Reminder that love never last
Reminder that love never last
Will I ever find love, Sup Forums?
>inb4 3DPD
Your waifus are and wont be real
Did she put herself in self inflicted eternal sleep so she could be with him?
Go back to reddshit, then, so you can be with other normalfags.
It reminds me that hentai with the robot girl that set her system to shutdown as soon his love died of old age. Some science guy said they could easily reboot her, but the director of the robot company told him to "let her rest".
The ephemeral nature of things is an important aspect of moe. Carpe diem.
she killed him though
That post is a delusioned mess
but then again, what does?
yeah, i read that too. now you make me want to find
Fuck off /r9k/
Is this a sequel for that mail order elf doujin or something?
Fags pls go and stay go.
This one gets me everytime.
Fuck sakes. Every time.
Wow I feel embarrassment just reading that post
>/r9k/ tf no gf trash
i am not ready for when this happens. never will
You won't even notice the change, as it will happen in subtle little steps, over many years, just as it has done over the past years.
Honestly, I don't give a shit about things I did in the past.
>internet abolished
what the fuck? why? who would be stupid enough to do this, let alone convince a bunch of others to do the same?
It won't be abolished, it will just be replaced with a tamed version, basically with no dark net for end users.
reminder that someone can go through their whole life avoiding getting intimate with their wives because they're cucks
Some love barely even begins
They know they are pathetic, they don't need a reminder.
I doubt anyone's experience with Sup Forums is that meaningful. In the 9 years I've used, the only 3 emotions I've felt here are laughter, anger, and pity.
Is that a Blade Runner reference?
The reason people keep coming back here is because all the alternative are shit.
I've been here for two years and I've only had fun for like the first two months.
Love is over.
The first two months I was on Sup Forums I was constantly seeing nightmares that girls I knew had dicks. I shouldn't ever had browsed Sup Forums.
I remember reading that 6 years ago, gave me feels. Too bad I forgot the title and it'll be a pain in the ass to find it again. If anyone remembers the title, please do tell.
>girls I knew had dicks
I don't follow.
Believe machine by Ozaken
He means they stopped being nightmares after the first two months.
Thank you user! I shall now feel those feels again.
>yfw she killed herself
This implies you know girls and you're not gay.
You... You can't make me cry. You are just not able to so that. It's just... just rain.
>All you fuckers accepting death
I don't know about you asswipes but I fully intend to become immortal. Though I should really start to work on how.
It sucks you can't find this type of love in real life.
>implying digital is not real
This thread made me emotional on a event which should be a spooky one
Yes, you can. the trend that it's not from an human female holds true though.
Here's an "easy" way you can do it right now
>go to Canada/Russia/Alaska/Greenland
>put out a message on social media telling everybody what you're doing
>tell them NOT to get your body before the year 2100 or the plan is fucked
>go as far north as you can (below 32 C)
>post a final picture so they know it's real
>when you finally pass out, get frozen
>hopefully in the future your body gets dug up
and can be revived
Freezing blows up your cells.
You have better chances going a better strategy:
1) become a billionaire
2) invest in longevity research and lobbying for longevity research
3) hope that the researchers get the first useful results before your brain is irreparably damaged by old age
>I fully intend to become immortal
I too desire for that, my best hope is robotic bodies and mind transferring but I'm afraid that might be too far away from us. I secretly hope magic is real and we'll wield it someday but that's too much wishful thinking.
Magic is just technology we do not yet understand.
Who is this? I remember one girl who was a widow and is a slut in this LN
It's a manga about Jews.
He's with his waifu now.
I hope to see you in Digital Heaven my friend.
I mean look at the advantages over normal Heaven
>When Digital Heaven is invented, you will know that after your death you won't die at all and will definitely continue, unlike normal shitty heaven, where you are really just hoping you don't just fall into void, which you most likely will.
>Can shitpost at living people
>Can still watch anime
>Can take over unsuspecting peoples houses and kill them in their sleep by flooding their house with carbon monoxide
>Possibility to get robotic vessel to interact with the physical world
>Can interact with fully synthetic AI and try to seduce it
What's not to like?
Does real love exist?
