Whites are so pathetic.
Whites are so pathetic
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2 more wives and jr will be president.
she doesn't want to make conjugal visits
Yo why do black people smell like shit even when they’re not doing any physical activities? I ask this in almost every race baiting thread and the butt hurt little niggers passive aggressively ignore my questions. I’m dead fucking serious my man. I’m begging you for an answer. It could be the middle of winter and they’ll smell like they ran a marathon. They literally smell like fucked trash
How's your dad?
Whites say our sweat smells like “cocoa butter” even if we don’t shower we smell good to white women.
Negroids stink of coconut oil.
Lmao no. You really don’t. You dead ass smell like grease and sweat. Like deli hoagie onion sweat smell bud
Haha! Drumpf is getting impeached for sure now!
>Punished Trump Jr.
>be the son of the most powerful man on Earth
>be rich as heck
>.....get served with divorce papers
>Vanessa Trump
She's a fucking kike. Deport her ass back to Israel along with the rest of the Trumpberg family.
don jr will marry another woman 10 years her junior probably. and don't you think he signed a pre-nup?
She got FIRED.
Trump probably has a few new women lined up.
That is how the Trump family operates, before they Fire you, they line up your replacements.
Any woman can be replaced, as long as you have at least $50 bucks in your pocket.
Let me tell you something. If you were to have an all white country, and you took a look at the higher testosterone, better physique, bigger dick, funnier, cooler, more laid back, more entertaining,more stamina, less prone to ageing section of white men, you would find that those white men were the most desirable to women and got most of the women. Now what do you think happens when you bring in a race of men who have higher incidences all of those traits naturally?
>closest thing to a prince in America
>wife wants a divorce
It's official. Women can literally never be satisfied. Never mind normal men, not even their fantasies are enough for them.
HAHAHA!!!! My daughter did volunteer work at a school that has a high ratio of niggers from africa and even her MENTOR, a female teacher of decades of experience stated that she could not stand the smell.
But most niggers are fat, lazy, violent, and highly emotional.
Vanessa Trump is literally a Jew
Be honest with yourself for half a second. Women couldnt give a shit about any of that, they care about money. You all have none, globally. The only ones who do, athletes and rappers, squander it to whites as fast as they possibly can. You all get played financially like an infant. Thats all it comes down to.
She's half Jew.
You cannot win against genetics. Nature is unstoppable. The social stigmas that keep your women scared away from what they want and lying to you are almost gone. You are just making it hard on yourself. Give in and accept it or you arnt going to be able to cope with what’s coming.
All this proves is that women are ungrateful whores that by a large margin are the ones to file for divorce. They are also most likely to cheat.
Someone’s trading up
And it’s not her.
She’s leaving him for a Muhammad
Africans weigh about 90 pounds. African Americans were bred like animals so they could carry more. The white man created you. How does that feel?
>all that matters is money!! that will somehow keep preordained genetic realities baked into human instincts from being actualised!!
>the closest thing to US royalty just got ditched because he couldn’t give her what she wanted
>this is somehow breaking news
Housewife gossip isn't news, this isn't fucking Citizen Kane, no one gives a shit
They always smell like soap to me
she probably wants the fuck away from the madness and hatred being aimed at don jr. can hardly blame her. women weren't cut out for this level of stress.
What a cunt.
>Ever marrying
The white man created something irresistible to white women? And I’m it? Feels pretty good of course.
>white women are niggers
You can't divorce a man if he escape before!
She was under too much stress being in the public eye.
The Anthrax scare was the last straw.
Must of sucked being isolated in a bubble room for a week.
This doesnt make sense. We hold white family values at the highest standard and we hold the Trump family as a model for modern white families, how could this happen?
how do we spin this into a win for Trump?
No white women I know. All I ever see with nigs are big fat disgusting piles of shit that a white man wouldn't be caught dead with.
> The white man created something irresistible to white women? And I’m it? Feels pretty good of course.
She's not white.
>Jr's wife leaving him and fucking other men is actually a win for jr!! please b-b-elieve me!
wow Jr is so based, I wish my wife left me and fucked other men while I paid her child support.
Money-grubbing whore.
Jews are the #1 insidious source of evil in western society today, but cunty white women are starting to close the gap fast
Didn't realize she was a jew herself, that explains everything
yeah and jews knew this
>Worth 100's of millions of dollars
>Heir to real estate empire
>Son of the President of the United States
>Hmm I think I can do better
The eternal roastie can never be satisfied.
work at a place and 70% of the people they hire are new-found immigrants from ethiopia/uganda
Everyone is required to come in and desanitize before handling product
place still reeks of dirty nigger
She's probably just sick of all the media bullshit she has to deal with + all the pressure from her jew friends
Much easier to just bounce and take him for half his net worth
It's fucking real.
Who wants to have non-white babies though?
Retiring before becoming completely obsoleted I see.
the fuck do you mean you 'didn't realise', it's pretty fucking obvious the whole Trump clan is married into Jewish elite families.
rather fuck a horse than a ooga booga
Yep, too bad for you guys, I’m sorry, really.
