All style, no substance at all. Why is this so critically acclaimed again?
All style, no substance at all. Why is this so critically acclaimed again?
all post but no dubs
why are you the op again?
>All style, no substance at all.
How do people take anyone who says this unironcially seriously?
Get that gun out of my face
What is substance anyway?
>no substance
Explain shithead. There were 3 characters ago all got multiple episodes going through their backstory and what led them to who they are today and then there were multiple episodes about other characters. Each episode was it's own story you dumb pleb
Mobile Suit Gundam is the GOAT anime prove me wrong
>mech anything
I agree. It has literally zero substance
>not LoGH
>space """opera"""
Please no
>The best anime ever is an inconsistent adaptation.
Adaptations will never be GOAT for their mediums.
I can't be the only one who thinks the soundtrack is grating and obnoxiously out of place, right?
Card captor sakura is better.
People who grew up with it had a nostalgia boner for it so they praise it wherever they go
f*ck off
Ping Pong is kino as fuck, come the fuck at me
but Monster is really good user.
>the party didn't last forever
>Spike died in the end
>Jet didn't die with him
>humans didn't go beyond solar system
>description of a solar system wide federation and the space nomads living under it
>artificial gravity
This is true except for jojo, full metal alchemist and gurren lagan
literally the worst things on that chart
now i don't know what to believe
wtf i hate anime now
I will not let anyone disrespect 1997 Berserk. It looks amazing and does justice to the manga.
Are you saying there is no animation that originated from Japan that could be named a 'masterpiece', or do you have something on your mind that don't appear on the list?
Why dubs when I can have trips.
This post aged really bad. Damn you mods
Delete this meme from your files please.
this, I like it almost as much as the manga
wtf I hate anime nwo
>all style no substance
Style is substance. Only a proper analysis on how the artistic form is portrayed the truth about it can be told.
>Only a proper analysis on how the artistic form is portrayed the truth about it can be told.
very awkward sentence, work on your English
Ate the word "from", there, sorry. Put it as "Only from a" and it should be just fine. I usually write too fast.
style is only substance if there is a purpose behind it, most anime especially modern stuff is just using pretty colours to hide the weak characters and plot
>I don''t like something so I'll throw some generic meaningless insults at it to compensate for my insecurity
Name 144000 anime that aren't primarily focused on style.
boku no pico
Then the usage of mere pretty colours is a signifier of its main weakness in style. Style as a synonym of flashiness is just bad criticism. Chaplin's films, for example (compare to other gag comedians of the time, Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton), had a very bare use of montage, but there's definitely a very stylized way in which he uses it to put more enfasis on the continuity of his actions.
2deep4u unironically
dwang dubs vs dubs
Too deep for you?
nice try newfeeg
dwang dubs
>All style, no substance at all
Dumbest saying ever.