I want to die so I can touch fluffy trumpeters
Sora no Woto
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to be sodomized with a calvados bottle by cute girls.
I always wondered why they don't taste they are drinking alcohol, even while drinking straight from the bottle. It's not exactly a weak drink.
How does it make you feel that Seiya will marry Kanata?
Another thread? Not that I complain, but what's the point?
Didn't know there was a thread recently, haven't even visited Sup Forums in months. Besides, what's the point in anything?
Shit, I need to buy a new bottle of calvados.
Bootleg calvados made in Spain?
What do you think she smells like?
Kishida art is godly.
Alcohol and piss?
any more of the artist?
I like this answer.
S2 where they travel the world and watch how it finally dies due to desertification when?
Because in your heart you know it's true.
Honestly I would just want an OVA collection instead of S2 that would include the episodes the creators wanted to put in (Filicia in hospital, Kanata visiting her family etc).
Well I'd take anything as long as I get more SnW
Ideally I'd want a remake with more episodes and better animation.
Sora no Woto related? Some, but he also has done quite a lot of other illustrations if you're interested. I was about to post some but the file size was too big, so I'll pass this time. I like his works in Hanasaku Iroha really much too.
Kureha is fine too.
Better hope the universe is indeed a simulation so your 2D world can exist when you pass on.
Anime girls are tough as nails.
But why do some then get drunk on soda? This question keeps me awake at nights.
It's one of the great mysteries of the world.
That's a good point, at least they're friendly drunks though.
okay, thanks senpai, gonna check it out
I'm going to marry Kanata.
Not if I get there first!
I went cuenca but it wasn't full of anime girls
tell us more user, did you rike it?
How do you feel about a second season made by 3Hz?
Yes please.
It was fun actually, despite I'm practically a shut-in so foreign country was really an adventure. You appreciate the series more when you spot familiar places and have the feeling of having been there.
I would like this series more but compared to SnW it seems somewhat soulless
You should have licked the floor, just to be sure.
This It's cute but it doesn't have the same atmosphere.
These are some that I found to have a similar feeling and theme to SnW:
Shinsekai yori
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Kino no Tabi (Original)
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo
>no Haibane Renmei
Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done right.
Shut up.
I actually spent every day licking the floors for piss traces. It was simple but fulfilling life.
They're both done right.
It fits the atmosphere but it's not really the same "post-civilization" theme.
I don't think many of the series have similar feeling. SSY is one if my favorites but still I think only the setting is similar which makes comparison a stretch.
Why do the fanbases overlap?
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that got wide vibes
I think it kind of is there. At least they are implied to be dead so the "post"-part is definitely there.
This was never funny and does nothing but spawn shitposting about two of my all time favourite shows. Please stop.
Why didn't you tell me Yumina fucking dies?
Kureha is also sexually-assaulted. It's a common problem in the military. It really made me think about how alcohol can turn a little harmless flirting into full-on rape.
Why is SnW such a deep series?
Doot doot
What does this face convey?
It's a bugle
Shut up retard, nobody likes you.
I love him.
Yeah, you love him. But you don't like him.
Why do people keep spoiling Haibane Renmei in SnW threads? I've been putting off watching it for hella long to get the spoilers out of recent memory but it just keeps happening.
Haibane Renmei is a better show if you get spoiled beforehand, and I'm not even joking.
Are you seriously complaining about spoilers on Sup Forums?
What's wrong with that?
It's just that it's an environment where they aren't monitored or disallowed in any way, so I thought it's strange.
But which Joe?
What, how so? Isn't the best part coming up with your own theories?
I want to princess carry Kureha so much.
Can't wait until the dream, guess I'll buy some calvados this time and hug my rifle.
I guess the sweetness makes that sort of effect.
Who is the most underrated woto and why is it Aisha
disgusting Roman slut
Aisha is literally the purest character in the series, you take that back right now young man.
Post Noel.
are we pretending that Kanata doesn't exist, or that Aisha isn't a homewrecking traitor
>Willing to forgive a mass murderer
>Takes literal bullets for others
>Followed her pure dreams to faraway lands
>Found in snow like a frail maiden
>Has the original version of the myth which is better anyway
>Has innocent reactions to lewdness, probably not even aware of penis
>Plays amazing grace better than rest of the cast
>While rest of the crew pilots a tank which is as close as to fallos symbolism as you can get, Aisha is covering under a comfy blanket which signifies her purity and sheltered state
>Instead of wrecking homes is the final factor that solidifies the unity of the cast
>Probably smells the best because tank crews realistically smell like shit
>Has the Indian dot in her face which symbolizes third eye or some shit, wears it probably ironically
Tell me again how Aisha isn't objectively the purest and best woto?
alright you've convinced me that Aisha is cool and a good girl, but she still isn't as pure as Kanata. Aisha's first response to seeing an enemy solider, who was caring to her wounds, was "well shit gotta kill em", while Kanata's first reaction to an enemy was "wow they're just like us, we could be friends lets help her"
Kanata is a good girl too, but she's far from pure.
>Goes into army with the intention to abuse the system for her benefit
>Has a large family so it's implied her genes will lead her to fuck like a rabbit
>Often wears military uniforms improperly
>Water on her clothes naturally assumes the shape of Australia, which is well known for its debauchery
>Pisses all over the goddamn floor while moaning audibly
>Literally rapes Kureha
Show me 1 (one) human that doesn't moan when releasing after holding on for so long.
That's the part you focused on and not the part where she participates in a drunken rape orgy?
Show me 1 (one) human that is able to function completely rationally under alcoholic influence.
Show me 1 (one) human who wouldn't rape Kureha.
She doesn't drink as hard as the rest
When's the stream again, the same day? It's pretty much the only thing I'm looking forward to.
On top of all this, she speaks German, the sexiest of languages
>Be depressed going into 2010
>Participate in the livewatch and SPECULAH chart threads
>Stop being depressed partially because show is just so upbeat in the face of death
>Preorder DVD set ("Sorry user, we have no information regarding Bluray sales." -RightStuf)
>Use soundtrack at home audio conventions as demo music
>Get first date with first girlfriend to marathon the show together
That was seven years ago. Why does time pass? Why are we still here?
If there's no meaning to it, you can just find your own.
Which Wotos would be the most fun to date and why would it be Rio or Felicia?
Obligated post
>PTSD lady
>Angsty teenager
I think Kanata would be objectively funniest to date.
And pretty decently too, apparently. Such godsend.