White women are trash.
>(((Vanessa Trump)))
Jews will destroy anyone and everything to get their power back.
>He says after concluding that niggers are the superior race backed by no evidence whatsoever
ugly ass nog
>5 minor kids
what a miserable cunt
Vanessa Trump
Can't wait to see Don Jr's latest model
What do you expect from a Jewess? On the bright side, now he's free from Kike influence. The damage might be done, but now it can't get any worse... r-right?
GigaSatan hates niggers too.
MegaSatan speaks the truth, once again.
Different diets. Mainly garbage.
Lmao you’re such a fuckin loser
She's being a smart cunt, she's clearly been privy to some important stuff with her father in law being president, she will get like 100 million to keep her fat kike mouth shut.
Congratulations Don Jr., I hear you're about to get a tumor removed.
inferior phenotypes
As someone who went to africa to help build schools and shit I beg to disagree
>has recessive genetics
>lost his country because he was too busy on Xbox live
>not a single one of his own girls hasn’t watched bbc porn from puberty onwards
>only thing stopping total annihilation is there isn’t enough black men to go around so a new one just fucks us every other day and his back to her beta white
>calls me a loser
Nice then we can sneak in round the back and colonise while ye are out looking for vapid Yankee poontang.
He wasn't hittin' it right anyway, short dick wyte bitch. Fuckin' gang gang nigga. I garuntee she gonna have some black dick hittin' all of her melanin recpters
That's what he gets for marrying a Jew.
So you agree with pol that genes determine success. Now look at the black race, who have never built cities and are mostly illiterate.
>NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump Jr. and his wife, Vanessa Trump, may be getting divorced.
>A public court record filed Thursday in New York says Vanessa Trump is seeking an uncontested divorce from the president’s son. Details of the divorce complaint haven’t been made public.
>The couple married in 2005 and have five children.
>The Trump Organization hasn’t responded to an emailed request for comment.
>Last month, Vanessa Trump opened a letter to her husband containing an unidentified white powder and was briefly hospitalized as a precaution, but the substance turned out to be nonhazardous. A Massachusetts man later was charged with sending the threatening letter.
I hate divorce statistics.
>1 couple has a divorce 6 times
counts as 6 failures
>1 couple never divorces
counts 1 success
enjoy it while you can Nigger. nobody like your stinky dick washing self, dick washer
Feel free, you can’t fill that and black women will only fuck with you for money, if you want to fuck chicks who see you as pathetic babydicks who just wanna phone it in so you’ll buy them shit you live that life. Meanwhile we’re fucking white women who literally can’t live without black dick, no matter what we do.
She's not Jewish. She's just got a bit of that disease. That squat on some dark dick disease.
Niggers Smell.
Don't wanna sound rude but the only reason white women like niggers is because of cultural Marxism. Literally the only reason. You guys are seen as "poor victims" that's why they go to you. Nothing else. Whatever niggers have, whites have double.
DJT, Jr.'s wife just cast the 1st stine against the JWO. Make her proud, homegoys
That's a picture of three black men, cutting the dicks off of three Jews by force. The first man is being restrained and the second is screaming in pain. We were castrating our slaves. Fuck you wyte boy. Ain't No need to cut any meat off of you, short dicked Bitch. All I have to do is wink at your Bitch and she would swallow me up.
>black women will only fuck with you for money,
black women have longer lasting marriages with white boys because its always a step up. white women only go for darkies to get back at daddy
Whites hate the family nucleus. They marry and divorce like a hobby and fail to raise respectful families.
Whites are a plague to the human race.
No it’s because of genetics. Women just follow male genetics and when they are exposed to high levels of male that their evolutionary predecessors would never have seen it glitches them out. They can’t stay away from it. You have to understand that there isn’t one of your women who hasn’t started watching internet porn from an early age. Men look for the most female specimens, guess what women look for? They have seen what we’re like since the start of puberty, that’s established now as “man”, I’m sorry but they can’t really see you as male after seeing the bbc. This is just a genetic/evolutionary thing.
So how many kids have you had?
This is a very good question. If he now says "if it wasnt for the white men" is not working. Because that would again mean, that whites are superior since they have enslaved you and taken everything from you.
If the strongest gains the most wealth and has the strongest countries, then blacks are by far the most inferior, right?
Basically: get a culture that lets you control your women.
Muh big black dick
It doesn't plague the Human race, it plagues Whites only, just like the weakness of empathy for the other, lack of commitment is another weakness.
It's true that women know black guys dicks are bigger and they're better at sex.
>the only women we can pull is bitches who used porn like men to stunt their maturity and mental health
sounds right
The thing that finally finished you guys was free streaming porn available to every white girl on the planet from the first moment they’re curious onwards. Before you could have kept them ignorant of reality.
All women use porn, I hate to break it to you.
monkeys dont care how they smell