's why you're here anonymously on a chinese image board.
Our only recourse is to normalize racism so we don't get fired from our jobs and systematically oppress people of color.
There. I fucking said it.
Asher Campbell
That's true too. But I can't help but think that.
Jose Davis
preach Django Jackson!! you got a lincoln letter for the cracker bigots but recognize the african disconnect where women are falsely idolized. some tribes even went as far as putting hormonal women in isolation with other women when it is the time of month to wisely avoid emotional imbalance that can threaten a collective society's wellbeing. women have no place or calling to be head of church or state. such errors foster environments that breed weak men with destructive tendencies like betrayal or infidelity.
Gavin Flores
do you think they've got bald pussies or not? i figure if they're shaving their heads like that probably the rest is coming off as well.
Wyatt Watson
so you've never heard of men who try to learn tactics so secude and attract women to get from them what they want? Or men who use just brutal force and physcial violence (which is also a kind of manipulation) to get what they want?
Jack Collins
I’d watch out, last time the Jews poked the goy bears Hitler happened
Adrian Thomas
I didn't say anything about men. We were discussing women.
Noah Phillips
Anybody who thinks that whites in America are weak are fucking delusional. When the shit hits the fan you Browns better gtfo.
Gabriel Morgan
Another black user here bare with me.
Government backed matriarchy, which is essentially what we are under, is designed to make and keep a community impotent and emasculated, so they become no threat to the status quo. Women are used as tools in social engineering tools to solidify status quos. It really fucked up our community because at the time of its implementation we were just climbing out of poverty and were still fragile, and most men at that time were completely blind to the true nature of women and what government backing of them would lead to. We were blindsided and it has taken a generation and a half to even begin to get our footing back. The good news is decades of this have thoroughly red pilled a critical mass of black men, and our perceptions, and behaviors have adapted to deal with this brave new world. Women in charge as a whole has brought nothing but shame and degeneracy. They blew up the family unit in exchange for government funds. I hate the accusation that black men abandon thier families, because it implies black women have not become entitled monstrosities that make traditional domestic life impossible.
I see a parallel society forming outside what would still be considered the "mainstream" in which happiness and fulfillment is redefined, in which virtue is found in healthy selfishness, solitude, and individualism. However the most important aspect is that the disdain for intellectualism, true education, and meritocracy, which was the ideological hallmark of the matriarchal age, is being completely abandoned.
Ryder Gomez
Why do you guys always feel the need to flex on the internet, it's not a good look.
Josiah Brooks
shut the fuck up you lonely ass faggoty larper. No one is scared of your pussy ass. You, some loser too afraid to even talk to women.
Mobilization? Whoa there buddy, lets first handle getting a girlfriend you fucking larping loser.
Nicholas Hill
True, we're not on the same side, but don't be naive nobody's really on your side in 2018 it's cutthroat
If you want to live in an ethno-state, there are places in the world that are virtual white ethnostates.
Liam Peterson
Honestly, the societal pendulum cannot be stopped, fighting it only delays the inevitable (with resulting build-up impact).
Should really let the left "Triumph" once they succeed in controlling mass media dissemination completely they have to defend it.
Even fuckface Bill Maher was trying to tell them years ago, they've become the establishment, the bad guy. the ones to be toppled. As for women, well, they hold the upper hand in youth but fall as hard as they rose in old age.
but it's stupid to criticize women behaviour without noticing that men show the same behaviour and therefor it's just "equal" in the end. For every man in the friend zone there is a woman in the fuck zone.
Nicholas Butler
Who said he was pandering? He was just expressing a thought.
Isaac Walker
Antoine, you're okay.
Tyrones have to fuck off back to Ireland.
Josiah Torres
God Bless you
Cooper Sanders
Sauce on show?
Carter Morales
Maybe. But we're not equal, and never will be. That you can't see that only contributes to the problem at hand. Now kindly fuck off or try to make your (You)s relevant to the thread.
Honestly mostly American blacks are not niggers, but the majority of violent criminals ARE black. Blacks are more criminal and pathological to society than whites on average, and far more so at the extremes, but most blacks are basically okay.
The issue is that it's bad enough that two average blacks very often have really shitty criminal sons, and even above average blacks sometimes have niggers for children.
Niggers sometimes have decent blacks for kids but this seems to be more rare than the other way around
Camden Gonzalez
Why didn't Hitler just deprive them.of water for 4 days. All ded.
Hunter Peterson
From a Blond Haired Blue eyed Grandfather, Together We will smash Cultural Marxism. Godspeed my Black Brother. The Ink is Black, The Page is White, Together they Learn to Read and Write. Blend the Twain to Grey, And both become Useless.
Aaron Lewis
Why didn't Germans freeze their bodies, put them in DC80 aircraft, fly them to active volcanoes, leave the bodies next to the volcanoes and then detonate hydrogen bombs over the volcanoes while erecting a forcefield over the entire planet?
Samuel Johnson
>we constructed Order to hide how naturally adept we are with Chaos It's a sleeping giant waiting to be stirred.
Thanks to OP for not being trash though.
Benjamin Morgan
Fuck it's so refreshing to see people waking up finally, about family, community, education, and the power of the state against the society it should serve. I dislike the idea of a parallel society, though. I am not convinced we should not be trying to right the one that exists already.
Jaxson Williams
Todd agrees
Daniel Fisher
Shut the fuck yo you stupid wanna be Nazi larper. White bois have reverted to their true feminen state. LOL. You guys ain’t going to do shit. The world belongs to brown and yellow people now, Bob.