BREAKING: Guns are cats
Nice. I will shit up her comments section when I get home
mine is made by Meowzer
try again ...
I am weak though. I am not trying to win a fair fight when 6 guys break into my house.
i understand their point of view better now.
i will submit to gun confiscation.
Does anyone else notice that this video is secretly about black people?
Henry Rollins has only gotten physical with people smaller than him, it's pretty funny how he tries to act like some kind of tough guy. He's nothing but a bitch.
Just shoot the bad cat, problem solved
>and if you dont have a gun and i am stronger than you, i will use violence to force you to comply with my will. if you had a gun that wouldnt be possible, but hey, i am a faggot after all
>implying i can watch over 3 minutes of this faggots insufferable soyvoice.
there is nothing more dangerous than the sick mind of the democrat
Kek. Guess I'm not the only one.
>tools of the weak
Like women, gays, minorities. Hmm
>I live on a street that had one awful stray black that turned into dozens and they were all clawing people in the face and its all because mr goldenberg was leaving piles of treats for blacks
Illegal immigrants too.
and yet, it's with a gun, this revulsing faggot killed his friend