You can see it in this video here:
Reason for the bridge collapse
Other urls found in this thread:
First circle is rebar whats the second
The general area it's supposed to be attached to. One of the end supports bent outwards and it collapsed on that end.
Actually I take it back.
Tfw i park next in the garage directly next to that fucking bridge every day and now the road is gonna be closed for a month and the traffic is gonna drive me to suicide.
Pic related, thought the crane looked funky during construction and snaped a pic
Glad you didn't get squished mate.
>the crane looked funky during construction and snaped a pic
That's a concrete pumper.
thats not the same bridge type, if it was they would have built a center column.
Fuck off Moshe.
A. The weight dis was all wrong just looking at the whole bridge
B. It was a rush job that wasn't even tested nevermind allowed to set
Rosenberg is fucked
real reason is they forgot that florida is 75% obese
The real reason the bridge collapsed.
Did they build half a bridge, and expect it to hold without the suspension cables?
No. The Jews collapsed it on purpose. Think about the fact that this small incident is being spammed here relentlessly. That's a sure sign of JIDF faggotry afoot.
the front fell off
kinda looks that way
lmao that is not a crane.
This calls for common sense bridge laws. How else are we going to stop the deaths from assault bridges?
Its a fucking crane with a hose on it. Lets not get redundant here
What're you guys, "bridge truthers"?? LMAO
Bridges fall. There's no conspiracy here.
>Its a fucking crane with a hose on it. Lets not get redundant here
>That's a concrete pumper.
And ya! I just (you'd) myself
Okay, NOW it's locked into place.
But did anyone test for thermite?
>That's a sure sign of JIDF faggotry afoot.
THIS, along with nonstop footage from the MSM.
>But did anyone test for thermite?
Don't be an idiot. It's the Fire from the jet fuel.
I fucking hope there's gonna be 200 fucking videos about it on jewtube to explain what happened as soon as they come up with an explaination, there's like 4 full dozen of civil engineers with at least half a thousand videos under the belt each
>american speaking spanish
tfw by the end of the century spain will have colonized the rest of the americas
Q predicted this
What is that language?
Is it some 56% hybrid speak?
>Trusses literally attached to nothing except the roof
What retard thought this would actually be load bearing? Someone should be going to jail for this if anybody died
t. engineer
someone please post this webm.
The reason for the collapse was that the fucking idiots building it literally put the bridge up BEFORE THEY BUILT THE CENTRAL SUPPORT PILLAR.
Dumbness this profound is difficult to even imagine.
what a lot of these idiots don't understand. They think that because it looks like a god damn floor truss that it will support itself over a long distance like a floor truss.
They also don't understand that conceptual concrete has to be tested before it can be used.
You park at PG5 or PG6?
Also, glad you ain't dead Panther-bro
HAHAHAHAHA (((they))) just had to put a black guy in the mock up art.
(((Rosenburg's))) bridge was a real beauty, guys. I'm sure it was a pure coincidence he left out the main support beam.
Every. Single. Time
That's the problem. There was supposed to be a central column. According to what's coming out on the TV news right now, they hadn't built it yet. Yes, they put the main walkway portion of the bridge up without building the central support first.
What the fuck am I looking at nigger
That's not a crane, (((ROSENBERG)))
Don't slide this.
Its so pathetic to be driving around in the US which purports itself to be a first world country, and theres potholes everywhere and the bridges aren't even safe. Maybe its a first world country in NYC or some other city that has ripped off everyone else.
And they say video games are bad. They should have done a test run first.
This is getting old. Why the fuck does any one trust them?
Probably had a bunch of burgers standing on it
>gonna drive me to suicide
can you livestream it like that other spic lastnight?
the problem was a bunch of spics and niggers built it. look what happens when uneducated low skilled workers get pushed into the limelight
This is just the US turning into a 3rd world shithole. Mexican Engineering has taken over Miami. Luckily most of the dead are probably illegals too.
That's a concrete pumper you fucking moron
This shit is sad and disturbing. I saw the aftermath in person I've been fucking crying all day faggots
Fucking spic, can't even hold the camera, stupid cunt.
Mexican Engineering!
