I have never actually understood what motivates genocides...

I have never actually understood what motivates genocides, why would you target specific ethnic groups and then think it's justified to collectively punish them, and how do you get people to join

Maybe the fascists here can explain it to me

Pic from Rwanda

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I guess that's why you guys have such a hard time preventing them.

Rwanda related.

We're from the same country, retard

Simple mob mentality

Sorry kike, but your kind will be genocided for the good of all of humanity.

When a bad family makes enough babies fast enough, they become a bad clan. when a bad clan makes babies fast enough, they become a bad race.

Why is "some people are bad even some mothers and children" sooooo fucking hard for you user? You think all humans are just good for everything until some magic day their mind is poisoned by the devil?

Copenhagen isn't the same country as the rest of Denmark. Copenhagen uses halogen water and has no go zones, such like Sweden. The first PROUD FLAG WEARING daneposter is probably from Odense or Aahus or some shit. But you are 1000% Copenhagen scum.

Because if your group doesn't geoncide the other, the other may genocide you. Humans can be peaceful but not always.

Shitposting will not help you survive the emus, you aussie cunt.

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The canadians have a point. Genocide occurs when powerful leaders create or exploit already existing ethnic tensions in order to solidify power.

Read The 8 Stages of Genocide: genocidewatch.org/images/8StagesBriefingpaper.pdf


Collective punishment discourages further hostile action, and if it persists then the only way to truly end a conflict is through complete annihilation.


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You don't understand because you're from a monoethnic nation

>group A wants X
>group B wants Y
>Group A kills group B to achieve X

also this.

You just want to GET RID OF THEM. Sure there are some okay ones, whatever. But if you keep them around it's just perpetuating conflict. They'll rape, steal, whatever. Some will be doctors, whoop-de-doo. But if you get rid of every last one, no more of that conflict.

It's what happens when you convince normies that legitimate (or illegitimate) grievances against another group within one's country makes them worthy for mass death. Honestly you should be asking niggers in America, they're far closer to starting a genocide than any American fascist.

You can't seriously look me in the eye and say you wouldn't genocide all lebos?

Fuck man, if only you knew what these subhumans are like.


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Here's the real answer: Ethics and morals are literally just your feelings. The world does not run on ethics and morals. The world actually runs on power, and groups are POWERFUL. All that matters is what is good for the group and what makes the group work. Sometimes that means eliminating other groups. Sometimes its because another group is powerful and threatens your group. Sometimes it is literally just to use hatred of another group as a way to organize your own group.

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It's base tribalism - it's programmed into not just human nature but other animal species as well. "In group bias" and such. On a more sophisticated level a visually identifiable "other" makes for an easy scapegoat for the advancement of political power or deferment of blame from political fallout. Humanity isn't nearly as rational as people seem to think it is, hence you asking this idiotic and easily answered question.

>People of your race did something bad, therefore we have to punish you for it even though you had absolutely no involvement

I don't understand this mentality.

It's the same mentality that gives you

>I've never accomplished anything with my life so i'm going to point to my ancestors accomplishments as a sign i'm inherently better than others.

Well I think taking pride in your ancestry is fine, but not when you use it as an excuse to be a shitty person.

It's the shift from a purely individualistic perspective to a collective one. On the one hand, it can be a lot worse for individuals when they end up on the wrong side of things, but, on the other hand, it can be a lot better since society is built by collectives, so better collectives = better societies, which the individual benefits from.

It's not pride as in "this makes me better than you." It's pride as in "this is really important to me."

Evolution, natural selection

>"I come down here out of my own spare time to save you cunts from drowning".
What an Australian thing to say

>why would you target specific ethnic groups
Because specific ethnic groups are too much of a nuisance to certain societies. So much so that going through the trouble of getting rid of them is LESS work than keeping them around - the ones within the group that AREN'T undesirable are just collateral.

Ask Israel

Blacks peoples are the nicest

...... tuti fruti or hootie and the blowfish skulls??

