Waifu thread

I challenge you all to find a better waifu.
>Has white hair/yellow eyes
>literally an angel
>great body
>gets off on bullying retards

protip: you can't

light purple hair
and yellow eyes that looks brown

not even best girl in her show


Not an argument.

agreed, it's a fact

Waifu doesn't mean cute anime girl, you newfag.

I’d post her but she’s so good it isn’t even fair for everyone else

Great taste, OP.
Too bad she's mine.

>a better waifu
I don't think you know what that word means

Does she spit or swallow? asking for a friend

Fucking begone you maleficent THOT

>white hair/
Disgusting. Every slut with white/silver hair should be beaten up.

I challenge you all to find a better waifu
>Has white hair/yellow eyes
Blue/red met you minimum standard and exceeded it
>literally an angel
>great body
>gets off on bullying retards
Ask that subhuman in the bathtub or the race who are descended from adam whom I literally exterminated
Pro tip best girl is still best after 20 years

i want raphi to step on my face

Raphi thread!



you are blinded user and i can help you, Raphi is just a fucking bully tsundere that only Gabriel enjoys but the best girl in the show is Vigne.

Be honest
would you?
pretend instead of a melonpan she's holding something you want

I would even if there was no reward

>gets off on bullying
Such a great trope.


Do you know what "waifu" even means, OP?
Also, I'm saddened that just two guys ITT pointed this out - everyone else seems to not mind that.
This is fucking ridiculous.

I just don't care anymore at this point
Language is a fluid thing, back then a word would mean one thing, today it means another. You can either accept or whine forever

Except today waifu doesn't mean cute anime girl. It used to, but now it means something else. You can either accept or whine forever

That's a good point. And these days, "good" means "fucking stupid".

Go back to r/anime if you want to discuss the meaning of waifu

You forgot her god tier voice but yeah, Raphi is perfect.

Go back to r/anime if you want to discus random anime girls you call "waifu"/

This is not a butthurt thread, pls stop being butthurt.

I want Raphi to sit on my face and step on my dick

The best girl in the world

Vigne > Satanichia > Gabriel > Raphi

>silently judges you
She's a shit. That's literally every other whore.


>white hair/yellow eyes

>literally an angel

>great body
no it isnt, she manages to be neither sexy nor cute

>gets off on bullying retards
so she wants to bully her fanbase?

I don't think that's physically possible

>you will never have her soft feet on your face

>Has white hair/yellow eyes
>literally an angel
>great body
>gets off on bullying retards

Black Hair/Red Eyes > Silver Hair/Silver Eyes > Black Hair/Golden Eyes >>>> Shit >>>> Silver Hair/Golden Eyes

>dies at the end

i think you mean reincarnates