>>When Digital Heaven is invented, you will know that after your death you won't die at all and will definitely continue, unlike normal shitty heaven, where you are really just hoping you don't just fall into void, which you most likely will.
More like, you will be stuck in a format where it won't be considered murder even if somebody pulls the plug on you because theoretically they could just reboot you. After 20 years of inactivity, your hard drive dies and no one really cares because no one really remembers you anyway.
Even if they don't shut you down, your power over your processing power is limited. Once you are sidelined over more important things (or people), you may be technically living, but at a pace where you can barely interact with others and the relative speed of change outside will be simply incomprehensible for slow little you.
We first need a legal system that fully supports digital entities (which won't come around until after the first few generations were crushed by the free market) and we need political stability in the real world that current trends are not promising at all.
Mind transferring isn't a real thing, you'd just end up dead with a digital clone of yourself with all your memories living on. Which is great for them, but you're still dead as a door nail. The only remotely "feasible" option would be to become a brain in a jar hooked up to artificial sensory apparatus. Even then you'd still have to worry about your neurons getting damaged or wearing out or whatever, or an earthquake or meteor or war destroying the facility you are housed in.
Accept that you're a human being with a birth and death and learn to be happy in spite of that like an adult, rather than entertaining childish delusions that you're somehow important enough for immortality
Reminder to learn English before posting, faggot.
You have shown me the ways my euphoric friend. Tips out to you
If you believe in heaven then mind transferring and digital heaven nonsense is even more retarded to want because you're just delaying your own everlasting paradise for a shitty terrestrial knockoff
There's nothing fedora or euphoric or atheist about telling people to grow up and do something with their lives because they're going to grow old and die eventually. If anything fedorafags are the ones most deluded into thinking they'll upload their minds because they don't believe in an afterlife but still want a way to hide from their existential fear of nonexistence.
lain is my favorite show btw.
We still don't understand how consciousness can work. As it currently stands mind transferring is impossible because nobody understands what makes our conscious work. As soon as we figure that out then pseudo immortality will be within reach. So in that sense it isn't mind uploading (All that would do is make a memory copy) that I seek, it is conciousness uploading that I long for
From what I hear they aren't planning any conversions, but to actually simulate the brain on the computer. You don't need to understand how exactly the consciousness works if you just copy it.
They aren't planning any conversions yet, how are we going to convert something we can't understand? Mind Copying might be the first step in understanding consciousness, but it is by no means the goal.
With every conversion the question of whether the result is still you gains urgency.
Conversions are lossy almost by definition.
The human body mostly refreshes itself entirely every 7-15 years anyway (with some exceptions). It doesn't have to be perfect. I think. Imagine having a digitally corrupted consciousness though, what the fuck would that even be like?
The heat death of the Universe is coming. Eschaton, baby. Nothing, forever.
Pretty sure the point of their story is that love is eternal.
Are we being raided?
>Implying that I couldn't just drift through space for an eternity until something happens and life begins anew.
Alternatively I could just bump into a wormhole, with interesting results
Alternatively I could bump into a black hole, with awful results
Or I could wait/hope for humanity or some alien fuckers to manage to become a type IV civilization or even a type V so we can fuck off to other universes (If they exist)
He achieved immortality.
>Comic Mujin
So he stuffed her full of dick for 70 years.
>The human body mostly refreshes itself entirely every 7-15 years anyway (with some exceptions). It doesn't have to be perfect.
This is not about perfection, this is about acceptable margin of error.
Let's say the average non-you person is 15% different from you. If the digital copy of you is 10% different from you, is that really you? There is a point where you no longer need to bother scanning your own brain in order to achieve immortality. Just pick a random stranger and he'll do just fine. Give him a knowledge upgrade to include your biography and you're "represented" by him.
Don't dismiss this issue like it's no big deal.
sauce, mother fucking pleasee1!!
>can create artificial human like robots that feel
>not even 70 year later we can turn ourselves into cyborg to delay aging.
The bills for the robot upkeep were too high. He couldn't afford proper medical care.
The only think that'll happen is you'll long for death that never come and would eventually shop thinking.
You immortality fatalists are quite silly.
Truly eternal life is not something that should be considered in this context because it's pretty much impossible anyway.
And then you fuck with the laws of physics and your own definition of eternal life just to prove a point.