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It's never been about punishment, it's been about a means to an end. If one sets ethics and morality aside for a moment (as all genocidal leaders do) it is far safer and smarter to completely exterminate your enemies rather than just beat them and leave. Humans are great at holding long grudges and a population once insulted with hate the one who has insulted them for generations.

Basically these During the course of building and maintaining a nation or empire, there will come times when one comes into contact with outside groups and one must decide to:
Negotiate with said group, this never resolves conflict permanently, it only forestalls conflict.
War with said group and leave them alive, they will hold a grudge for possibly hundreds of years and will likely war with you again in the future.
War with the group and expunge them from existence, you now have all of theirs that's left over, their land, and you are faced with one less threat.
Surrender to them and allow your nation to be either absorbed or destroyed.

It's not justified, just necessary.

>minority gets propped by colonial rulers to be in charge of military, highest offices, etc.
>colonial rulers leave
>majority gets pissed off and kills said minority
Rwanda in a nutshell

You should read In Defense of Genocide.

It is super fucked up but kind of make sense.

Because even if you win your enemies don't just disappear. They go dark, they keep a low profile. But their ideology they continue to spread and push. Their children tend to do so as well. Then in a few short years suddenly the enemy you thought was defeated is back again and stronger than ever, having learned from their mistakes.

You either need to wipe them all out and either erase their existence or use heavy propaganda to demonize them so if people start thinking like them you can easily vilify and suppress them. This is happening now. Genocide will come soon.

>implying half of the world's problems wouldn't instantly disappear with the disappearance of specific ethnic groups
There's a reason people commit them. Is it bad? Yea, but societies let it happen for thousands of years for a reason.

>then think it's justified
if you read any literature about genocide by people that want to commit it they always admit it is bad and not justified at all, they just do it because they deem it necessary.

>O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, How blessed will be the one who repays you With the recompense with which you have repaid us. 9How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

You dont have to be a fascist to get it.

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Communism motivated a few.

When your house is full of vermin,what other choice do you have?

There is a tipping point.

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Sup Forums and alt-right annd why leftists will pay and be destroyed in the end .....
In a nutshell

Leftists and you kikes are up first.

It's not about punishment, it's about protecting your future. Get them before they get you.

If large numbers of them have shown they're willing to take you out, you can feel justified in just ending the problem now while you still can.

Germans saw the Jews as trying to destroy them with massive importation of non-white immigrants and moral and cultural destruction to pacify the German people into accepting it. They saw the Jews as actively helping the communist hordes from destroying the nation. They saw it as them or us.

Luckily the Jews never did that and will never do it again, and Wiemar Germany's hate speech laws weren't as strong as they are now so another Hitler surely can't rise up and destroy the hook nosed parasite that threatens the future of all white children.

It's basic human nature.
Just as we are motivated by lust to proliferate, so are we motivated by the will to compete and to ensure our numbers don't grow to destroy the ecosystem.

>I have never actually understood what motivates genocides
>United Nations

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I mean wouldnt it make sense and is the only solutuion to kill all leftists right now ?
Wouldnt it make sense to shill for voluntary gun hand-in ?
So all the remaining leftists w arms would be disarmed.
Then we can physically remoove them easily in one concerted swoop
=> peace on earth

>I have never actually understood what motivates genocides


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

"Gibs dat."

There, situation explained.

The leftists also help very effectively to convience everybody how well multiculti works snd that theres nothing to fear and it be basically a multiculture of peace, whete whites have no disadvantages and nothing to fear. The rational common sense and sympathic peacefull leftist way is the most conviencing and best guarantee to make sure the people will never ever again come to the conclution that only a strong and decisive Führer like a Hitler and decisive collective effort can tave them now from all the evil around them ...which ofc totally doesnt exist...because it's all kust a vast right wing conspiracy of deplorable people ...

You stupid fucking liberalals Rwanda dose not exist! Its a fictional country from the Marvel Universe.