What exactly is it that Huffington Post hates about Oxford commas?
What exactly is it that Huffington Post hates about Oxford commas?
Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?
I've seen those English dramas too
They're cruel
Traditional, proper, and correct. Ergo, anathema to everything consistent with their agenda. Even grammar is a battleground for progtards.
This is the final straw. Of all the degeneracy they’ve produced, being anti-Oxford comma tops the list. They need to be exterminated
that is the only reason why
fuck you faggot the Oxford comma is for retards who need lines to show them where to walk
KYS, AP Style cockgobbler. Oxford comma avoids awkwardness often created by your shit method. Only "reason" not to use it is hurr-durr I'm against patriarchal grammar!
I always use the oxford comma, maybe that's why they hate it.
They have a loathing for everything good and correct.
I'm guessing party of the reason is it represents a sense of order.
If you're a postmodernist, you probably have an aversion to it.
The Oxford comma is the last stand of implicit white identity
oxford commas are GAY, stupid and unaesthetic
Is the Oxford comma /OurGrammar/?
Gas the anti-Oxfords, grammar war now.
Seriously, in 1900 English language reform was a major pillar of progressivism, it has since died down but traces like this remain.
Gas the niggers, kikes, and fags.
Should submit articles as an ex-Trump voter that is now a liberal. They would eat it up and you could drop subtle redpills.
It is, always was, and always will be, all the way the grave.
You have to be at least 18 to post here.
why is this useless shit on Sup Forums?
Came to post this.
Dude Idk there putting something i nthe water
The Oxford comma is the only thing preventing us from talking like fucking niggers..
>ending your sentence with a preposition
Day of the Red Pen is coming, trollop.
Jewish nigger faggot detect
Those faggots would be against it. It's absolutely necessary to avoid confusion
It answers the question, "Where does he have to be 18 to post?"
get fucked
The real reason is that the media writes as tersely as possible to save space for advertisements. For the same reason, they don't even do this:
>The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said that ... the FBI would investigate.
Instead it's:
>The Federal Bureau of Investigation said that ... the FBI would investigate.
These tiny differences add up over several years, including saving ink in print.
Dirty newspeak pidginists.
Huffington Post supports the use of a more inclusive structure in its place. For example:
"The Oxford comma is oppressive, patriarchal 3==D~~ and euro-centric."
Yes goy, don't use that Oxford comma, we need to save 10 cents on our ink costs over the course of 20 years.
Those that do such a thing are undeniably curs. I lament the death of the word “whom” in English vernacular. The two are inextricably linked. It is easy enough to say “Who are you giving that gift to?”. But when you switch it to “To whom are you giving that gift?”, the correct word choice is much more obvious.
> e. b. WHITE
>I put a word in a sentence that wasn't completely unnecessary
>later, virgins
>Posting Huffpo trash
The URL you wanted is www.reddit.com
Because they are liberals. That means they only consider the cases where the comma is not needed, which do exist. But, being liberals, they fail to look at the rest of cases, such as appositives, where the lack of a comma is ambiguous if it is not applied consistently in series.
For example:
>I'm going to the store with my sisters, Jane and Tracy.
If Oxford comma is applied consistently, we know Jane and Tracy are my sisters.
But if Oxford comma is not used, it's not clear if Jane and Tracy are my sisters, or if I am going with my sisters and also with two other girls named Jane and Tracy.
Adding a comma to the sentence doesn't. Only by using the Oxford comma consistently in series can appositives always be interpreted as such.
How long until ADL or SPLC classify Oxford commas as hate speech?
You're a towel!
Don't you have some History tests to grade, you slimy fuckin' kike?
Daily reminder that communist jews must be removed from public education teaching positions.
the fat bitches who sweat there are out of other stupid things to hate.
Oxford comma is actually important in legal paperwork because it reduces ambiguity in contracts which can fuck everything up or even void it
Chloe Angyal attributes her career success to her parents, Hillary Clinton and Satan.
Ayyy vamp weekend lmao