Nothing could ever go wrong with that. lol.
Sorry bro. Don't worry I'm sure they will have a replacement bridge eventually
its not a "crane with a hose on it"
cranes lift shit, this has a SPAR or MAST which guides the "hose" into position to pump in liquid concrete you dolt.
but thats to be expected from a leaf
the Snow Fort just got 10 feet higher
The span before it collapsed.
I laughed but dude people fucking died, really disturbing to hear screams like that I don't think you can comprehend I wish no one hears/see/lives that shit
thats called "mexican"
its kinda like spanish, in the way "ebonics" is kinda like english
That can't possibly be true.
You are telling me they built the bridge before they built the columns
Did anyone die?
Bridge was possibly being stress tested?
is it really a bridge before it has supports?
and yes, they "built" (by which i mean cast from the cheapest concrete they could find) the span before creating any of the structure intended to secure it and keep it off the roadway.
at least hey had the safety of the children in mind; amirite tho? Safety first!
At least the one in the game had a central support column
Shows who knows what in the field of engineering
When I was growing up learning commercial construction, the plant I was working at had to go through massive earthquake reinforcement upgrades on every vertical intersection with a floor. We also had to weave beams through some of the most corrosive chemical pipelines and around machinery that cost more than I could make in one lifetime.....
The fact is clear that this was a HUGE span, that was carried into place......
What could be seen as an innovation and something that eased the traffic there in a short time, could be the downfall of the project.
They had to move the span around and into place, possibly warping the frame out of true, or even fracturing part of it internally, stressing it on the move?
So many things go wrong when they barely got it together for a basic bridge building standard, then some architect decides to make something magical out of it all for show.
This is a ritualistic murder. Probably was timed to fall on Purim but he fucked that up too
no it was a bridge built for spics, by spics, hence the reason for its rushed sloppy construction
They pushed the envelope with prefabrication and lost, big league.
Look at the tops where the tehters were to be. Theres rebar that was to be the foot of the angled suspenders.
They built the bridge before the pillar.
I think the crane may have something to do with it. Notice the cables, as if they recoiled or moved after dropping something.
All it needed was this jacked into place....
need a dispenser here
>that lucky motherfucker in the SUV
I used to date a lawyer, she told me her company handled a ton of cases from that stupid ladder.
Yeah the rush of air that 1000 tons of concrete falling 20 ft causes.
>Video from Miami
>The guy who recorded it speaks Spanish
You already said they speak Spanish.
Wow... so you're going to build a bridge, and once the span is complete, you will build the supporting column in the middle> and maybe add some stress cables?.. but first you build the span?.
This is a bridge in Toronto..not a major bridge, just one that gets used plenty in the summer.. it measure
Total length 130 metres (430 ft)
Height 21.3 metres (70 ft) above grade
Not saying that we are the best, but we sure don't want to get sued by all the immigrants the use it... they get plenty of gibs as it is... no need for them to win the lottery due to shitty engineering
Oh.. trust me.. they are gonna find a white engineer to pin this shit on... it's be a cold day in hell before a kike and his pets get the complete blame....cold day in hell
>You can see it in this video here
see what ??? and your pic is too small & blurry to see anything.
That would seem to be their approach yes, which is why it collapsed.
Hey wait is that a concrete roof?
Someone saved allot money for building it cheap
what is that you imagined you circled ?
Beautiful isn't?
Here are some plausible explanations
>Forced Diversity Hire in Design and Construction
>Cheap Chinese Material
>Shitty Globalist Tier Budget and Timelinr
>All of the Above
b-but why? That's completely fucking retarded. That's like flying an airplane before you buid the wings.
Who the shit was in charge of this?
Roof bracing should never exceed 45 degrees. Anything more than 45 degrees is counterproductive.
Friendly reminder: concrete is worthless in TENSION.
Miami Spanish. Some Spanish dialect that makes the Dominican Spanish sounds intelligible.
It's not bracing though is it, it's a suspension bridge so the deck below is hanging from those things, they are not meant to bear the weight of the top.
presumably there's something inside it, not just concrete
A pedestrian bridge collapses in burgerland. Imagine my shock.